Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Ismo Leikola - Raksamies versuri traducere în engleză


Construction guy

There's a mystical silver plumber guy
There's a electrician guy vanished for a week
There's a plate guy seeing flying plates
And a puke guy puking in corner
You knew my commercial name Markku
That company doesn't exist anymore
You tore the pages off the accounting
Now far away from Finland
Construction guy knows the bullshit
That one guy was scarving wooden guys
Even though he was working with hourly wage
Many construction sites are standing and waiting
But somewhere he is making a deal about next one
I come today, no I come tomorrow
Next week is bad but the next one
Well now I just didn't care to answer
And when he finally comes, you won't dare to rage
Cause he will come next time even slower the
Construction guy knows the bullshit
There's a mystical silver plumber guy
There's a electrician guy vanished for a week
There's a plate guy seeing flying plates
And a puke guy puking in corner

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Ismo Leikola

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