Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Traduceri de versuri în română și engleză

Număr de rezultate: 106771


Trandafiri roșii

Angel heart, 'cause we never talk for long
Angel heart, once your heart beat close to mine
Angel heart, now it's beating out of time
Is there someone new?
How can I live a lie if it's true?
Angel love, you're deep in my heart
Angel love, you tear me apart
Angel love, I still want you so
Angel love, I can never let you go
Angel heart, I can't hide the tears I cry
Angel heart, you can see them in my eyes
Angel heart, is there nothing I can say?
Angel heart, does it have to end this way?
Is there someone new?
How can I live a lie, is it true?
Angel love, you're deep in my heart
Angel love, you tear me apart
Angel love, I still want you so
Angel love, I just can't let you go
My heart will break,
But what else can I do?
And the next step I take
Will I take it on my own or be with you?
Angel love, you're deep in my heart
Angel love, you tear me apart
Angel love, I still want you so
Angel love, I just can't let you go
Just can't let you go


Летите, голуби

Летите, голуби, летите
Для вас нигде преграды нет.
Несите, голуби, несите
Народам мира наш привет.
Пусть над землею ветер стонет,
Пусть в черных тучах небосвод,
В пути вас коршун не догонит,
С пути вас буря не собьет.
Во имя счастья и свободы
Летите, голуби, вперед.
Глядят с надеждою народы
На ваш стремительный полет.
Летите, голуби, летите
В лучах зари и в грозной мгле,
Зовите, голуби, зовите
К труду и миру на земле.


Et mon piano est en pleurs

Quand je vous regarde je vois l'amour qui dort
Et mon piano est en pleurs
Le sol qui nous porte méritait un autre sort
Et mon piano est en pleurs
Pourquoi ces gens ne nous ont pas dit
Que l'amour nous attend ?
Pourquoi ces gens nous ont pervertis ?
On nous achète on nous vend
Je regarde la terre qui continue de tourner
Et mon piano est en pleurs
Je sais les erreurs nous permettront d'avancer
Mais mon piano est en pleurs
Pourquoi ces gens nous ont détournés
Et pourquoi rien ne bouge ?
Pourquoi ces gens ont tout inversé ?
Je lance une alerte rouge


Pot să te sun înapoi ?

She had a hard time
Don't misunderstand her
Or play with her mind
Treat her so gently
It will pay you in time
You gotta know
She's a sensitive kind
Tell her you love her
Each and every night
You will discover
She will treat you right
If you believe
I know you will find
There ain't nothing like
A sensitive kind
She gets so lonely
Waiting for you
You are the only
Thing to help her through
Don't take her for granted
She had a hard time
You gotta know
She's a sensitive kind



Все твои слёзы просто превращаю в лёд
Я спрячу сердце, его никто не найдёт
Не вижу смысла кончить этот эпизод
Я вижу выход, но не могу найти вход
Все твои слёзы просто превращаю в лёд
Я спрячу сердце, его никто не найдёт
Не вижу смысла кончить этот эпизод
Я вижу выход, но не могу найти вход
Все твои слёзы просто превращаю в лёд
Я спрячу сердце, его никто не найдёт
Не вижу смысла кончить этот эпизод
Я вижу выход, но не могу найти вход
Много говоришь — пустые слова
Самый одинокий парень я навсегда
Как бы не хотел, но ты одна нужна
Боль и слёзы, да, бывает, иногда
Все твои слёзы просто превращаю в лёд
Я спрячу сердце, его никто не найдёт
Бывает больно, но я знаю, всё пройдёт
Я вижу выход, но не могу найти вход
Все твои слёзы просто превращаю в лёд
Я спрячу сердце, его никто не найдёт
Бывает больно, но я знаю, всё пройдёт
Я вижу выход, но не могу найти вход
И не растопишь, и не сможешь забыть
Где-то без меня нашла новую жизнь
Тебя так манит этот холодный мир
И ты как айсберг, ведь я снова разбит
It's so hard, это сложно
Она застыла в ожидании солнца
Но я не думаю что сможет согреть
Её ледяную душу, остаётся лишь смотреть
Все твои слёзы просто превращаю в лёд
Я спрячу сердце, его никто не найдёт
Не вижу смысла кончить этот эпизод
Я вижу выход, но не могу найти вход
Все твои слёзы просто превращаю в лёд
Я спрячу сердце, его никто не найдёт
Не вижу смысла кончить этот эпизод
Я вижу выход, но не могу найти вход
Все твои слёзы просто превращаю в лёд
Я спрячу сердце, его никто не найдёт
Не вижу смысла кончить этот эпизод
Я вижу выход, но не могу найти вход
Все твои слёзы просто превращаю в лёд
Я спрячу сердце, его никто не найдёт
Не вижу смысла кончить этот эпизод
Я вижу выход, но не могу найти вход



Pour ces bois obscurs maintenant endormis.
Sans nous attendre tant de saisons ont passé

Écailles de lune (Part I)

La lumière de juillet s'eteint sur les grèves et songeur, je laisse mes pensées se perdre à l'horizon flamboyant.
La rumeur des vagues m'apaise, je profite de cet instant précieux, invitant la chaude brise marine à raviver mes sens alanguis.
Hanté par le mirage des jours heureux j'attends que naissent au large les échos de la nuit.
Mes pensées se noient à l'horizon.


Écailles de lune (Part II)

Les heures filent, la mer soupire sous des astres lointains déposés en une pincée d'or tremblante sur les houles.
Elle ouvre sa danse hypnotique, et absorbe mon regard décoloré.
Telle une âme en suspension, je voudrais sans crainte disparaître sous les flots

L'enfant de la lune (月の子)

今宵 星たちは踊る
星たちは踊り ため息をつく
波の刻む リズムに合わせて
そして私たちを見守る穏やかな月が 浜辺の上に昇り
眠れる黒い水の中へ再び落ちてゆく 私たちの魂の奥底へ流れ込んでゆく
Les regrets accompagnent
Des vagues qui vont et viennent
Sur le sable incolore incessamment
Les vagues entrent dans la ronde
De la Lune ascendante en veille
Sur les âmes errantes
Que de là-haut elle rappelle
L'enfant que j'étais autrefois
Contre le glas des heures dernières
En silence perdure et rêve
Cet enfant de la Lune etrange
Contemplant toujours la mer
Au sommet d'îles desértes
Lors des longues nuits solitaires
Ce soir les étoiles dansent
Pour raviver l'espérance
Les étoiles dansent et soupirent
Au rythme des vagues en cadence
Et la Lune calme qui nous observe
Surplombant les grèves retombe
Dans les eaux noires dormantes
Au fond de nos âmes se déverse


Cheia franceză

Yo se que te gusta asi
Pero no tiene toalla, baby
Soy una freak
Dame un beso
Ponte a dormir
Te hace falta ticket para esta posi' *
Ce sa vezi? E măritată,
Dar mă disperă de-un an,
E nebună rău nebuna,
Crede că sunt Jackie Chan.
Mă vede, se-ntoarce,
Vede că imi place
Și stau ca pe ace.
Doamne, cum mai face!
Vrei să-mi bagi cheia franceza,
Să vorbesc limba engleză
După 2-3 pahare,
Tu stai in 4 picioare.
Și îți fac mare program
Ca-n filmele cu Van Damme.
Rambo 1, 2 și 3
Cum le place la femei
Jane, jane so penau,
Tu mă vrei, eu te camau
Tu san miri ...
Tu dilie, eu dilo
Jane, jane so penau
Tu mă vrei, eu te camau,
Tu ... medusa
Pupa-ți-aș ventuza
Yo se que te gusta asi
Pero no tiene toalla, baby
Soy una freak
Dame un beso
Ponte a dormir
Te hace falta ticket para esta posi' *
Te știu, te știu, te știu bine,
Ce vrei să faci tu cu mine,
Vrei sa mă impachetezi,
Să mă înmatriculezi,
Să-mi faci acte, să-mi faci viză,
Să mă conectezi la priză,
Să-mi pui cătușe și zgardă,
Să fiu pe telecomandă.
Vrei să-mi bagi cheia franceza
Să vorbesc limba engleză
După 2-3 pahare,
Tu stai in 4 picioare
Și îți fac mare program
Ca-n filmele cu Van Damme.
Rambo 1, 2 și 3
Cum le place la femei
Jane, jane so penau,
Tu mă vrei, eu te camau
Tu san miri ...
Tu dilie, eu dilo
Jane, jane so penau
Tu mă vrei, eu te camau,
Tu ... medusa
Pupa-ți-aș ventuza
Yo se que te gusta asi
Pero no tiene toalla, baby
Soy una freak
Dame un beso
Ponte a dormir
Te hace falta ticket para esta posi' *
Jane, jane so penau,
Tu mă vrei, eu te camau
Tu san miri ...
Tu dilie, eu dilo
Jane, jane so penau
Tu mă vrei, eu te camau,
Tu ... medusa
Pupa-ți-aș ventuza


Peaceful Alienation

And that's not to say that it's not up to us
to find ourselves separated
and to confront without preparations
our life again alone.
What would you do,
what would I do?
Probably the same things,
a bit lost, a bit confused.
We'd stay here, abandoned to ourselves,
light and a bit faded
sometimes colorful
but alone, ah.
It's perhaps better not to provoke ourselves any longer,
not to underestimate what we have,
to leave and take our hand
again and always free.
But with sincerity,
peaceful alienation,
singing the song
together, ah.
It's perhaps better not to provoke ourselves any longer,
not to underestimate what we have,
to leave and take our hand
again and always free.
But with sincerity,
peaceful alienation,
singing the song
together, ah.
In freedom but with sincerity,
peaceful alienation,
singing the song
together, ah.


The Cicada

The cicada goes mad
in its serenade,
your arms are smooth,
my forehead is sweaty la-la la-la-la la-la.
While all around me
those burnt on the sand,
your mouth wetter,
it smells of my stolen peach la-la la-la-la la-la.
It's perhaps a summer dream
to have you close by,
to see in your eyes
the sails on the blue sea.
The desire to love
and to hear
that cicada
who wants to sing.
I know you leave tomorrow
and your face is already sad,
tears in your eyes,
I've never seen them before la-la la-la-la la-la.
This sea is already smooth
like an old photograph
now that you leave me,
I feel inside a great void la-la la-la-la la-la.
It's perhaps a summer dream
that wants to die,
slowly that returns
against the sunset above.
You're like me
who remains alone
but I don't want to.
It's perhaps a summer dream
that wants to die,
that sun went out
that was inside of us.
Everyone departs
without speaking,
that cicada
will sing for those.
The cicada goes mad
in its serenade.
The cicada goes mad
in its serenade.
The cicada goes mad...


My Sandra

My Sandra, what is it?
You cling tightly to me,
it's already late and at home
your people expect you.
This night has been long,
and the high sun already
from the door onto the street
enters the city.
Think of the look on your mother's face when you arrive.
Scandalized, she'll tell you that she never did it,
coming home at dawn, and she hugs you and then
to me, to me, to me, ah-ah, ah ah.
My Sandra, you know that I
hate everyone at your house.
There's your father with his mania
for virility.
There's you grandmother, a bit manly,
who has too many plans for me at this point
and would like to commandeer
as she has never done.
Perhaps you love me, who knows?
I'm too old for your age and certainly in your home
they're all there thinking that now the little girl
the wolf will eat, ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah, ah ah.
My Sandra, what is it?
You cling tightly to me,
don't be afraid, the rest
doesn't matter, I want you.
We'll even laugh about it this evening,
we'll go where you know
and the night will be long
as it's never been.


And the Music is Coming

The guitar takes off playing,
the double bass came in playing,
the piano goes out of tune,
the drummer joins in beating.
The violin arrives frolicking,
the maracas beats the crescendo,
the mandolin even you singing,
and the music is coming.
Ten hundred thousand are the roads in front of us,
ten hundred thousand are the days in front of us
even if you also do what you don't like,
even if tomorrow you'll never know what it'll bring you.
All together like this hoping
that the music embraces the world
even you that are one with me
dealing with your contract.
Even you who are alone with me,
leave everything as I remember.
Even you who are alone with me,
leave everything as I remember.
All together like this we sing,
the sadness goes away.
All together like this we sing,
the sadness goes away.
And the music is coming,
and the music is coming,
and the music is coming,
and the music is coming.
Ten hundred thousand are the roads in front of us,
ten hundred thousand are the days in front of us
even if you do also what you don't like,
even if tomorrow you'll never know what it'll bring you.
All together like this hoping
that the music embraces the world
even you that are one with me
dealing with your contract.
Even you who are alone with me,
leave everything as I remember.
Even you who are alone with me,
leave everything as I remember.
All together like this we sing,
the sadness goes away.
All together like this we sing,
the sadness goes away.
And the music is coming,
and the music is coming,
and the music is coming,
and the music is coming...


If You Haven't Thought

If you haven't thought about the sun that extinguishes
suddenly the night, about the wave of the sea
that crashes laughing into a ray of moonlight
if a flower doesn't have love for you.
It means you think only about a world
painted by a thousand, a thousand illusions.
It means that you sell your dreams to everyone,
you walk in darkness, you don't sleep at night.
If you haven't thought
about the last leaf
of a red tree
if a flower doesn't have
love for you.
From this moment on, you drink only
with these eyes of mine and the rest doesn't count.
Decide it's your day, say soon it's my dreams
and every minute I keep you close, close to me.


And Life Goes On

Light linen in the cage,
your cigarette butt between your lips,
the calendar on the wall,
the badge on your jacket.
And life goes on, life goes on,
life goes on, oh,
and life goes on also like this
life goes on.
There are a thousand, thousand ways
in which you can live life,
you can be a hermit
if you like.
Or living a life
plutocratic and going out
on Sundays with your kids
for a walk.
Even so life goes on, life goes on,
life goes on, oh,
even so life goes on also like this
life goes on.
A thousand said, no more than a thousand,
the world inevitably will explode,
gaze at the stars this evening
and you feel springtime returning.
And life goes on, life goes on,
life goes on, oh,
and life goes on also like this
life goes on.
Hills in Africa covered with forests
and then deserted
without anyone's mark,
turn around and listen.
Technocratic houses that inside
tax us in spades,
they will be true in my time
to our age.
And life goes on, life goes on,
life goes on, oh,
even so life goes on also like this
life goes on.
And at night you can hear
an old man that speaks about dying
and then upstairs
the voices of a couple that makes love.
And life goes on, life goes on,
life goes on, oh,
even so life goes on also like this
life goes on.
And life goes on, life goes on,
life goes on, oh,
even so life goes on also like this
life goes on.
And life goes on, life goes on,
life goes on, oh,
and life goes on also like this
life goes on.


Snowboy Freestyle

You want to be rich, but you don't want to work for it
You're onto nothing, I don't know what I should think anymore
You won't even reach your goal, I wish you strength
I see all the money in the distance
(?) but I tell you
I said that shit's already coming, way in the distance
All boys getting money, I don't have to fight for it
Oh my god they're ready, I don't even have to say anything (?)
I don't have to bet on it
I'm running running running for that money I have to rush
I'm not with a goofy shit (?)
In my prada jeans, I pay a lot for my denim
I see money just like pokemon, because shit I gotta get em
Little bitch she wants me
But I don't need to know her
Because my (?) only wants money
Shit that's a lesson for me
Bitch I was with Ziggie in Dusseldorf
With (?) all my boys running to (?)
I have never seen her yet, but I know that she knows me
I only look for marra-cash, so I don't want to be pleasant
Joost Klein I'm on green just like celery
I'm still with the same guys
But don't cost the same price anymore
Ten thousand photos in my photo gallery
Ten thousand doors for my show
I have porn in my browser
I'm with Appie Mussa and also with Browers
I'm Mario and you're Bowser
Yeah, you think I'm gay, but I still like women
Damn, I'm on my dimes like Dagobert Duck
I'm with Stuntje at the smartest art (?)
I feel like BLØF
I want what I have
But you have no luck
You are what you eat
So I feel pretty shitty
With (?) I have that green and that purple
It will surprise you, but bitch I can't skate
I'm on another floor, that doll shop window
She said I came too fast, but I never finish last
You want to be rich, but you don't want to work for it
You're onto nothing, I don't know what I should think anymore
You won't even reach your goal, I wish you strength
I see all the money in the distance
(?) but I tell you
I said that shit's already coming, way in the distance
All boys getting money, I don't have to fight for it


Noddy - Intro

Noddy. (Noddy)
He might still be young, but already drives.1
Noddy. (Noddy)
With the bell, he'll take you, too, on a wonderful fairy tale trip.
With Tessie and Tubby and Big Ears and the other friends.2
So, hitch hike with us to Toyland.
Noddy. (Noddy)
  • 1. This lyric incorrectly implies Noddy is capable of growing old.
  • 2. Likely to fit the metre, this version replaces Mr. Plod with Tessie Bear and moves Big Ears to the end. The intro footage is also edited accordingly.



Post-Pat, Post-Pat, always with his cat
The post arrives on time on his route
He always has the post in his van1
Post-Pat, Post-Pat, always with his cat
Pat, with his van, brings the post everywhere
He always has the post in his van
Everybody knows that van
Bringing joy to both big and small
Letters always bring joy
And today there is a letter for you
Post-Pat, Post-Pat, always with his cat
The post arrives on time on his route
He always has the post in his van
He always has the post in his van
He always has the post in his van
  • 1. lit. 'car', 'automobile'


Noddy - Ending

Noddy. (Noddy)
He might still be young, but already drives.
Noddy. (Noddy)
With the bell, he'll take you, too, on a wonderful fairy tale trip.
With Tessie and Tubby and Big Ears and the other friends.
So, hitch hike with us to Toyland.
The time has come to say goodbye, it's late now.
Noddy, too, can't wait to go to sleep, rest his head on the pillow and dream
of what will happen tomorrow.
Noddy. (Noddy)


Плаче моето сърце

Разбирам аз, че лъжеш
в живота с друга си.
Усмихвам се на сила,
но много ме боли.
С нея аз те срещах
щастливи, весели.
Очи надолу свеждах
и капеха сълзи.
Припев: (x2)
Плаче, плаче моето сърце
плаче с глас, като измамено дете
плаче с глас и моята душа,
че любовта ми вярна не разбра.
Писна ми да слушам,
че всичко е наред.
От фалшиви ласки
уморих се днес
и прикриваш с маска своето лице,
но от всичко страда моето сърце.
Припев: (x2)
Припев: (x2)


Ένα λεπτό περιπτερά

Εγώ χωρίζω και χαλάει η ζωή μου,
εγώ χωρίζω κι η καρδιά μου καίγεται.
Κι εσύ χτυπάς το τζάμι απέναντί μου
και μου φωνάζεις 'Συντομεύετε!'.
Ένα λεπτό, περιπτερά,
βουλιάζει στα βαθιά νερά
το τελευταίο μου το πλοίο.
Ένα λεπτό, περιπτερά,
ένας αητός χωρίς φτερά
απόψε λέει αντίο.
Εγώ χωρίζω κι η ζωή μου τελειώνει,
εγώ χωρίζω κι ο καημός δε λέγεται.
Ό,τι αγαπώ απόψε με σκοτώνει
κι εσύ φωνάζεις 'Συντομεύετε!'
Ένα λεπτό, περιπτερά,
βουλιάζει στα βαθιά νερά
το τελευταίο μου το πλοίο.
Ένα λεπτό, περιπτερά,
ένας αητός χωρίς φτερά
απόψε λέει αντίο.

