Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Traduceri de versuri în română și engleză pagină 3

Număr de rezultate: 105150


Prea dulce

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Nu se poate spune că sunt o pasăre matinală
Se face 10:00 înainte de a spune un cuvânt
Iubito, nu îmi pot da seama
Cum de dormi atât de bine?
Îmi tot spui să trăiesc corect
Să mă duc la culcare înainte de a se lumina de ziuă
Dar apoi te trezești la răsăritul soarelui
Știi că nu trebuie să te prefaci
Iubito, acum și atunci
Nu vrei să te trezești
Întuneric ca un lac
Mirosind ca un foc de tabără
Pierdută într-o ceață?
Dacă ești beată de viață, iubito
Cred că e minunat
Dar cât timp ești în această lume
Cred că-mi voi lua whisky-ul simplu
Cafeaua mea neagră și patul meu la trei dimineața
Ești prea dulce pentru mine
Ești prea dulce pentru mine
Îmi iau whisky-ul simplu
Cafeaua mea neagră și patul meu la trei dimineața
Ești prea dulce pentru mine
Ești prea dulce pentru mine
Țintesc jos
Țintesc bine, și sunt la pământ
Lucrez până târziu, unde nu mai am nevoie de telefon
Și treaba se face
Dar îți faci griji, știu
Dar cine vrea să trăiască veșnic, iubito?
Îți tratez gura de parcă ar fi poarta Raiului
Restul tău de parcă ai fi TSA
Mi-aș dori să pot merge cu tine
Iubito, nu mă înțelege greșit
Știi că ești strălucitoare ca dimineața
La fel de moale ca ploaia
Frumoasă ca o viță de vie
Dulce ca un strugure
Dacă poți sta într-un butoi
Poate voi aștepta
Până în acea zi
Aş prefera să îmi iau whisky-ul simplu
Cafeaua mea neagră și patul meu la trei dimineața
Ești prea dulce pentru mine
Ești prea dulce pentru mine
Îmi iau whisky-ul simplu
Cafeaua mea neagră și patul meu la trei dimineața
Ești prea dulce pentru mine
Ești prea dulce pentru mine
Îmi iau whisky-ul simplu
Cafeaua mea neagră și patul meu la trei dimineața
Ești prea dulce pentru mine
Ești prea dulce pentru mine


Cant del vespre

Avui m'he fet missatger de la lluna:
Vinc del desert per trobar el seu sol!
He vist com dorm, tota plena de foc...
M'ha dit que el seu amor, el sol,
La veu donzella de cabells daurats
I li ha promès una capa de seda
Cosida en plata, brodada en fil d'or.
M'ha dit que el seu amor, el sol,
La veu donzella de cabells daurats...


Ochi interziși

Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)
Privește-mă cu ochii ăia negri
Ce sunt precum soarele și-mi ard pielea precum focul
Sărută-mă, vino și scapă-mă de sete
Umezește-mi cu limba ta buzele, inundă acest deșert
Vreau să mă pierd în interiorul tău
Și să te iubesc cu toată puterea până voi muri
O furtună de nisip și miere
Aproape de talia ta voi lăsa
Sărută-mă, sărută-mă, sărută-mă…
Și secretul buzelor tale vino și spune-l
Privește-mă, privește-mă, privește-mă…
În ochii tăi interziși vreau să mă pierd
Eu vreau să-ți văd ochii sub luna din Marrakech
Și să retrăiesc istoria iubirii noastre o dată și încă o dată
Într-o noapte eternă vreau să mă pierd pe pielea ta
Ca să descopăr magia acelui mister a iubirii tale
Privește-mă și dăruiește-mi cerul
Știi prea bine că doar cu privirea ta eu mă hrănesc
Sărută-mă, vino și scapă-mă de setea asta
Umezește-mi cu limba ta buzele, inundă acest deșert
Vreau să mă pierd în interiorul tău
Și să te iubesc cu toată puterea până voi muri
O furtună de nisip și miere
Aproape de talia ta voi lăsa
Sărută-mă, sărută-mă, sărută-mă…
Și secretul buzelor tale vino și spune-l
Privește-mă, privește-mă, privește-mă…
În ochii tăi interziși vreau să mă pierd
Eu vreau să-ți văd ochii sub luna din Marrakech
Și să retrăiesc istoria iubirii noastre o dată și încă o dată
Într-o noapte eternă vreau să mă pierd pe pielea ta
Ca să descopăr magia acelui mister a iubirii tale
Eu vreau să-ți văd ochii sub luna din Marrakech
Și să retrăiesc istoria iubirii noastre o dată și încă o dată
Într-o noapte eternă vreau să mă pierd pe pielea ta
Ca să descopăr magia acelui mister a iubirii tale


Meeting by chance

On the water's surface painted by the night, a silvery road drawn by the moon
Someday, I will cross over it. We'll meet again, without a doubt.
In the depths of deaf ears, the embers of voices still linger
Keeping an unforgettable fever, I quietly burn the present time away
A silent beast that doesn't seem to miss the company of anyone
Within its territory, it's nothing but a breathing mass.
Why do you make me feel so alone? Why does it feel like we've never been apart?
The hole you pierced through my heart insists I have to live a future without you
If I can't bring my tears across with me, at least let me cry like a kid for now
Because when the dawn arrives to greet the starry sky, I'll choose the future connected by my past
I close my eyes to the faint breeze and never wake up from my dreams
Seeing off countless fleeting moments, all I do is keep my own company here
Falling on deaf ears, the embers of voices sting me
As if to wake those dozing eyes, I scrub away my tired present and smile
Be by my side, be by my side, under the morning that seems like someone else's problem
Don't disappear, don't disappear, show me there's something here
Be by my side, be by my side, under the sun that's gonna freeze me solid
Don't erase me, hold me tight
A silent beast that roars, laughing at others
Refusing to give up its life, it's nothing but a breathing mass
If I could meet you again, I want to tell you 'thank you', but where is the meaning born from that?
Goodbye, beyond that, on this wavering path, I insist on searching for it in the future you're not in.
Why do you make me feel so alone? Why does it feel like we've never been apart?
Because when the dawn arrives to greet the starry sky, I'll choose the future connected by my past
Because my tears will come along with me
The hole forever through my heart insists that, yes, I have to live a future without you
Be by my side, be by my side, under the morning that seems like someone else's problem
Don't disappear, don't disappear, show me there's something here
Be by my side, be by my side, under the sun that's gonna freeze me solid
Don't erase me, hold me tight, someday I'll make it over there
We'll meet again, without a doubt.


Lord, hear my prayer

CD 3, 142nd Psalm: Lord, hear my prayer (Psalm 143 KJV) Lord Hear My Prayer
1. Lord, hear my prayer, hear my prayer for Thy truth

Psalm 50 (Psalm 51 KJV)

CD 5, 1. Have mercy on me, O God, by Thy great mercy (lovingkindness), and because of Thy many goodnesses, cleanse me of mine iniquity.
2. Most of all, wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity and from my sin,
3. For I know mine iniquity (transgression) and my sin is always before me.
4. Against Thee alone I have sinned, and I have done evil before Thee, that Thou mayest be righteous when Thou judgest, and victorious when Thou judgest.
5. For behold, I was conceived in iniquity, and in sin did my mother bear me.
6. Because Thou hast revealed the truth to me, Thine unknown and secret wisdom.
7. Sprinkle me with hyssop and I shall be clean, wash me and I shall be whiter than snow.
8. Let me hear joy and gladness, and my weak bones will rejoice.
9. Turn away Thy face from my sins and blot out all mine iniquities.
10. Create a pure-clean heart in me, God, and a truly renewed spirit in me.
11. Do not cast me away from Thy face and do not take Thy Holy Spirit from me.
12. Restore my joy, save me and strengthen me with Thy mighty Spirit.
13. I will teach the wicked to walk in Thy ways, and the wicked will turn unto Thee.
14. Deliver me from (having shed) blood, O God, God of my salvation, and my tongue will rejoice in Thy righteousness.
15. Lord, open my mouth and my mouth will declare Thy praise

First and Third Odes or Songs

CD 6, Choir: Glorious Forerunner, pray for us.
First Ode or Song
Melody: Crossing the water...
After thou appeared to John the hermit/ anchorite, glorious, through thine icon thou gave us a healing spring, that is why we sing to thee, Baptist of Christ.
The most honourable one, Prophet, Forerunner of Christ and a preacher in hell. Ever from the faithful children, through the icon thou art gloriously successful.
He lived in an angelic body, a brave servant of God was crowned with glory. Deliver us from our troubles, thou who called thyself great before the Lord.
Virgin Mary Mother of God Theotokos
Great is the mystery, most glorious, how a Virgin gives birth and remains incorruptible, standing before her with trepidation and may we glorify the Brideless.
Third Ode or Song
Melody: in the firmament (the heavens)...
Rushing towards thee joyfully, the hermit Jovan called: my fortress and protection, give me a blessing. Thus, the faithful come to thee now, Oh Lord, be our support.
Glorious John, thou wanted to teem out rivers of grace, that's why thou announced thy icon to us, Holy One. We always faithfully come towards it, comfort in having thee, Forerunner the greatest.
Looking at thy face/ icon, we sing songs of praise to thee, like unworthy children, we place our hope in thee. Baptist of Christ, who heals all kinds of infirmities, banish all mental torments from us.
Virgin Mary Mother of God Theotokos
Having motherly boldness towards the Lord. Virgin Mary, pray unceasingly for us, because we suffer from infirmities. Thou liftest us up and givest us a warm protection, Rejoicing Mother of God.
Save thy servants from misery, Baptist, because we all turn to thee for God's sake, as to an indestructible rampart and protection.
Look with kindness, Virgin Mary Mother of God, heal my angry bodily anguish and heal the sickness of my soul.


Blow up every limit

Something has happened within me
My old self feels wrong
I don’t want to play along the rules of someone else’s game anymore
No time to vacillate
Now it’s time to take position
I’m standing on the tip of the branch
I close my eyes and take a run-up
I take a leap and blow up every limit
If the world is heavy, then blow up every limit
I refuse to be pushed down
I’ve had enough of obstacles and the narrow views of other people
I cannot change everything, but I aim high, I can see the skies
I spent so much time chasing after a love I’ve never received
Turns out that love is worthless
I’d rather leave and blow up every limit
Life’s short, so I’ll blow up every limit
I refuse to be pushed down
Boundless, together we’re limitless
Together we’ll be unbeatable, you and I
I know dreams can come true
If we’re together
No one can defeat us
A winning team that blows up every limit
Because you and I can blow up every limit
And never be pushed down
If you want to find me, turn your eyes to the west
And as they told me, everyone should dare flying out
Maybe I’m flying alone
But I’m flying strong and free
If they want to take me down, they’ll taste my magic
And see how I can twist every limit
Break the laws of gravity, I’m blowing up every limit
I’ll fly around, so everyone can see
That no wizard anywhere
And no one anywhere else
Can ever push me down again
Look at the wicked witch
Take her

Never again
No grief for the wicked
So she must be forced down



Litany 1 (of fervent supplication)

CD 7, Priest: Have mercy on us, God, by thy great grace, we pray to Thee, hear us and have mercy on us.
Choir: Lord, have mercy. (three times)
Priest: Let us pray for (all) pious-godly and orthodox Christians.
Choir: Lord, have mercy. (three times)
Priest: Let us pray for our Most-reverend Metropolitan (Archbishop) (name).
Choir: Lord, have mercy. (three times)
Priest: Let us pray for our Most-reverend Father Igumen (abbot)
(name) and for all of our Brotherhood in Christ.
Choir: Lord, have mercy. (three times)
Priest: Let us pray for this Holy monastery (or: city, or village), for mercy, life, peace, salvation, visiting forgiveness and absolution from sins and good progress of God's servants (names, if any), all pious Christians, brothers (or: sisters) of this holy monastery and of all worshipers, who come to it with faith.
Choir: Lord, have mercy (three times)
Priest: Let us pray for the people standing here, hoping for great and rich mercy from Thee, for all brothers and for all Christians.
Choir: Lord, have mercy. (three times)
Priest: for thou art a merciful and Human-loving God, We bring Thee glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost, now and always and forever (unto the ages of ages).
Choir: Amen.


Sessional Hymn: A Warm prayer, great advocate

CD 8 Tone 2 Melody: Above looking for...
We have gained thee by warm prayer, Saint, brave protector and great advocate. We sing diligently to thee, Baptist: hurry and deliver us from misery, we who praise thee with faith and love.


Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Odes or Songs

Melody: I heard it, Lord...
CD 9, Fourth Ode or Song To the childless, Forerunner, what do they ask of thee, thou blessest them with births, therefore thou art also glorified by them.
Thou hast called the sons of Adam to repentance, accept our contrition, although we have no worthy fruit. (See Luke 3:8 KJV)
Here the whole monastery calls out and speaks of thee, the miracles are countless, John, given to us through the icon.
Virgin Mary Mother of God Theotokos:
The helmsman gave birth to our salvation, Mariam, therefore the heavenly hosts watched the miracle with trepidation.
Fifth Ode or Song:
Melody: Enlighten us, Lord...
Pray for us for the forgiveness of sins, thou who received a heavenly blessing, to heal from us from all weaknesses.
Warmth abundant in thee we recognized, chanting, intoxicated by the graceful currents.
The one who received baptism for us, through thy reverend hand, made thee the greatest of those born.
Virgin Mary Mother of God Theotokos:
We praise thee loudly, Queen, because the Prophet greeted thee and danced in thy mother's womb.
Sixth Song or Ode
Melody: I will pour out a prayer unto the Lord...
Thy house has become right famous, great John, Forerunner of God, and it bears witness to thee faithfully, because it is built on a rock, always praising, with the icon called Bigorska.
Venerating the truthful icon, and in sorrow we ask for help. Baptist, look at us and encourage us soon, thee who showed thyself brave, scorning the sin of Herod.
The newlyweds sing to thee with joy, because they were given by thee, and they have spoken about thee faithfully, announcing the miracles. Oh. Most Blessed One, protect them from miseries too.
Virgin Mary Mother of God Theotokos:
A pillar of fire and the brightest star thou art Most Holy for us in the darkness. Thou gave birth to the everlasting Sun, who illuminated us with light, Lady Mary, we exalt thee with gladness.
Save thy servants from sorrow, Baptist, why through God, we resort to thee, as to an indestructible rampart and protection. Pure one, who through the word, inexplicably gave birth to the Word in the last days. Beseech Him, as the possessor of motherly boldness.


Galaxy Cyclone Braiger

[Dialogue] 'Evil laughter echoes
in the shadow of the stars in the night sky
Burdening the whole galaxy
with the tears of people from star to star
Galaxy Cyclone Braiger
Call it and they will come at once!'
J9, J9, Merciless
Even the outlaws of
Asteroid Belt tremble
Cosmo Rangers J9
Running through the void of space
Brai-Thunder Brai-Thunder
Flying about the light of stars
from a thousand hundred light years, Brai-Star
Spreading Plasma
The Wolf's Mark
This is, this is
Galaxy Cyclone, Galaxy Cyclone
J9, J9, Fearless
as long as the evil rages
Even the outlaws run from them
Cosmo Rangers J9
The pride machine of Super Police
Brai-Thunder, Brai-Thunder
They don't mind for their lives, just take off
to somewhere far away riding the Brai-Star
Spreading Plasma
The Wolf's Mark
This is, this is
Galaxy Cyclone, Galaxy Cyclone
Braiger, Braiger


Litany 2 (of fervent supplication)

Priest. Have mercy on us, God, by Thy great mercy. We beg thee, hear us and have mercy.
Choir: Lord, have mercy. (three times)
Priest. Let us pray for godly and Orthodox Christians.
Choir: Lord, have mercy). (three times)
Priest: Let us pray for our Most reverend Metropolitan (name).
Choir: Lord, have mercy (three times)
Priest: Let us pray for our Most Reverend Father Igumen (abbot) (name) and for all our brotherhood in Christ.
Choir: Lord, have mercy. (three times)
Priest. Let us pray for this Holy monastery (or: city, or village), for mercy, life, peace, salvation, visiting forgiveness and absolution from sins and good progress of God's servants (names, if any), all pious Christians, brothers (or: sisters) of this holy monastery and of all worshipers, who come to it with faith.
Choir: Lord, have mercy (three times)
Priest. Let us pray for all the people standing here, awaiting great and rich mercy from Thee, for all brothers and for all Christians.
Choir: Lord, have mercy. (three times)
Priest. for thou art a merciful and Human-loving God, We bring Thee glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost, now and always and forever (unto the ages of ages).
Choir: Amen


Kondakion: Protection and Intercessor for Christians Then the kondakion, tone 6

Unfailing protection and intercessor for Christians, and for us the warmest prayer-maker, do not look down on the prayerful voices of sinners, but Forerunner, hear us, and help us, who warmly cry unto thee: hurry, O Baptist, and hurry to help us, preacher of Christ. John all-glorified.



The golden strings that I'm entangled in are now
Digging into my skin, leaving a repulsive mark behind
Dozing off in a pain that won't reach,
That's the result of giving myself to my dreams...
Even my body, even my heart, they're all things that I own
So please, hey, be gentle to me, or I might break inside
Please forgive me, please forgive me, though I may be weak
As I collapse inside the darkness that covers me
Though I tried to match my hair and my eyes' colors,
Reflecting in the mirror was something else, something I'll never unite with
The lukewarm contract that flows by
Is now stealing all the colors from my world...
If my body, if my heart, they are all made from scratch,
I wonder if, hey, it would be okay to not cry as much
Please notice it, please notice it, I'm standing here right now
As I squirm inside the darkness that covers me
Even my body, even my heart, they're all things that I own
So please, hey, be gentle to me, or I might break inside
Please forgive me, please forgive me, though I may be weak
As I collapse inside the darkness that covers me



Maybe it’s autumn
That makes me melancholy
It’s raining hard
Ninetta mia
It’s almost October and it feels like winter
Cold days, bitter nights
Spent waiting for you
To write me
Even one word
Even one word
And what do you do?
Are you cheerful or melancholy these days?
Do you ever think of me?
Are you coming back or not coming back?
And yes, you’re right, stay away
It’s been a whole year
And you haven’t written me a word
One, just one
Yeah, it’s still you!
Yeah, it’s still you!
And you haven’t written me a word
One, just one
Yeah, it’s still you!
Yeah, it’s still you!


Prokimenon and straight away Tone 6

CD 12, And thou, child, shalt be called a prophet of the Most High. Verse: For thou shalt go before the face of the Lord, to prepare His way (see Luke 1:76)


Two Letters 2

Don't remind me about love -
I do not believe you,
Your hankey-pankey in the past
Was for me enough!
Listen, fabric with lavsan
Is at the pick of fashion,
If you want, I'll it for you,
It's good for dressing up.
As for vodka - I didn't drink
Even a drop so far,
I save money on my food,
Even soup I don't eat.
It's because I want to buy
A pretty blouse for you,
I love you, my silly girl,
This will be my gift.
I was in a ballet, where
The men are groping the girls,
All the girls are very lean,
In white slipper shod.
I write this letter and the tears
From my sad eyes flow,
My sweet, do not let men grab you,
I'll soon be back home.
Our bull on the exhibit
Is on of the best,
While he first got in the group
Of defective bulls.
But the chumps who were judging
Quickly changed their minds,
Now, award on his chest, he stands
In stud-bulls group.
Say to the chairman of kolkhoz
To fix my house's roof,
And remind him to command
For hay to cut the grass,
If he won't, I won't make 'dates'
For the kolkhoz cows,
This may spoil my champion bull,
Shouldn't even bother to ask.
Let them fix the leaking roof,
The grain shouldn't rot, should it?
You should treat Pashka as a traitor,
If he bothers you.
If you flirt with the agronomist,
I'll pull out your legs,
You can stroll one time with chairman,
If he invites you.
Now good bye, I go to shop
In the Central Store.
It's like the store in our village,
But more glass, doors and space.
You may bore me if you wear
Your sheep-skin half-coat
And your very modest dress
On which the patterns fade.
There a cultural park located
Along the river shore,
I walk in the park and spit
Only in the urns.
But you'll hardly understand it
Behind your rustic stove,
Because you are an uncultured and unlearned
Village girl.


On The Last Shore

Dad stands at the shore and waits for the storm, holding a gun
Mom holds little sister in her arms as the sky glows a strange red in the evening
The last time I heard from my brother was when his letter from abroad came
He said he's fine but the situation looks damn bad there as well
We're playing hide and seek
We're hiding on the last shore
And there's no-one looking for us anymore, this is an empty, endless game
And only the wind whispers: 'Come out, come out wherever you are'
Uncle has kind of lost his mind, he sits in the shed, crying and laughing
Sometimes blaming Satan, and sometimes God, saying 'us sinners are being punished'
It's strangely quiet next door, they've had their blinds shut for a week now
Dad told us not to visit, he said: 'They've done what they've done, it's their business
It's their business'
We're playing hide and seek
We're hiding on the last shore
And there's no-one looking for us anymore, this is an empty, endless game
And only the wind whispers: 'Come out, come out wherever you are'
I'm only seven years old but I still understand something
When the TV isn't working and I heard the newscaster cry on the radio
They're talking about some kind of cloud that's on its way here
Little sister asked: 'How many days 'til Christmas?'
And I saw dad wiping his eyes, wiping his eyes
We're playing hide and seek
We're hiding on the last shore
And there's no-one looking for us anymore, this is an empty, endless game
And only the wind whispers: 'Come out, come out wherever you are'


Beautiful Dreamer

Beautiful dreamers, awoken from their sleep
those birds that were waiting, unto every of their nod.
'for I may fly no more,' 'I would flight, but could not'
and, the sky is blue there, where there they be.
they betake themselves to long journey's route,
the birds laden with their pain and woe.
'should we thus return?' 'no, there is no way back',
where is the sky now? it is not there, where there they be.
the old streets in my memories, more distant than a dreamy apparition
forget it now, forget it now...
forgot it now...and then they have forgotten, the past in which they were once to be.
returning from their down-going trip to the land of dead,
again go the same birds,
'Wouldn't I like to fly?' 'If only I could, fly away'.
is it because this is their last?
wandering as they go, the birds lost on their way home,
drenched by their own tears, the same birds.
'should we then go home?' 'no, there is no way going back home.'
it is because this is their last.
how would I not like to see the old streets in my memories, even as apparition in a dream?
now, please forget it

The First Day of Summer

Do you hear
It's the first morning of summer
Do you notice
The earth is green and warm
Everyone is laughing
Everyone is singing
It's summer
Do you hear
It's the first day of summer
Do you notice
The street is blue and warm
Everyone is laughing
Everyone is drinking and singing
I don't belong here
I am not young and not old
Not sure of anything yet
I don't know what I miss
But today I remember everything
Everything left unfinished
I remember everything
That is yet to be answered
Do you hear
It's the first evening of summer
Do you notice
The sky is red and warm
Everyone is laughing
Drinking and singing
Everyone is laughing
I wish I belonged here
Belonged here
It's summer


Live for tomorrow, Baldios

We become the blue of the sky
surrounded by the gentle wind
We become the blue of the seas
rocked by the violent waves
If we lead our lives by the prayer
to protect Earth, even if we cannot see it
The blue of Hope loved by father, mother
everybody, will be revived
Blue Blue Blue Fixer
Baldios, save the future!
We become the blue of the darkness
melted together with the shinning light
We become the blue of the valleys
cuddled close to the cold drops
If we lead of hearts by the oath of
live by loving, even if we cannot see it
The colour of memories lost somewhere
will revive the blue of Earth
Blue Blue Blue Fixer
Baldios, challenge the future!
Blue Blue Blue Fixer
Baldios, save the future!



Where were you yesterday?
I looked at you
But you vanished
Two eyes blink away
I looked at you
But you vanished
A smile, a shout, a little like a murmur
I looked at you
But you vanished


Out For Love (Turkish)

The feeling of hatred dominates your whole mind
Your every step is fed by grudge
Grow a different impulse inside you
Otherwise, you won't be able to succeed.
You thirst for vengeance, you want to spill blood
But the only thing that will save you is love.
Pure love
Protect what you value,
Love is your guide
You'll fight wild
If you focus on love
The fear of losing a loved one,
Let it ignite your power
If your heart rules with everything of yours
You'll take the fight
You thirst for vengeance, you want to spill blood
But the only thing that will save you is love.
Pure love
Protect what you value,
Love is your guide
Your fight will be wild
When you realised that the matter got serious
Your advantage is evident
Love is your guide



I was asleep.
My mother went out to work quickly
I was still in bed at one.
I remember that I got up, got dressed,
Grabbed my bag with yesterday's books
And left from my bedroom window
While mum entered the door.
Mum trusted me.
Once she went to the teachers' meeting
Because it was an intense political phase, assemblies, things like that
The agriculture professor was a big guy dressed in black
over fifty and over-conservative
He would terrify you just looking at him
We had renamed him, looking at his dress and style,
'Your son is an ugly person', he told her,
'he never studies, he never comes to school,
and when he comes he messes around,
disrupts, answers back, makes trouble. Tired.
School does nothing for your son.
Your son should serve in the military,
In a foreign legion.
But don't think I'm being unfair,
I gave the class four tests
And he was absent for every one.
There were three days before the exams, and I told him,
'Maybe a grammar school doesn't suit you,
But a D before graduation
Won't suit you either'.
And then I came to school on Monday,
56 Years old and almost retired,
To give your son a test,
Since he had skipped all four that term.
He got an A.
Then he told me,
'Prof, will you give me an eight on my report?
The average is eight, right?'
Your son, miss,
Has a face like an arse!
My mother turned to me and said:
'My boy, something here is not right'
'Mum, Kappler gave me an eight.'
Kappler retired
Three years after that maturity
He died in a few months.



Someday, these casual days will also
Disappear like smoke
With just God’s feelings
Someday, if these bittersweet days could also
Become things of beauty
I’ll turn them into memories
So I don’t mind them
Because I heard
Your voice
I looked up to
The blue sky
Because I heard
Your voice
I start walking
Through these days
Like the wind
In a conceited dream, I feel like even these efforts
Have become for someone else’s sake
Yet I still kept going on pointlessly
Someday, these worthless days will also
Become the light shining down on us
With just the feelings of God
Because I forgot
About you
I hid away
The blue sky
Because I forgot
About you
I grew up
A little more
We who only wait for tomorrow
Are always being left behind
And we of the same tomorrows to come
Are always following in someone else’s footsteps
Because I heard
Your voice
I looked up to
The blue sky
Because I heard
Your voice
I start walking
Through these days
Like the wind


For a moment

Just for a while
Life doesn't seem that bad
Just for a while
My suffering is smaller
Gives the days' shine to the nights,
But you should hold back
Keep your eyes peeled,
Don't open your heart just for a while
Just for a while
I have it, Noodle!
Noodle, Noodle, piece of strudel,
Some like to give,
Others are always skimping,
In my song lies the core of poodle,
I want it to raise your moodood
You could measure the amusement by buckets.
Thanks Abigail!
Just for a while I have my life upside down!
(Noodle, noodle, a piece of stuff, some like to give and others are always skimping)
Just for a while now
I'll say farewell to gravitation!
(In my song lies the core of poodle, I want it to raise your moodood)
I feel the ease with him
(Noodledeedee, Noodledeedah)
... I'll fly far
(You could measure the amusement by buckets.)
Just for a while
Life doesn't seem so bad.
Just for a whole
My suffering is smaller.



One moment and nothing is the same anymore
A word that killed more than a stone
A year that I miss more and more every day
A life as if it were dead forever
Day and night I stand as a statue in front of the door
I wait in vain for the day when spring comes
Let it rain and wash away the memories
Come out, sun, come out and dry your tears
A promise of an “apology” that was never said
A wound that remained open under the skin
A year that I miss more and more every day
A life as if it were dead forever
Day and night I stand as a statue in front of the door
I wait in vain for the day when spring comes
Let it rain and wash away the memories
Come out, sun, come out and dry your tears


Forgive me guys for not taking part in the ATO

Fighters of the unknown front
I lived in a shack
And was a trouble maker
The powers that be were thiefs that started
the war
And I was called to the ATO zone
Andrii Lysenko!
We lived in Kuchma's* days
Fat, bread, crackers were our food
We had smoked fish
and was in clover
And I ended up in the ATO * zone
Forgive me guys
for not taking part in the ATO
I played dominoes
while you shot there
But I prayed and fasted for your's sake
And a couple of times
I threw five in the box
Assholes repeatedly violated the silence
Shots were fired in the area of Popasnaya, Maryinka, Krasnohorivka
BMP-21 Grad
Come on
Andriy Lysenko!
Ay ay my führer, your wish is my command
Forgive me guys
For not not taking part in the ATO
I played dominoes
while you shot there
But I prayed and made a sign of cross for your's sake
And I threw fiver in the box a couple of times
Forgive me guys for not taking part in the ATO
While you shot there
I played dominoes
But I prayed and fasted for your's sake
I threw a fiver into the pot a couple of times


Who is the one to yell in the wind

Who is the one to yell in the wind?
And spirit within him?
Who has left open
the doors of his heart?
Who, who, maybe a dog
Roaming the roads?
It's always at rainy night
That the dogs are crying.
Or maybe it's the train
Out there in the prairie,
Who stole from a lover
Her love?
Or maybe, maybe it's a boy
Born sad,
Since he had an unhappy mother
Who left him without return?
Who is the one to yell in the wind?
In his voice mourning.
Who is the one who prays to rest?
And he can't!
It's a desolation song, it's a crying song
That they all sing.
That's how sadness drops down on the cheek,
Sadness of the world.


The Smell Of Rebellion

To teach, firstly you must break the child
This school started to stink augeanly
Be quiet while I'm speaking!
Disgusting, disturbing, filthy
A good nose picks up this whiff
Certainly, I smell it very well too
This is the odor of revolt, rebellion, dissent!
And the manageress of this school finds
The cracking sound in this situational occasion
Suppresses the pervasive stench
And who are the ringleaders?
I will take out the rebel
No one could go beyond my words
Come on, stinkpots!
There is no need for you, Jenny!

This is the smell of rebellion, mixed-up with sweat
You get sweat in phys-ed (physical education)
It won't take long, it will emerge
Those who cooperated
Before the weed gets randy
You have to crush its head, to get rid of it
Before a worm curls itself up
You have to clean it out from the ground
There's a revolt coming soon
The niff is dominant
This is the puberty-protest
Provocative challenging
A coup plotter.. an ambush
In the air, the reek of anarchy
Let the little demons learn first
Let them stay in the shit, (and) creep around
Let even more discipline
Suppress this putrefact
For the disobedient ones
Stubborn vagrants
They have to learn from history
Don't cackle / prattle
Don't be of those who talk unnecessary
What you need is (definitely)
And we do believe in discipline
That it is indispensable
We do resist persistently
To those anarchy games
Don't waste your time for nothing
I don't have mercy for the naughty one
They just only need
The fake ones, the moaners
Those who cop-out from each exercice
'I need a tissue'
'please' saying crybabies
After all, I'm the master
And my greatest weapon is
Discipline, discipline, discipline
Let it pass-by now
This smell of shit
Full of protests everywhere
Provocative challenging
A rebellion
Filthiness and immorality everywhere
There's the champion. Agatha Truncbull was amazing again!
A great athlete! A real champion!

How beautiful would the world have been without children?
Close your eyes and dream
Dream it, dream it..
A silent peace..
A peaceful place (to be)
Dream it, a hut in the forest
And who was there in the hut?
A parrot, its name is 'zeke'
Actually it's hard to say a bird
A colorful freak, it says


I've got a secret that I carry within
Which always worries me:
I don't know if I want to be with you
Or if with you I want to be.
Riverman, riverman,
Who speaks so slowly
Teach me your way
Of living without craving.
High, high, high goes the passing cloud
High, high, high flies my thought
Which is a slave to your grace
Just like a cloud to the wind.
(Come tell me 'Yes'
Or come tell me 'No'...)

Because you always come like that
Closer to my heart
(Come tell me 'Yes'
Or come tell me 'No'...)

You're always near me
In my thoughts!
I've got a feather, a feather that writes
All that I may always feel.
If it's a lie, it writes smoothly,
If it's truth, it runs out of ink.
Riverman, riverman,
Who will run along
You will run alone,
Riverman, like me.
High, high, high goes the passing cloud
High, high, high flies my thought
Which is a slave to your grace
Just like a cloud to the wind.
(Come tell me 'Yes'
Or come tell me 'No'...)

Because you always come like that
Closer to my heart
(Come tell me 'Yes'
Or come tell me 'No'...)

You're always near me
In my thoughts!
Everyone is on their way to the party, to the party
With a sky-blue diamond, a sky-blue diamond
Everyone on their way, no one remains
- Oh, well... I remain...
No, you're nuts!
No, no, come over too!
Come as well!
I don't know if I'm dreaming
(I don't know if I'm dreaming...)
And what's the sense in dreaming
(And what's the sense in dreaming...)
But before these verses end
Made in major mode
We ought to make a tribute
To the author's drunkness!
(Come tell me 'Yes'
Or come tell me 'No'...)

Because you always come like that
Closer to my heart
(Come tell me 'Yes'
Or come tell me 'No'...)

You're always near me
In my thoughts!
(Come tell me 'Yes'
Or come tell me 'No'...)

You're the fruit in the garden
You, the fruit of passion! (Nice!)
(Come tell me 'Yes'
Or come tell me 'No'...)

Come kill this passion
That eats my heart!
(Come tell me 'Yes'
Or come tell me 'No'...)

Don't tell me 'no'
Yes, no, yes, no
(Come tell me 'Yes'
Or come tell me 'No'...)

I didn't say 'no'