Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Herbert Léonard - Des Choses Toutes Bêtes versuri traducere în engleză


Simple Things

When the night falls, we finally come back home
And as the day was long and tough
At times, you want to forget
The bothersome things and to empty your mind
You would like to live more freely
To listen without really hearing
Sentences that don't mean anything
That come without thought
Simple things
To dream
Simple things
Not complicated
Gadgets of words
To escape
Simple things
At first glance
That actually have
Their importance
That we repeat
Without even thinking
How good it feels to let go
And to merge with simple words
I forget everything when you come and kiss me
When to relax
You say what I love to hear
You know how to put over
The topics that bother me
And in those moments
You come and whisper to me
Simple things
To dream
Simple things
Not complicated
Gadgets of words
To escape
As I listen to you little by little
I come back to the surface
I become myself again
But still, tell me again
Simple things
At first glance
That actually have
Their importance
That we repeat
Without even thinking
Simple things
No speeches
Simple things
Without the shade
Face to face
Before sex

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Herbert Léonard

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