Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Elaheh - عشقت (Eshghat) versuri traducere în engleză


Your Love

Oh Fairy! Your Love ignites such a fire in my heart
That tulips grow from the mud when you cross my path.
Oh flower, wine is of no effect on my heart without you.
A flower does not smell of loyalty. Come! Because you are better than a flower.
My drunkenness is from you as you are like a tasty wine to me.
And my life meaning is from you because you have warmed my heart.
The strand of your hair has bound me. Be kind and unbind my feet.
I am tired of the thorn of unkindness. Woe if you are not faithful to me!
You have no eye of kindness and my heart cannot bear it any longer.
Oh beloved, you are not loyal. Have mercy on my faithfulness.

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Elaheh

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