Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Traduceri de versuri în română și engleză pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 106246


Foe, cross with me

Foe, cross with me
I'm giving you my handkerchief
The handkerchief and I want
For you to ask something else of me

My spring, my summer
To be kissing you my love
Autumn is your hand
Winter is your embrace

Your love in the world
Jesus' teachings
Were full of nice smells
The trees of the mountains

Foe, cross with me
I'm giving you my bracelet
The bracelet and I want
For you to ask something else of me



I'm falling, falling, covered in my bruises
I don't defend myself, I'm falling and without you I die again
I'm falling, falling in creased book covers
Stands hope, written in your tear

And now what is my punishment
For all of your pain
Is it a mask or a farce
That you're even saying that
You love me every day
I'm fighting, tired
There's no going back, I know, for us

Don't look at me, go
Our time is up, go
A burden on my back
But now I carry it without you
Between us the tides are too strong, go
I'll keep your name, it's better if you go*
And when you're doing better
Then you won't think of me

Oh am I, the only one who misses us
In my body now the whole world stopped
Withered like a gentle flower, and hurting
It's just as if they knew
That I'll remain alone at sunrise
My strength is betraying me
My strength is betraying me

Don't look at me, go
Our time is up, go
A burden on my back
But now I carry it without you
Between us the tides are too strong, go
I'll keep your name (You'll keep my name)
And when you're doing better
Then you won't think of me

Don't look at me, go
Our time is up, go
A burden on my back
But now I carry it without you
Between us the tides are too strong, go
I'll keep your name, it's better if you go
And when you're doing better
Then you won't think of me

Come on, come on, come on
All of our fairy tales have been written off
A burden on my back
But now I carry it without you
Come on, come on, come on
We're aware that this is all in vain
And that seed that's been sown
Doesn't even have a chance to wither
My strength is betraying me

Don't look at me, go
Our time is up, go
Don't look at me
Our time is up


Susanna, all cream

They call you Susanna, all cream
And when you walk by, who knows why
My blood boils, and my vision blurs
Mama, mama, I can't control myself anymore
My dear Susanna, your power is all here
Here, here
You're all milk and honey, all cream
You carry your dowry on yourself
And the man who marries you won't be fooled
Mama, mama, I want her just for me
I don't eat baba anymore, I don't want cream puffs
No bonbons, no milkshakes
All day long, sitting at the café
I only eat cream and think of you
They call you Susanna, all cream
And everyone would love to have a taste
But I'll give you my heart and a little cottage
Mama, don't say no to me
If I get married
It will only be with Susanna

I only eat cr
I only eat cr
I only eat cream and think of you
You're all milk and honey, all cream
You carry your dowry with you
And the man who marries you won't be fooled
Mama, don't say no to me
If I get married
It will be with my Susanna
I know it
Susanna, Su-Su-Su-Susà


Solos tú y yo

El mar se quedó solo con su inquietud
Y fue perdiendo tono su intenso azul
El sol en su escapada dejó sin luz
La oculta playa que amabas tú

Y en la arena que guarda aún tu calor
Revivo paso a paso lo que ocurrió
Viendo como las olas desnudas van
Detrás de la espuma y en su jugar

Solos tú y yo
Y esa forma diferente de amar
De apurar toda la vida
La absurda vida
Que nos retiene

Solos tú y yo
Poseídos de un deseo brutal
Jadeantes y convulsos
Perdiendo incluso el pudor y el miedo
Al qué dirán, al qué dirán

Cuando llegue esta carta a tu lugar
Tal vez ya no te acuerdes de la ansiedad
Que nos mordía en el alma sin compasión
Hasta quedar rendidos de tanto amor

Y tal vez con el tiempo solo seré
Un lejano recuerdo desde tu ayer
El complemento justo para pasar
Aquellas vacaciones cerca del mar

Solos tú y yo
Y esa forma diferente de amar
De apurar toda la vida
La absurda vida
Que nos retiene

Solos tú y yo
Poseídos de un deseo brutal
Jadeantes y convulsos
Perdiendo incluso el pudor y el miedo
Al qué dirán, al qué dirán
Cerca del mar

Solos tú y yo
Solos tú y yo
Tú y yo


¿Qué me dejó tu amor
que no fueran pesares?
Acaso tú me diste
tan sólo un momento de felicidad.

¿Qué me dejó tu amor?
Mi vida se pregunta
y el corazón responde:
pesares, pesares,
y el corazón responde:
pesares, pesares.

La primavera de mi corazón
contigo no tuvo perfumes
y hasta la propia vida
se me fue llenando de desilusión.

¿Qué me dejó tu amor?
Mi vida se pregunta
y el corazón responde:
pesares, pesares,
y el corazón responde:
pesares, pesares.

¿Qué me dejó tu amor
que no fueran pesares?
Acaso tú me diste
tan sólo un momento de felicidad.

¿Qué me dejó tu amor?
Mi vida se pregunta
y el corazón responde:
pesares, pesares,
y el corazón responde:
pesares, pesares.

La primavera de mi corazón
contigo no tuvo perfumes
y hasta la propia vida
se me fue llenando de desilusión.

¿Qué me dejó tu amor?
Mi vida se pregunta
y el corazón responde:
pesares, pesares,
y el corazón responde:
pesares, pesares.


Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)

Aerul are gust de sare
stând aici, lângă mare.
Plaja e goală, nu mai ești aici
soarele deja a apus,
ploaia este pe cale să cadă
nisipul e rece între degetele mele.

Septembrie te-a luat de lângă mine,
septembrie m-a găsit singur aici.
Te iubesc mai mult ca oricând,
te iubesc, și de acum înainte
doar singurătatea mă va însoți.

Te iubesc mai mult ca oricând,
te iubesc, și de acum înainte
doar singurătatea mă va însoți.

Două lacrimi de sare
au alunecat și au căzut,
mă reîntorc pe această lume.
Am visat că poate
îți amintești și tu
că într-o zi ne-am iubit pe plajă.

Septembrie te-a luat de lângă mine,
septembrie m-a găsit singur aici.
Te iubesc mai mult ca oricând,
te iubesc, și de acum înainte
doar singurătatea mă va însoți.

Te iubesc mai mult ca oricând,
te iubesc, și de acum înainte
doar singurătatea mă va însoți.

Septembrie te-a luat de lângă mine,
septembrie m-a găsit singur aici.
Septembrie te-a luat de lângă mine,
septembrie m-a găsit singur aici.

Nopțile de San Juan

Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)

Legendele spun că în nopțile de San Juan
Țiganii se adună să cânte.
Au fuste cu buline și cămăși din bumbac,
Căruțe din lemn și carton
Care călătoresc în convoi.

Sunt copiii soarelui, ai stelelor și ai iubirii,
Sunt nomazi care nu locuiesc nicăieri,
Sunt oameni mândri, care au o inimă mare.
Dacă-i întâlnești și iluzia le-o împărtășești,
Devin frații tăi, și-ți vor îngădui
Să cânți cu ei în San Juan.

Sub stele focurile dăruiesc căldură
Și chipurile se luminează de dragoste.
Pe foc fierb cazane de metal,
Și acum cântă vocea unei chitare...
Este magia de San Juan.

Sunt copiii soarelui, ai stelelor și ai iubirii,
Sunt nomazi care nu locuiesc nicăieri,
Sunt oameni mândri, care au o inimă mare.
Dacă-i întâlnești și iluzia le-o împărtășești,
Devin frații tăi, și-ți vor îngădui
Să cânți cu ei în San Juan.

Devin frații tăi, și-ți vor îngădui
Să cânți cu ei în San Juan.

Sunt copiii soarelui, ai stelelor și ai iubirii,
Sunt nomazi care nu locuiesc nicăieri,
Sunt oameni mândri, care au o inimă mare...

Necesito una amiga

La historia que vivimos, fue siempre la locura
De dos enamorados, que no se conocían
Antes todo era mágico, y al tiempo complicado
A veces imposible, y otras veces demasiado

Necesito una amiga, que me ayude sin preguntar
Necesito una amiga, que me ayude a olvidarte
Necesito una amiga, que este siempre a mi lado
Necesito una amiga, que me tienda una mano

No hubo nada lógico, fue todo inesperado
Ha sido una aventura, que nunca he olvidado
Tu recuerdo me persigue, aunque quiera desterrarlo
Te llevo aun clavada, y por eso me haces daño

Necesito una amiga, que me ayude sin preguntar
Necesito una amiga que me ayude a olvidarte
Necesito una amiga, que este siempre a mi lado
Necesito una amiga, que me tienda una mano

Necesito una amiga, que me ayude sin preguntar
Necesito una amiga, que me ayude a olvidarte
Necesito una amiga, que este siempre a mi lado
Necesito una amiga, que me tienda una mano

Creo que escogimos, el camino equivocado
Tal vez en el futuro, volvamos a encontrarnos
Y será porque así somos, un encuentro apasionado
Pero hoy quiero olvidarte, porque aún me haces daño

Necesito una amiga, que me ayude sin preguntar
Necesito una amiga, que me ayude a olvidarte
Necesito una amiga, que este siempre a mi lado
Necesito una amiga, que me tienda una mano

Necesito una amiga

Deschide-ți Inima

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Ai grijă!

Te văd pe stradă și tu treci pe lângă mine
Mă faci să vreau să-mi las capul în jos și să plâng
Dacă mi-ai da o jumătate de șansă ai vedea
Dorința mea arzând în mine
Dar tu alegi să te uiți în altă parte
A trebuit să muncesc mult mai mult decât atât
Pentru ceva ce vreau, nu încerca să-mi reziști

Deschide-ți inima pentru mine, iubitule
Eu am lacătul iar tu ai cheia
Deschide-ți inima pentru mine, iubitule
Îți voi da dragoste dacă tu, tu întorci cheia

Cred că ți-e frică să te uiți în ochii mei
Pari un pic trist, băiete, mă întreb de ce
Te urmăresc, dar tu nu poți vedea
Ești prea prins în mintea ta ca să observi
Așa că alegi să te uiți în altă parte
Ei bine, am ceva de spus
Nu încerca să fugi, pot ține pasul cu tine
Nimic nu mă poate opri din a încerca, trebuie să...


Deschide-ți inima cu cheia
Unu este un număr atât de singuratic

Ah, ah, ah, ah
Deschide-ți inima, o să te fac să mă iubești
Nu e așa de greu, dacă doar întorci cheia

Nu încerca să fugi, pot ține pasul cu tine
Nimic nu mă poate opri din a încerca, trebuie să...


Deschide-ți inima cu cheia

Deschide-ți inima, o să te fac să mă iubești
Nu e așa de greu, dacă doar întorci cheia

Он тебя целует

Вечером тёплым брожу одна
«Ты не сможешь вернуть меня», шепчет бродяга дождь
Знаю, что встретишь меня с другим
Лучше б это была не я, но рядом с ним я иду

Ты ж меня так любил, так любил
Думал, что я ждала тебя, что же я сделала?
Ты ж меня так любил, так любил, а теперь потерял меня

А он меня целует, говорит, что любит
И ночами обнимает, к сердцу прижимает
А я мучаюсь от боли со своей любовью
Фотографии в альбоме о тебе напомнят, о тебе

Вечером тёплым гремит гроза
Снова видишь ты нас вдвоём и улыбаешься
В сторону я отвожу глаза
Что же делаешь ты со мной? Зачем издеваешься?

Ты ж меня так любил, так любил
Думал, что я ждала тебя, что же я сделала?
Ты ж меня так любил, так любил, а теперь потерял меня

А он меня целует, говорит, что любит
И ночами обнимает, к сердцу прижимает
А я мучаюсь от боли со своей любовью
Фотографии в альбоме о тебе напомнят, о тебе, о тебе
А я мучаюсь от боли со своей любовью
Фотографии в альбоме о тебе напомнят

Что же я сделала? Что же я сделала?
Ты ж меня так любил, что же я сделала?
Что же я сделала? Что же я сделала?
Ты ж меня так любил

А он меня целует, говорит, что любит
И ночами обнимает, к сердцу прижимает
А я мучаюсь от боли со своей любовью
Фотографии в альбоме о тебе напомнят

Он меня целует, говорит, что любит!
И ночами обнимает, к сердцу прижимает!
А я мучаюсь от боли со своей любовью!
Фотографии в альбоме о тебе напомнят, о тебе


I'm pretty sure that day too,
it was a blue sky just like today's
The moment I heard your sudden farewell,
without any words with which to reply,
I shed tears and started to run off
Come chase me, don't leave me alone
Thinking you might call me to stop,
I tried to turn around,
but there I saw you from behind

They still appear in my eyes,
our moments like a single picture
You would wear the sweater I knitted for you
and use your index finger to play the piano
that you were never even capable of playing
While pouring cups of tea,
I often thought
'Someday we'll have these kind of days again and again'
while fully soaking in the sunshine
of the warm afternoon

It's as if it just happened yesterday
I feel like you'll come to me any moment now
When I'm lonely, I can't help but remember
that nameless song
that you'd always sing for me
Tomorrow morning, I'm gonna leave this apartment
Memories of you
are so painful for me,
but I'm gonna become a girl who can smile
and explain that these things happened


Unchangeable mornings

From the light of this languid morning that deeply soaks through me,
I'm awoken from a shallow dream and I raise my blank eyes
I noticed cold tears suddenly running down my cheeks,
and even though it's just me in this room, I hid my face in my pillow

In unchangeable mornings
I'm getting fed up of this weak me
With unchangeable tears
Today's another day unchanging as usual
Just in case I can perhaps return to the me from those days one more time,
my heart is open
But now, even if I call for you with all my strength, it'll never reach you
That's you who I can't meet - I'll forget you....

In front of my mirror, I try to change my mood,
but there I see me talking to you

In unchangeable mornings
I wander in a dream, in the tenderness
With unchangeable tears
Today's another day just the same as those days
I could still pledge my love to you with unchanging feelings now
But I'd only hurt you
Even so, just as I trust that our mornings will return,
I'll one day forget us who can't meet...

I could still pledge my love to you with unchanging feelings now
But I'd only hurt you
Even so, just as I trust that our mornings will return,
I'll one day forget us who can't meet...


Jasbo Brown

Jasbo Brown
What an inventor this
Jasbo Brown
In just a few hours, do you know what he does?
He gives the world
The most beautiful music
Yes, the very one
That’s long been called jazz
Because it was Jasbo Brown
Who christened jazz
It happened one afternoon in that country
The U.S.A.
With stars and stripes aplenty
For this simple reason
Dixieland was born
'Come on and hear
Come on and hear
Alexander's Ragtime Band'
Jasbo Brown
What an inventor this
Jasbo Brown
I bet Da Vinci, Volta, and Gutenberg
Whisper among themselves:
'I like jazz, I’m sincere
Oh yes! I would have gladly discovered it myself'

Jasbo Brown
What an inventor this
Jasbo Brown
In just a few hours, do you know what he does?
He gives the world
Yes, the most beautiful music
Yes, the very one
That’s long been called jazz
Because it was Jasbo Brown
Who christened jazz
It happened one afternoon in that country
The U.S.A.
With stars and stripes aplenty
For this simple reason
Dixieland was born
'Come on and hear (yes, man)
Come on and hear (yes, man)
Alexander's Ragtime Band'
Jasbo Brown
What an inventor this
Jasbo Brown
I bet Da Vinci, Volta, and Gutenberg
Whisper among themselves:
'I like jazz, I’m sincere
Oh yes! I would have gladly discovered it myself'

Jas, Jas, Jas, Jasbo Brown
What a splendid invention it was
Oh, mister Jasbo Brown, thank you


Good Day, Love

Ask me to invent words
To comfort you,
Ask me to take for you
Festive rays from your sun,
Ask me to give you the color
Of the voice with which I tell you...

Good day, love!
I was waiting for you and you came
I was arguing with the nights
And I woke up sleepless.
Good day, love!
With which words shall I help you to speak to me,
So that I may understand from the beginning?

Good day, love!
I've greeted you before,
You didn't even notice me
When you crossed my street.
Good day, love!
Welcome and thank you
That you exist, that you came, that I love!

Ask me to make your silence
As sweet as a caress,
Ask me to make your gaze
Warm like a memory,
Ask me to give you
The rest of the seas from my eyes.

Good day, love!
I was waiting for you and you came
I was arguing with the nights
And I woke up sleepless.
Good day, love!
With which words shall I help you to speak to me,
So that I may understand from the beginning?

Good day, love!
I've greeted you before,
You didn't even notice me
When you crossed my street.
Good day, love!
Welcome and thank you
That you exist, that you came, that I love!

Good day, love!
I was waiting for you and you came
I was arguing with the nights
And I woke up sleepless.
Good day, love!
With which words shall I help you to speak to me,
So that I may understand from the beginning?

Good day, love!
I've greeted you before,
You didn't even notice me
When you crossed my street.
Good day, love!
Welcome and thank you
That you exist, that you came, that I love!


The angel of the Mississippi

One day, down by the Mississippi
A dreaming Black man came down
He was the angel of the Mississippi
With his golden trumpet
'That Old Man River,' at that dawn
The people then sang
And so jazz was born on the Mississippi
Which every Black person adored

Every Black person, among the cotton plants
Erased every pain
And in the evening, praying together at the mission
They thanked the angel of jazz
And along the river, peace returned
Every voice sang: 'Hallelujah'
And New Orleans, kissed by the old Mississippi
Became the city of jazz

And along the river, peace returned
Every voice sang: 'Hallelujah'

One day, down by the Mississippi
A dreaming Black man came down
He was the angel of the Mississippi
With his golden trumpet

Heaven, Heaven


The scuba diving you wanted to do

Chasing your shadow towards an azure blue island,
I take a lonely journey through the memories
Back then, I was never able
to indulge you even once

You said 'Just once, I wanna swim with the fishes'
Now I wanna know how you felt
So, towards the gap in between the waves that sparkles in cobalt blue,
I leap in, enticed

Looks like I'm in the sea you wanted to see
In the same sea that you dived into, I'm surrendering myself right now
How beautiful
I should've come here sooner, with you

Passing through the curtain of fishes that sway in rainbow colours,
it starts to come into sight
I'm being sucked into an eternal universe,
dyed deeply in a single shade of blue all around

In this place, I can be kind to everything and anything
If it could come true, I'd wish to be only your buddy and make sure to keep my eyes on you

Wandering in the centre of countless streaks of light,
even my sorrow is fading away with the bubbles
Right now, I need nothing else

How beautiful - I should've come here sooner, with you
I sink down, then rise to the surface


A tourist in Harlem

New York, New York, my good people
I want to take you on a tour
From Brooklyn to Lower Bay
Then Broadway
The Radio City is down there
6th Avenue
But when night falls
From one to three
I'll take you to Harlem with me

If a tourist strolls through Harlem
Paradise of oddities and jazz
He can hear playing
The rarest of orchestras
Down there, everyone knows how to sing
How many dance halls await him in Harlem
Eddy Wilson astonishes at the Savoy
And Duke Ellington, on the other hand
He, in person
Is there playing at the Cotton Club
And his hands glide
On that piano
'It Don't Mean a Thing'
'Bye Bye Blues'
If a tourist strolls through Harlem
He'll see red lights everywhere
He'll understand many things about the world of Black people
Who cry and seem joyful

'Ring Them Bells'
You can hear that in Harlem

If a tourist strolls through Harlem
Paradise of oddities and jazz
He'll understand many things about the world of Black people
Who cry and seem joyful

New York, New York, my good people
Down there it's waiting for us
Lower Bay is already dozing off
Broadway is silent
Radio City sings no more


Night in the Azure Ravine

The night descends upon the azure ravine,
My earrings shine therein.
I shall wander alone, down in the ravine,
Will you lift up your face to me?

Upon the valley the moonlight rests,
From the thicket shadow emerges,
A bird in the fields shrills somewhere,
Where are you? None knows.

How fair are you, my lad,
Pure and tall as a cypress.
'Six years,' you said, 'Wait for me,'
I shall await for three more.

Upon the valley the moonlight rests...

Tall and kind my boy is,
But he puts off his approach to me
He moves about there on the mountain,
His soul a flaming flower.

'Woe, woe is me,' sings the wind,
From the thicket shadow emerges.
Somewhere on the mountain, a gazelle runs like the wind,
Where are you? None knows.

How fair are you, my lad,
Will you wander for evermore?
Tall, with black curls,
I shall await for a while more...

Woe, woe is me, my boy,
Fire consumes my heart.
No longer is my hair black as night,
My curls - white as snow.


The jazz festival

Come to the jazz festival
Old Louis will play for you
He came especially from Saint Louis
It's the blues festival
Of boogie and swing
Old Bing will sing for you too
And the great Benny Goodman
Will perform solos with the clarinet
Come to the jazz festival
Come to applaud
Art Tatum will make you swoon
His hands will go up and down
On the white and blue keys
Signed Salvador Dalí
Come and you will understand
That real jazz is made this way
'Come on, come on'
They shout at the jazz festival
'Come on, come on'
Gillespie will join Stan Getz
But we advise intervening
Only to those who know how to understand jazz
This magical jazz

Come to the jazz festival
Old Louis will play for you
He came especially from Saint Louis

'Come on, come on'
They shout at the jazz festival
'Come on, come on'
Gillespie will shout to Stan Getz
But we advise intervening
Only to those who know how to understand jazz
This magical jazz

Come on, come on
Come to the jazz festival


Melancholy City

I'll make everything a sweet memory,
even the fragments of our interrupted conversations
In this city of cold asphalt,
I won't pass you sorrow or tears
Melancholy city, love is an illusion
It'll fade away, the lovely feeling
We in our hearts decided in that moment
that this would be our final meeting

I'll never forget your face from the side
floating in the lights of passing cars
But signs of a farewell more certain than arranged words
had been swaying
Melancholy city, it's like I'm waking up
from a long dream - goodbye my love
Someone else's waiting for you, I'm sure
You're in love with being in love

Melancholy city, love is an illusion
It'll fade away, the lovely feeling
We in our hearts decided in that moment
that this would be our final meeting


The fabulous Gershwin

A sweet note rises, oh so soft
Emerging from a blues record
It's a flower with silk petals
That flies and vanishes up high...
And it rises...
And it rises...
Higher and higher in the sky

Up there, up there, George Gershwin still smiles
The fabulous Gershwin
Of a time that once was
George Gershwin lives on around the world
In the old swing of my youth
And the past awakens when we listen
To the sweet and bitter notes
Of a time that once was
When on stage they sighed 'I Got Rhythm'
'The Man I Love' and 'Embraceable You'
When the crisis scared the New York Times
'Summertime' was born, and then 'Lady, Be Good'
And in those times of the first transatlantic flights
The syncopated notes astounded Hollywood
Up there, up there, George Gershwin still smiles
The fabulous Gershwin
Of a time that once was
He left, carrying in his heart
All the warmth of my youth

And a thousand notes fly into the sky
Scarlet, sky-blue, blue
They're flowers that float so lightly
Thousands of them vanish up high...
And they go...
And they go...
Higher and higher in the sky

Up there, up there, George Gershwin still smiles
The fabulous Gershwin
Of a time that once was
He left, carrying in his heart
All the warmth of my youth

When the crisis scared the New York Times
'Summertime' was born and 'Embraceable You'


We go together...

You look me in the eyes with my dream about you
You are silent with silence, which is my longing
Yet like two enemies -- my hand and your hand too,
Keep away from each other, and are not holding.

Only one way is there for us: to love! Yet here
To the journey neither you nor me are ready...
One word --- and broken down are the shackles we bear
But still mute in robes of mourning we stand steady.

Cause there in blooming solitude of happiness
I fought in frenzy for you... Now a wilderness
Burned, desolate, forsaken is my estate.

Inhabit a wildland with ourselves is our goal
And on the road there two precipices await
My soul is first one and the other is your soul...


And summer is here

I just clap my hands three times,
and summer is here.
And it’s freely available everywhere,
and summer is here.
You’ve got the taste of lemonade on your lips,
and that’s something I love.
Now, a free fall suddenly caught my eyes,
what more could we wish for?

I just glance at the sky three times,
and summer is here.
I just look behind me,
and summer is here.
Suddenly, I feel like becoming a tourist,
even though I know this place well.
Which street should I take,
this one or that one,
and I’m prone to getting lost.

I just snap my fingers to the beat three times,
and summer is here.
And it’s full of beautiful beginnings,
and summer is here.
Find me a place where there’s sunshine,
and where a few songs play.
I want to catch the bronze from the sun’s rays,
while there are still a few lovely days.

What more could we wish for?
/ I just clap my hands three times, /
three times in my hands,
/ and summer is here. /
What more could we wish for...


Voces 148/9

The ocean full of bitterness you have given me is not enough
to give you a single drop of bitterness
because you have given me a drop of sweetness too.


The Eighth Wonder

Great is the amazement when you do the math:
There are only seven wonders!
What is spring with so many snowdrops,
Without its murmur?

Who would be the sea, in the warm evenings,
Without chords of guitars?
The nightingale, if she would sing no more,
How many of the forests would not dry out?

Isn't the music too
One of the wonders,
Which often carries in it
The great secret of life?
Isn't the music too
One of the wonders,
Which gathers around it
Only good people?

There's one more, when you do the math,
There are not just seven wonders.
Even the moon is waiting in the clouds
The voice of a violin.

The fire of love would easily go out
With no longing song.
And the roses, thanks to the song once bloomed,
And therefore we will ask:

Isn't the music too
One of the wonders,
Which often carries in it
The great secret of life?
Isn't the music too
One of the wonders,
Which gathers around it
Only good people?

Isn't the music too
One of the wonders,
Which often carries in it
The great secret of life?
Isn't the music too
One of the wonders,
Which gathers around it
Only good people?

And in my soul I will carry...the music


Don’t shoot the pianist

If you travel from New York to San Francisco
And stop for a drink in some bar
You'll always find someone listening to a record
If there's no record, he drinks and moves on to another bar
But it’s inevitable to find in those places
A super funny guy who’s always playing the piano
He’s a classic character from John Ford's films
He's a very important man, because now I'll tell you why:

I was in Kansas City some time ago
In the most notorious bar in town
When a grave shout echoed:
'Don't shoot the pianist!
He's an artist, for heaven's sake!'
There was Bill, holding thirty-six pistols in hand
Settling the score with Jimmy the Australian
While the sheriff shouted from behind the piano:
'Don't shoot the pianist!
He's the king of dixieland!'
And then
As if by magic
Everything fell silent
Do you know how it ended?
A tiny pianist
Hidden inside the piano
Slowly emerged
From that day on, in Kansas City, do you know what happens?
When a fight breaks out, in a flash
The calm sheriff steps in:
'Don't shoot the pianist!
He's a magnificent jazz artist!'
And peace on the dance floor is restored once again!

You can't imagine how much I love the piano
When I listen to it, I get soft and cry like a little lamb
But then everyone says, 'Bill’s crying, he's not himself anymore'
So I’m forced to take it out on the pianist
But I swear, it makes me sad, it makes me sad

From that day on, in Kansas City, do you know what happens?
When a fight breaks out, in a flash
The calm sheriff steps in:
'Don't shoot the pianist!'
'Then I'll shoot the bassist!'
'No, not the bassist either!'
'Well, will you all make up your mind?'
'Don’t shoot the pianist, please!'


And if I don’t return / The courageous maidens

And if I don’t return before dawn
Before the first song of the nightingale
Tell Janek from me
That I carried him in my heart
Apologize to my dear mother
For leaving without a farewell
There was no time for words
When the bell rang for the Uprising
When the bell rang for the Uprising...

And if I don’t return before dawn
Don’t cry for me, girls
The Good Lord has me in His care
And His will is sacred
And though I love life dearly
I run into the night, dark as an abyss
In a dress lined with fear
Playing tag with Death today
Playing tag with Death today...

And if I don’t return before dawn
And all news of me disappears
Plant a rose bush by the Vistula
And give it my name
In free Warsaw, let it bloom in spring
Proudly in white
Let it bring joy to the innocent eyes
Of children saved from bullets
Of children saved from bullets...

And if I don’t return before dawn
A gray mist will settle on the meadows
The wind will chase the clouds in the sky
The birches will lean toward the sun
And though I won’t be here then
I won’t leave this place in vain
I will return to you as if alive
You’ll remember me someday in a song
You’ll remember me in this song...


The ferry has just arrived

When, from the mainland
You come down here to Sicily to dream
Naturally, you must
Make friends with the sea
The Strait of Messina
Every tourist will know
For that little phrase
That has such fame:

It has just arrived
It has just arrived
It has just arrived
The ferry has just arrived

When you're waiting
On the dock at the station
Here comes the Marchioness
Who comes from Caltagirone
How many idle conversations
You’ll endure in such little time
And seeking salvation
Without hesitation you’ll say:

It has just arrived
It has just arrived
It has just arrived
The ferry has just arrived

When for months now (yes?)
You haven’t seen your girlfriend
While you're there waiting
You’re making so many plans
You look at the Strait below
And every boat seems like a steamer
Your heart, poor thing
Seems to repeat over and over:

It has just arrived
It has just arrived
It has just arrived
The ferry has just arrived
It has just arrived
It has just arrived
It has just arrived
The ferry has just arrived
(It has arrived)
The ferry has just arrived


Uncle Peter's Fairy Tale

Once there was. Once, years ago,
There was a king. There was a wealthy king,
What did he have? He had a grand castle,
And in it? In it, chambers,
The first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth,
And in one of these chambers stood, stood there
A marvelous flower, the flower was enchanted,
Someone was enchanted into it,
For once, an evil sorcerer cursed a princess into a flower,
And the king didn’t know how to bring her back to life, not even with a tear,
And tears flowed, and the king was dying, and time was slipping away,
And the flower was blooming. No!

There was also, there was a brave knight,
Who traveled all across the world,
He found the sorcerer,
Because he wanted to fight him,
Did he defeat him? He crushed him in a moment,
And what then? They lived happily,
That knight with the princess, indeed,
Because that’s how it usually goes in fairy tales,
The first, second, third, fourth, fifth,
In EVERY one!


Absolute Absurdistan

Your good friend
Keeps saying: You mustn’t take it to heart
He had someone else—what do you know
You can’t catch that smoke
It rises higher and higher
He’s got in his hollow eyes
Your framed traces
A blue peacock with its head wide open
It’s okay—there’s nothing to lose
It’s just testing us
Absolute Absurdistan
Square circles and a sandstone rock
Just Absolute Absurdistan
A strong, windless paradise looted
And I know
I’ll never ask you
Once upon a time—how little you loved her
I’ll never ask you at all
Even though Absolute Absurdistan
It doesn’t need to have anything
I already have you
Who knows you like I know you
The search
When, with whom, why, and where
Nothing but a bad tunnel under Mont Blanc
The path of blind birds
He’s got in his hollow eyes
Your framed traces
A blue peacock with its head wide open
It’s okay—there’s nothing to lose
It’s just testing us
Absolute Absurdistan
Square circles and a sandstone rock
Just Absolute Absurdistan
A strong, windless paradise looted
And I know
I’ll never ask you
Once upon a time—how little you loved her
I’ll never ask you at all
Maybe Absolute Absurdistan
Is protecting us

Absolute Absurdistan
Square circles and a sandstone rock
Just Absolute Absurdistan
A strong, windless paradise looted, and I know
I’ll never ask you
Once upon a time—how little you loved her
I’ll never ask you at all
Maybe Absolute Absurdistan
Is protecting us... (2x)


I Started Loving You on Monday

I started loving you on Monday
And Tuesday is the day you kissed me
I was jealous for a day on Wednesday
And on Thursday I thought it was all over.
The whole day of Friday I dreamed of you
But suddenly, on Saturday, I forgot.

What's wrong with me, what I wait for and what I want
I understood only next to you, on Sunday.

We looked fascinated into each other's eyes
And we were like two happy kids,
Everything was suddenly smiling
And we were like two happy kids.

I started loving you on Monday
And Tuesday is the day you kissed me
I was jealous for a day on Wednesday
And on Thursday I thought it was all over.
The whole day of Friday I dreamed of you
But suddenly, on Saturday, I forgot.

What's wrong with me, what I wait for and what I want
I understood only next to you, on Sunday.


Youth Madness

There is a little girl
Oh, how I know
I told my mother
My heart is hers today

Youth, madness
Crazy years
Love, mother
I can't live without her

She must be mine
With black eyes
I told everyone
I love her madly

Youth, madness
Crazy years
Love, mother
I can't live without her

There is a little girl
Oh, how beautiful
She must be mine
God said

Youth, madness
Crazy years
Love, mother
I can't live without her