Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 14


Monastery of Saint Chiara

Tomorrow? But I wish I could leave tonight!
I can't stand being far away any longer!
They say all it's left is the sea,
which is the same ad before, that sea of blue...
Monastery of Saint Chiara,1
my heart is so dark,2
but why? Because every night
I think of Naples as it used to be,
I think of Naples as it is now!
Fountain of Capodimonte,
this heart of mine break
when I hear people saying
that this city has gone bad,
but why?
No, it isn't true!
No, I can't believe it!
And this urge to go back to Naples is killing me,
but what can I do?
I'm afraid to go back.
Afraid, yes... what if it was really so?
What if people were telling the truth?
All of Naples' richness was its heart:
they say that's lost, too!
Monastery of Saint Chiara,
confined among four walls
so many honest women,
if they lost their love,
took Jesus as their husband.
Fountain of Capodimonte,
now, if they lose a lover,
they have one hundred more,
so that an innocent woman,
so people say, is nowhere to be found anymore.
No, it isn't true!
No, I can't believe it!
And this urge to go back to Naples is killing me,
but what can I do?
I'm afraid to go back.
Monastery of Saint Chiara,
my heart is so dark,
but why? Because every night
I think of Naples as it used to be,
I think of Naples as it is now!
  • 1. A religious complex in the centre of Naples, severely damaged by a bombing in 1943
  • 2. A play on words with the name 'Chiara', which in Italian means 'light, pale'.


When the moon rises, in Marechiaro

Luna roșie

Mă plimb absent și abandonat...
Cu ochii ascunși sub pălărie,
mâinile în buzunar și gulerul ridicat...
Merg fluierând la stelele care au răsărit...
Si luna roșie îmi vorbește despre tine,
eu o întreb dacă mă aștepți,
ea îmi răspunde:'Dacă vrei să știi, aici nu este nimeni...'
Și te strig pe nume pentru a te vedea,
Dar toată lumea care vorbește despre tine,
îmi răspunde: 'E târziu ce vrei să știi?
Aici nu e nimeni...'
Luna roșie,
cine-mi,va fi sinceră?
Luna roșie,
a plecat aseară
fără să mă vadă...
Și îi spun din nou să mă aștepte
afară pe balcon în noaptea asta la trei,
și roagă Sfinții pentru a mă vedea ...
Dar nu este nimeni ...
Mai mult de o mie de întâlniri am avut...
Tot atât de multe țigări am aprins...
Multe cești de cafea am băut...
O mie de gurițe amare am sărutat...
Și îi spun din nou să mă aștepte
afară pe balcon în noaptea asta la trei
și roagă sfinții pentru a mă vedea...
Dar nu este nimeni...
Dar nu este nimeni...

Black tambourine song

Sometimes I just don't understand what's going on, and what I see I don't belive.
A baby was born, and it was black
And his mum named him Ciro (Cyrus)
Yes sir, she named him Ciro.
Yes, you can turn it, turn it however you want, can name him Ciccio (Francis) or 'Ntuno (Anthony), can name him Peppe or Ciro, but the fact is that the baby is black,
most definitely black.
Housewives are gossiping about such affairs, that ain't rare, they occur often, a thousand times
Sometimes just a look is enough, for a woman to remain struck by the blow.
Yes, just take a look, yeah, just a glimpse, yeah
Tough, you can't find who he was, he who aimed and shot precisely,
but he made him black, most definitely black.
A wise man said that we should discuss,
cause that way we bring reason in the topic we are discussing.
Where ever you sow wheat it grows, wheatear it goes good or bad, but wheat is always wheat.
Oh, tell it to your mum, come on,
Oh, but tel me also
Explain how it has gone,
Ciccio, 'Ntuno, Peppe or Ciro,
But the fact is that he is black, black, most definitely black.
Yes, you can turn it, turn it however you want, can name him Ciccio (Francis) or 'Ntuno (Anthony), can name him Peppe or Ciro, but the fact is that the baby is black,
most definitely black.


On a lonely white road
between the smell and the country air,
a little cart, slowly, goes away.
This donkey does not get tired,
in no hurry, why should he have it?
And this village is far away
where no one has to wait for us.
And pull, pull, pull, oh little donkey,
this cart, you pull it.
And ring, ring, ring the bell,
but those who waited are no longer there.
A lying woman left me,
far from the countryside she is gone.
And pull, pull, pull, oh little donkey,
take me by another road.
Oh good and calm donkey,
you who have always seen embraced,
a promise of marriage,
you heard it too.
She said, 'You are my life
and in the spring we have to get married '.
It wasn't true, it was a lie,
she left, who knows where she is?
And pull, pull, pull, oh little donkey,
On a lonely white road
between the smell and the country air,
a little cart, slowly goes away

Goodbeye Naples

We are there at the start.
I'm leaving,
My beautiful Naples,
I won't see you anymore.
How much more expensive
inside you closes. ..
My Naples, you are the paradise on Earth.
About the love, who shall meet me,
The air, the streets, and the sea, It seems as if they want to speak with me
I feel like crying
Beautiful Naples, goodbye.
You will allways be paradise for me
You will allways be paradise for me

French pinns

One morning i got out of House and went to sell Some french pinns.
One morning i got out of House and went to sell Some french pinns.
A girl called me in (and asked me) 'How much pinns do You give for one Turnese'
A girl called me in (and asked me) 'How much pinns do You give for one Turnese
And I, who am a bit vicious immidiatley enterd in the house
' Who wants lovley french pinns, Who wants them?
Who wants lovley french pinns,
Who wants them? '
So i said:' If You give me 3 or 4 kisses I'll give You All of them french pinns.'
So i said: If You give me 3 or 4 kisses I'll give You All of them french pinns.'
Tweaks and kisses don't compromise
And you can fill the country with the pins.
Tweaks and kisses don't compromise
And you can fill the country with the pins.
Listen to me, even in Paradiese a kiss costs 5 Turnese.
'Ah, who desires the excellent safety pins?
Ah, who desires the safety pins, who desires?'
She said: 'My dear, this is a land
Where, if you compromise me, you'll be killed!'
She said: 'My dear, this is a land
Where, if you compromise me, you'll be killed!'
And I answered: 'Have patience, excuse me!
I have a bride and she's in this land'.
And I answered: 'Have patience, excuse me!
I have a bride and she's in this land'.
And her face is like the leaves of rose,
And her lips are like the cherries.
'Ah, who desires the excellent safety pins?
Ah, who desires the safety pins, who desires?'


Seara plecam, seara plecam pe țărm
Să găsesc o logodnică,
Albă și roșie, albă și roșie, elegantă,
făcută să se bucure de viață.
Tiritomba, tiritomba,
Tiritomba, tiritomba, saltă în aer
Tiritomba, tiritomba,
Tiritomba, saltă în aer.
Plimbându-mă, plimbându-mă pe-acolo primprejur,
M-am simțit fluierat.
Mă opresc, mă opresc mai aproape
Ca s-o văd mai bine.
Tiritomba, tiritomba
Tiritomba, tiritomba saltă în aer.
Tiritomba, tiritomba
Tiritomba, saltă în aer.
Era frumoasă, era frumoasă, mai mult ca frumoasă,
Părea steaua dragostei.
Era cuiul, era cuiul care în inimă
Ştie să patrundă .
Tiritomba, tiritomba,
Tiritomba, tiritomba saltă în aer.
Tiritombs, tiritomba,
Tiritomba saltă în aer.
O privesc, o privesc și ea râde.
Ii vorbesc, ea îmi răspunde.
Și deja eram, deja eram in mijlocul valurilor
Iubirii scufundat.
Tiritomba, tiritomba,
Tiritomba, tiritomba saltă în aer.
Tiritomba, tiritomba
Tiritomba, saltă în aer.
Când văd, când văd la un moment dat
Tatăl ei, un om voinic.
Cu un baston, cu un baston, agitând,
Voia să mă bată.
Tiritomba, tiritomba,
Tiritomba, tiritomba saltă în aer
Tiritomba, tiritomba,
Tiritomba saltă în aer.
Repede, repede scap și evit
Astfel acele lovituri.
Dar frumoasa, dar frumoasa, zi și noapte
Mereu în inimă îmi va rămâne.
Tiritomba, tiritomba
Tiritomba, tiritomba, saltă in aer.
Tiritomba, tiritomba,
Tiritomba saltă în aer.

Dorinta de soare

Si cat e de intunecat cerul acestui tinut
Norii cei mai negri sunt aici!
Primavara noastra e alceva
Cine sta departe nu o va putea uita!
E frumos soarele!
Care vine, te mangaie si pleaca!
Dragoste, dragostea mea,
Aceasta tristete imi strange inima.
Nu se mai aude prin aer un cantec
Nu se mai aude un glas care-ti vrea binele!
Dragoste, dragostea mea,,
Din vina nostalgiei eu voi muri!
Nu mai infloreste nici o floare in acest tinut!
Ce dorinta de soare!
Care crapa pietrele si incalzeste toate casele!
Intr-o zi cand imi vei scrie un cuvant
Si imi vei da speranta de a te vedea,
Din acest cer negru va aparea soarele
Care va veni si va da caldura pieptului meu!
Aceasta inima,
Aceasta proasta inima
Isi trece timpul mereu a plangere pentru tine!
Dragoste, dragostea mea,
Aceasta tristete imi strange inima.
Nu se mai aude prin aer un cantec
Nu se mai aude un glas care-ti vrea binele!
Dragoste, dragostea mea.
Din vina nostalgiei eu voi muri!
Nu mai infloreste nici o floare in acest tinut!
Ce dorinta de soare!
Care crapa pietrele si incalzeste toate casele!

Red moon

I wander absentmindedly, feeling abandoned...
My eyes, hidden under the hat,
My hands inside my pockets and the collar liften...
I wander whistling to the stars on the sky...
And the red moon tells me about you,
I ask her if you are waiting for me,
And so she answers: 'if you really want to know,
There is no one here...'
And I call your name, just to see you,
But, everyone talking about you
Responds: 'it's late already! What do you want to know?!
There is no one here!...'
Red moon,
Who will be sincere?
Red moon,
She left the other night,
Without saying goodbye... 1
And I still saying she is waiting for me,
Tonight at three, under the balcony,
And she prays to saints, hoping to see me...
But there is no one here...
A thousand and more dates I've had...
So many cigarettes I've smoked...
Many cups of coffee I've drunk...
So many lovable mouths I've kissed...
And the red moon tells me about you.
  • 1. lit. transl: without seeing me.

Eyes that talk

Your eyes, beautiful,
Brighter than the stars,
Are blacker than the black,
Are like the two sighs.
Every sigh is burning
But its fire is sweet,
It penetrates into the heart
And doesn't give it peace.
But who can forget you,
Eyes that talk
Without speaking,
Without speaking?
Look at me, yes,
And stop for a moment,
How I say,
How I wish,
How I wish!
They are black, brighter
Than the ebony.
Like a delicate silk
Are the eyes of Concettina.
Always if I look in them
I find in them a passion
Because I'm used
To caressing them with the look.
But who can forget you,
Eyes that talk
Without speaking,
Without speaking?
Look at me, yes,
And stop for a moment,
How I say,
How I wish,
How I wish!
Fragrant flowers and petals,
I don't search too many things!
The most beautiful girl,
Even if she's rich, doesn't fascinate me.
But all the sympathy,
But all my life
Will be in success or go to ruin
Because of eyes of Concettina.
But who can forget you,
Eyes that talk
Without speaking,
Without speaking?
Look at me, yes,
And stop for a moment,
How I say,
How I wish,
How I wish!
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.