Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Alban Skënderaj - Ja ku jam versuri traducere în engleză


Here I am

I crossed fields, mountains, seas and tempests,
I never gave up because I saw hope in you.
I stood alone like a rock over the ocean,
I listened to my heart even when I was abandoned in the crossroads.
And in this race without end or beginning
I find peace
so long as I have love for a strategy.
And here I am
today with my destiny in my hands.
every breath an opportunity
to rewrite my story.
And here I am
with faith and hope in myself.
I kissed fear goodby,
and every morning 'Welcome life!'
And here I am
And here I am, with you...
And here I am
And here I am for you..
I shouted 'Here I am' even when I had no voice
I fell down a thousand times only to get up a thousand and one.
I embraced life's difficulties
and still hold its scars as a sacred treasure.
I hold, I hold...
And here I am
today with my destiny in my hands.
every breath an opportunity
to rewrite my story.
And here I am
with faith and hope in myself.
I kissed fear goodby,
and every morning 'Welcome life!'
And here I am
And here I am, with you...
And here I am
And here I am for you..

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Alban Skënderaj

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