Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Traduceri de versuri în română și engleză pagină 805

Număr de rezultate: 105874



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Păsările care au părăsit copacii, lumina mă plictisește,
Te simt întins acolo de unul singur
Am ajuns aici pe calea grea, toate acele cuvinte pe care le schimbăm
Este de mirare că lucrurile se întunecă?
Pentru că în inima mea și în capul meu,
Nu voi lua niciodată înapoi lucrurile pe care le-am spus
Atât de sus, încât simt că se coboară
A spus ea în inima mea și în capul meu
Spune-mi de ce trebuie să se termine
oh nu, oh nu
Nu ne pot salva, Atlantida mea, cădem
Am construit acest oraș pe un teren zdruncinat
Nu pot să ne salvez Atlantida, oh, nu
Am construit-o pentru a o trage în jos
Acum toate păsările au fugit, durerea mă lasă speriată
Pierd tot ce am cunoscut vreodată
Totul a devenit prea mult, poate că nu sunt făcut pentru dragoste
Dacă aș ști că pot ajunge la tine, m-aș duce
Este în inima mea și în capul meu
Nu poți lua înapoi lucrurile pe care le-ai spus
Atât de sus, încât simt că se coboară
A spus ea în inima mea și în capul meu
Spune-mi de ce trebuie să se termine
Oh nu, oh nu
Nu ne pot salva, Atlantida mea, cădem
Am construit acest oraș pe un teren zdruncinat
Nu pot să ne salvez Atlantida, oh, nu
Am construit-o pentru a o trage în jos
Și o construim, și o construim
Și o construim pentru a o trage în jos
Și o construim, și o construim
Și o construim pentru a o trage în jos
Nu ne pot salva, Atlantida mea, cădem
Am construit acest oraș pe un teren zdruncinat
Nu pot să ne salvez Atlantida, oh, nu
Am construit-o pentru a o trage în jos

Dă-mi desfătare

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Dă-mi desfătare, fă-o cum trebuie,
Găsește-mi punctul plăcerii,
Dă-mi desfătare, doar în noaptea asta
Poți să-mi furi comoara.
Dă-mi desfătare, mă simt bine
Iubite, când mă strângi în brațe.
(Dă-mi desfătare în noaptea asta!)
Dansăm, simțim ritmul,
Iubito, fă-mi corpul să se miște.
Eu zic că vom rămâne,
Doar visele pot zbura departe.
Nu sunt făcut din piatră
Când îți aud geamătul sexy.
Tu ești tot ce am nevoie,
Dragostea și inimile nu vor înșela niciodată.
Putem dansa toată noaptea
Suflet la suflet și unul lângă altul.
Lasă febra să crească,
Iubito, când închizi ochii
Deci e o dorință fierbinte
Vei găsi desfătare în noaptea asta.
Dă-mi desfătare, fă-o cum trebuie,
Găsește-mi punctul plăcerii,
Dă-mi desfătare, doar în noaptea asta
Poți să-mi furi comoara.
Dă-mi desfătare, mă simt bine
Iubite, când mă strângi în brațe.
(E acum ori niciodată.)
Dă-mi desfătare, fă-o cum trebuie,
Găsește-mi punctul plăcerii,
Dă-mi desfătare, doar în noaptea asta
Poți să-mi furi comoara.
Dă-mi desfătare, mă simt bine
Iubite, când mă strângi în brațe.
(Dă-mi desfătare în noaptea asta!)
Dansăm, simt atingerea ta
Pentru că mi-e dor de tine, oh, atât de mult.
Cu tine dau totul
Când cad lumile rațiunii,
Poți să mă faci să plâng,
E o dragoste, nu pot nega,
Și sărutul tău atât de dulce
E singurul lucru de care am nevoie.
Putem dansa toată noaptea
Suflet la suflet și unul lângă altul.
Lasă febra să crească,
Iubito, când închizi ochii
Deci e o dorință fierbinte
Vei găsi desfătare în noaptea asta.
Dă-mi desfătare, fă-o cum trebuie,
Găsește-mi punctul plăcerii,
Dă-mi desfătare, doar în noaptea asta
Poți să-mi furi comoara.
Dă-mi desfătare, mă simt bine
Iubite, când mă strângi în brațe.
(E acum ori niciodată.)
Dă-mi desfătare, fă-o cum trebuie,
Găsește-mi punctul plăcerii,
Dă-mi desfătare, doar în noaptea asta
Poți să-mi furi comoara.
Dă-mi desfătare, mă simt bine
Iubite, când mă strângi în brațe.
(Dă-mi desfătare în noaptea asta!)
Dă-mi desfătare în noaptea asta!

Sunt îndrăgostită

Inima îmi bate mult prea repede,
Nu o pot face să încetinească.
E un sentiment pe care nu l-am simțit niciodată
Acum știu că nu-i niciun dubiu.
Am făcut tot posibilul să n-o arăt,
Secretul meu a scăpat de sub control.
Dar de fiecare dată când ochii noștri se intersectează,
E o minune că tu nu știi că...
Sunt îndrăgostită (sunt îndrăgostită)
Sunt îndrăgostită (sunt îndrăgostită)
Sunt îndrăgostită și dragostea mea e pentru tine.
Sunt îndrăgostită (sunt îndrăgostită)
Sunt îndrăgostită (sunt îndrăgostită)
Vreau doar să o împărtășesc cu tine.
Prietenii mei îmi spun că sunt atât de proastă
Spun că nu ești de mine (nu ești de mine).
Chiar nu-mi pasă ce spun ei
Știu că suntem meniți să fim împreună.
Apoi te-am văzut dansând cu altcineva,
Inima mi-a scăpat de sub control.
Mi-am făcut o promisiune,
Că nu te voi face să afli niciodată că...
Sunt îndrăgostită (sunt îndrăgostită)
Sunt îndrăgostită (sunt îndrăgostită)
Sunt îndrăgostită și dragostea mea e pentru tine.
Sunt îndrăgostită (sunt îndrăgostită)
Sunt îndrăgostită (sunt îndrăgostită)
Vreau doar să o împărtășesc cu tine.
Uneori secretele, băiete,
E bine să nu le dezvălui.
Dragostea e un lucru atât de nebunesc
Nu pot să te scot din mintea mea.
Uneori secretele, băiete,
E bine să nu le dezvălui.
Sunt cu-adevărat îndrăgostită.
Sunt îndrăgostită (sunt îndrăgostită)
Sunt îndrăgostită (sunt îndrăgostită)
Sunt îndrăgostită și dragostea mea e pentru tine.
Sunt îndrăgostită (sunt îndrăgostită)
Sunt îndrăgostită (sunt îndrăgostită)
Vreau doar să o împărtășesc cu tine.
Sunt îndrăgostită

Pentru tine eu cânt

Click to see the original lyrics (French)
În ciuda durerilor și necazurilor tale,
Vreau ca tu să vezi astăzi
Că sunt lucruri în viață
Pe care le uiți.
Sunt flori și păsări,
Soarele strălucește acolo sus,
Sunt culorile cerului
Să-ți lumineze viața.
Mai este și cineva care te iubește
Care și-ar dori să fie prietenul tău,
Dacă vrei asta.
Trebuie doar să răspunzi „da”.
Tu, care ai nevoie de încredere,
Tu, care trăiești numai din speranță,
Pentru tine eu cânt,
Pentru tine, prietena mea.
O nouă zi va răsări,
Ziua de ieri e doar trecut,
Astăzi vine să-ți dea salut,
Viaţa este frumoasă.
Dacă te uiți în jurul tău
Pe soare sau când plouă
Vei vedea că nu e așa de rău
În viața asta.
Deschide-ți ochii și inima,
Îți vei găsi fericirea.
N-o căuta, ea este în tine
Nu poți vedea?
Tu, care ai atât de multe de spus,
Tu, care vrei să vorbești despre viitor,
Pentru tine eu cânt,
Pentru tine, prietena mea.
Ia-ți curajul în propriile mâini
Și vei vedea că totul va fi bine.
Îți poți schimba destinul,
Dacă vrei cu-adevărat.
Și dacă într-o zi te vei întrista,
Eu pentru tine voi cânta,
Să încerc să-ți aduc
Puțină bucurie
La la la la la la
Tu, care ai nevoie de încredere,
Tu, care trăiești numai din speranță,
Pentru tine eu cânt,
Pentru tine, prietena mea.
La la la la la la
Tu, care ai atât de multe de spus,
Tu, care vrei să vorbești despre viitor,
Pentru tine eu cânt,
Pentru tine, prietena mea.
La la la la la la

Străpunge norii

Străpunge norii
De aici până în larg,
Oh, mare soare,
Tu mă uimești.
De la orizont
Poartă-ți razele
Am nevoie.
Tu, vântul al mării
Du-te și spune-i mamei mele
Cât de mult o iubesc
Și cât de frumoasă este.
Mergi spre orizont,
Poartă cântecul meu,
La ureche sa.
Ea se odihnește astăzi
Acolo unde a locuit cu el
Cea mai mare parte din viață.
Dar, singură, s-a întors acum
În satul în care m-am născut,
Acolo unde tatăl meu e îngropat.
Stea a nopții,
Spune-i lui așa,
Că noi suntem mereu
Alături de el,
Că el este în inimile noastre,
Ca o lumină ce va străluci
Întreaga viața.
Ea se odihnește astăzi
Acolo unde a locuit cu el
Cea mai mare parte din viață.
Dar, singură, s-a întors acum
În satul în care m-am născut,
Acolo unde tatăl meu e îngropat.
Acolo unde tatăl meu e îngropat.
Acolo unde tatăl meu e îngropat.


Vin din întuneric, păşesc în lumină
Din zi, păşesc în noapte
Din umbră, o să apar
Cu un mesaj, pentru cei care mă ascultă
Pentru cei care se tem, voi fi puternic
Voi aparţine apărătorilor credinţei
Toţi, până la ultimul, vom lupta până la moarte
Până când cheile regatului vor fi ale mele
Suntem împreună
Pentru ca lumea să vadă
Că acum e momentul
Să ne îndeplinim dorinţele
Spune acest cuvând veşnic
Iar puterea nu te va părăsi
Dacă vrei să câştigi lupta
Spune 'Cred'
Vin din întuneric, păşesc în lumină
Din zi, păşesc în noapte
Din umbră, o să apar
Cu un mesaj, pentru cei care mă ascultă
Pentru cei care se tem, voi fi puternic
Voi aparţine apărătorilor credinţei
Toţi, până la ultimul, vom lupta până la moarte
Până când cheile regatului vor fi ale mele
Suntem împreună
Pentru ca lumea să vadă
Că acum e momentul
Să ne îndeplinim dorinţele
Spune acest cuvând veşnic
Iar puterea nu te va părăsi
Dacă vrei să câştigi lupta
Spune 'Cred'

Don't Worry (English)

Karan Aujla!
Ehaan Records!
Deep Jandu!
Oh you're making noise, tell me what is the issue?
If the matter is small, don't pick up your guns
I don't do it first nor am I accepting after fighting
I scan them by breaking their pulse
If someone puts their eyes on my love
I will twist them with my eye's signals
Tell me your sorrows, we will break them
We will break them, we will break them x(2)
This is the thing which keeps me stressed
Why are people getting jealous? Look at my success
I am tired of hearing about some new troubles every day
Jatta is tired of explaining to you
I fear telling you about adheya (singer)
You will squeeze them all out like lemons
Leave it jatta, I'm joining my hands (pleading)
I'm joining my hands, joining my hands (pleading) x(2)
Fair skin, golden earrings
For roaming, I've bought you a black car
Come to my house and I'll put bangles on you
I will set fire to firecrakers when you arrive
Whenever you are in the need for lakhs
Forget lakhs, I will give you crores
Tell me your sorrows, we will break them
We will break them, we will break them x(2)
I only have one demand, to for you to leave your notorious activities
Look, or else jatti (referring to herself) will go away
Your promises have drunk my blood (annoyed her)
Through your words you show me the moon in the day
Karan stay at your home in Ghurale
Otherwise I'll close my door
Leave it jatta, I'm joining my hands (pleading)
I'm joining my hands, joining my hands (pleading) x(2)
Tell me your sorrows, we will break them
We will break them, we will break them x(2)
Sukh Sanghera!

If yuánfèn was there

Yuánfèn presumed there how then could this being and existence coincide if it wasn't yuánfèn
Yet if [we] could call it yuánfèn why then like a honed sword's
invisible edge slash off a piece of [my] heart though what bleed was't blood
but tears that [I] so badly surpress lest you should notice
If [we] could call it yuánfèn why then [we] knew from the outset constancy was't to be
Yet if [we] deny yuánfèn there ought not be bitterness
Clogged with acrid heartbreak so infinite that rotted [my] core
Clogged with acrid heartbreak so infinite that rotted [my] core
Clogged with acrid heartbreak so infinite that rotted [my] core
This heap of my affection left behind will endure this lifetime
This heap of my affection left behind will endure this lifetime
This heap of my affection left behind will endure this lifetime
Parted even though willingly
A connection is perversely felt
I have no words you neither
Likewise know together is no longer
Please do not despair do not worry
If I am hurt
We all adapt given time and distance

Back Down

Yeah bring it on
Yeah yeah
Look at that, look at them, you've failed
Go on, Getting bigger and bigger
Hit back h hit hit back yuh
You can't see me in the sky y y y
Oh, breathe in and out
Step back, don't make me said it, bro, no way
Get lost, this is my turf (Haha)
Oh boy, look in the mirror
We don’t need, we don’t need second chances
We don’t care, we ain’t scared anymore
We can do it Together
Bring it on, yeah, whoever
So what you waiting for
Back Down, Run, All ready
Back Down, We go steady
Back Down, You know that we never gonna
Ra Ta Ta Ta
Back Down, now, go get in
Back Down, Don't worry ever
Back Down, You know that we never gonna
Ra Ta Ta Ta
Back Down
Ring ting ting ting a ting ting a
Pray for me I’m gonna do something big
Ting ting ting ting ting
I already got the upper hand
Go back, step back, You agree that V win
Bet on yourself, little moment
Don't chicken out, Now I'm on it
Don't worry about it, yeah yeah
Be determined to fly, woah
We don’t need, we don’t need second chances
We don’t care, we ain’t scared anymore
We can do it Together
Bring it on, yeah, whoever
So what you waiting for
What you waiting for
Back Down, Run, All ready
Back Down, We go steady
Back Down, You know that we never gonna
Ra Ta Ta Ta
Come on
Back Down, now, go get in
Back Down, Don't worry ever
Back Down, You know that we never gonna
Ra Ta Ta Ta
Back Down
Stand up stand up
Then put your hands up hands up
Follow me, get up
When you're falling Back Down
Back Down, Back Down Let's get it
Stand up stand up
Then put your hands up hands up
And you get up again
When you're falling Back Down down down haha
Time to change it now
Back Down, Run, All ready
Back Down, We go steady
Back Down, You know that we never gonna
Ra Ta Ta Ta
You know that we never gonna
Back Down, now, go get in
Back Down, Don't worry ever
Back Down, You know that we never gonna
Ra Ta Ta Ta
Back Down, yeah

Would like to say something else

We measure the time and measure the months
until morning
until there isn't even time
there is a pigeon on the windowsill
where did it come from
do you have a clue?
So everything comes to an end
would like to say something else
ah, let it be
I'd rather bite my tongue
then it'll be remembered - understand me
I'm really sore
just suffering until
until me change the rules
and then...
If it is beautiful tomorrow
let's go for a walk in the forest
and we melt into the day
then you'll see
that I can be alive.
Yes, really alive
wandering around in you
and just like that it's beautiful
Just give me time,
would like to say something else
For me it's still summer
and just like it was
I don't even do it anymore.
I know that winter will come first
it's only until spring,
until melting waters
and then...
We measure the time and measure the months
until morning
until there isn't even time
there is a pigeon on the windowsill
where did it come from
do you have a clue?
That everything comes to an end
would like to say something else
ah, let it be
I'd rather bite my tongue
then it'll be remembered - understand me
I'm really sore.
But do you know when it hurts,
everything seems wonderful
and still...

May They Never Forget

When these hard days are over,
When free Bosnia dawns,
May the Muslims remember forever,
May they never forget.
Who wanted them to be gone, destroyed, burned and slaughtered?
Who killed their daughters and sons with a smile?
Whose hordes created innumerable grievous wounds on their hearts?
Whose hands killed thousands of Muslims?
All the horrors of these hard days,
In memory let them leave,
And streams of Muslim blood,
May they never forget.
That's why they will come for better days,
Let the admonition remain,
To remind new Muslims,
And that they never forget.


As the night falls, the ash covers the field
Not mist, but smoke of fires
Not by deceit, but with the will of words
With the sign of five pale horses
Sea of dead fallen bodies
Down the rivers to the fortresses of dream
Woe to those, who couldn't be brave
Five corners sleeping in our stars
With her breathing
New dawn
One wish
To hear the word again
No the same name
But still a name
Follow them
As if they're the others
Your house is shut, no lights inside
No one there
(There is no more choice)
You follow the one, who lead in circles
The one, who lied to all of us
(Occupying the throne)
The fire was carrying them in its arms
Not with rest, but lies of dreams
Wearisome days of chases
And hungry nights of words


Drink from the cup,
Drink from my desire

Evolution's crown of thorns

Click to see the original lyrics (Russian)
The train is losing a link from the food chain
With each new station
We're chopping the branch of development
That we're sitting on, mixing up regression and renaissance
And in this rabid dance
Just try not to trip
And every step is a provocation
Hate is the last stage of evolution
Emotions, mutations
And no one wants to remain a victim
And to protect our hearts from people –
We started growing shells
And every newborn species
Is doomed to perform the same algorithm:
Love, hate and death by suicide
But if we live through this cycle again
Realize: it means that were lucky
It means we will meet again during withered spring
In the city of gallows
Our love is vodka, pills and syphilis
That's where our last bay is (Last bay)
That's where you can't wake up again
And when I absorb all the pain
I'll crown myself with evolution's crown of thorns
It waits as long as a bed
The throne made of thorns, the crib made of bones
Shatter the Grale to pieces and sing, revolution
Driving the nails up the casket of evolution
Absorbing the pain all the time
I will cross hate and love
And when they will fuse together
I'll ascend to the evolution's crown of thorns
It waits as long as a bed
The throne made of thorns, the crib made of bones
Shatter the Grale to pieces and sing, revolution
Driving the nails up the casket of evolution
Absorbing the pain all the time
I will cross hate and love
And when they will fuse together
I'll ascend to the evolution's crown of thorns
And under everyone, who somehow survived
The pyramid's framework is cracking into pieces
And just to climb up a stair
We mutate sixth sense and third eye in ourselves
And each step is a risk
Of turning into darkness from side effects
Love – that's our vampirism
And we're all shackled into the food chain
Our path isn't easy
And by building a stairway to the sky on the DNA helix, and for centuries
But, the basic rule was omitted –
The path is crumbling under the feet of the climber
Our function is destruction
And superficially remaking my corpse with all of the emotions into constructions
How do I make it so I can smile again?
But, no matter how you try, no combination is working here
On what we loved we commit genocides
Born again, begin a new cycle
And life is meaningless and death is the end in itself
But I will change everything by finding the Caduceus (It's the key)
Absorbing all the pain and by war on myself
And taking the food chain off of my neck
I'll ascend to evolution's crown of thorns
It waits as long as a bed
The throne made of thorns, the crib made of bones
Shatter the Grale to pieces and sing, revolution
Driving the nails up the casket of evolution
Absorbing the pain all the time
I will cross hate and love
And when they will fuse together
I'll ascend to the evolution's crown of thorns
It waits as long as a bed
The throne made of thorns, the crib made of bones
Shatter the Grale to pieces and sing, revolution
Driving the nails up the casket of evolution
Absorbing the pain all the time
I will cross hate and love
And when they will fuse together
I'll ascend to the evolution's crown of thorns

A song in a low voice

You're my planet,
Too bad, it's distant,
You're winter and summer,
Joy and longing,
You've never been
My destiny,
If you're with me, woe is me,
If you're with me, woe is me,
If you're not with me, it's a trouble.
You're my road
And my river,
Now you run evenly
And then you turn a little,
And only cities
Can be conquered with a fight,
Don't have mercy on me,
I’m not worth your pity,
You hear, don't change,
Be the way you're,
You're my forest and field,
Sky and water,
You're my forest and field,
Sky and water,

Wonder of a certain night

After the dance, I hear a sweet invitation
But I block it out
And I escape the downtown street
as if to break down a glass door
And all of a sudden
All the colours fade away
And I feel like I could go
somewhere far far away
Just, as, I, am
(Wondering) Now that I'm staring to hear
(Wondering) An echo in my chest
I see myself not willing to give up
(Wondering) Now I wanna shine bright
(Wondering) And be free
This heart belongs to no one but me
These trendy clothes feel so heavy now
All the way to my heart
And the words we exchange
Have a slightly different nuance for some reason
See, if I look at what's around me
My eyes start to spin
It's as if everyone acts the same
as each other
And, right, this, moment
(Wondering) I open my eyes
(Wondering) And this dream's so new to me
I see myself not willing to be tied down
(Wondering) And now is the time I realise
(Wondering) everything around me
There's only one of this heart
(Wondering) Now that I'm staring to hear
(Wondering) An echo in my chest
I see myself not willing to give up
(Wondering) Now I wanna shine bright
(Wondering) And be free
This heart belongs to no one but me


It saddens me to see
That this is how
The soul dies
But I can't stop for some time now
And if someone
Would propose a god to me
I would say, that I already believe in something
I need
What I need
Because when received
It works
It's hard
To hide my embarrassment every day
But it's easy to give into
It at the same time
And even though existence
Is eating (me) whole
I can still
Ignore it
I need
What I need
Because when received
It works

The end

It's hard to leave during the spring
When everything is alive
To say goodbye and to forget
Go back to silence
It's hard to die during the spring
It's hard to die during the spring


How early
We became ripe* for death
It's good to take out your anger
On the damned
It would be easy
To split you in two
In turn
I would split too
Give up
While I am not in control of myself

It hurts

Adequately easy for me
I'm not asking for much
I'm not required to direct society's attention
What I see around (me)
I haven't been able to see for a long time already
I haven't been able to see for too long
I will be good
I won't blame anyone
Comparatively¹ good
I won't blame anyone
Fucking good
I won't blame anyone
Perfectly good
I won't blame anyone
If it hurts
If it hurts
Enviably good for me
It's apparent that it's stable
Even though is burning around (me)
I get happy when it's bright
Comfortably passive
Passively comfortable
I will be good
I won't blame anyone
Comparatively¹ good
I won't blame anyone
Fucking good
I won't blame anyone
Perfectly good
I won't blame anyone
If it hurts
If it hurts
If it hurts
If it hurts


I'm back from a setback
And I promise these snakes will get a payback
Can't roll with them if we don't go way back (Ah)
I had a dream I was rolling in a Maybach
I-I just landed so obviously I have jetlag (Obviously I have jetlag)
I sat in the car and was laid back (Sat in the car and was laid back)
Just dropping straight facts (Just dropping straight facts)
They want to see me with a six pack (They want to see me with a six pack)
Ah, chill out
Ice coming in with cool shoes on
Ay, ay, chill out
Rolling, rolling up - giving them something to look at
Ay, ay, chill out
Your eyes won't believe this drip
Ay, ay, chill out
They'll hate on the man, but it's OK (Ay-ay)
Are you dumb or what?
Badman ice, are you dumb or what?
Yo, are you dumb or what?
Madamfo by my side, a gyal won't hurt
Are you dumb or what, mandem acting tough
But it's just a facade (Facade)
Give me a big batty gyal and I'm happy (Happy)
Ask yourself - Are you dumb or what, yo?
Coming from the bottom and we only go to the top
Young boy with a vision, who could stop it
I'm known in the neighborhood
You can ask them (Ask them)
Vida La Loca, feints that turn, she calls me Drogba
I'm numbing, dabbing like Pogba
Not for children, are you, are you dumb or what
Are you dumb or what?
I'm not about that bullshit
Dumb or what, gyal from Tunis'
Dumb or what, cannibal, I'm eating
And they know the routine, yeah they know they routine
Are you dumb or what, I'm not about that bullshit (N-o)
Dumb or what, gyal from Tunis'
Dumb or what, cannibal, I'm eating
It's time, and it's time to show
Who's warm, ends ice
Are you dumb or what?
Badman ice, are you dumb or what?
Yo, are you dumb or what?
Madamfo by my side, a gyal won't hurt
Are you dumb or what, mandem acting tough
But it's just a facade (Facade)
Give me a big batty gyal and I'm happy (Happy)
Ask yourself - Are you dumb or what, yo?
A-are you dumb or what?
A-are you dumb or what?
A-are you dumb or what?
Are you, are you dumb or what?
A-are you dumb or what?
A-are you dumb or what?
A-are you dumb or what?
Are you, are you dumb or what?

Farewell To Lisbon

Goodbye, Upper Foundry!
Upper Foundry 1, and rebuilt by the .
From the king's armoury...
I'm here, starting this journey
And I don't know when I'll return!
Goodbye, oh Wholesale Market! 2
Goodbye, oh Wholesale Market,
Where they sell olive oil!
And farewell to you, Figueira Square! 3
Farewell to you, Figueira Square
And farewell to you, rural milk vendresses. 4
Goodbye! Goodbye, Corpo Santo church!
Now Corpo Santo church, 5
Repository for milk mugs!
Ah farewell, oh pretty girls!
Ah, pretty girls...
Farewell, shots of wine!
Goodbye, castles and towers!
And goodbye, castles and towers
In Lisbon town!
For I'm here, starting this journey...
For I'm here, starting this journey
On a ship to Goa! 6
I was sailing the deep seas:
I reached the middle and stopped

The holy ones

Tear apart the weak
Until there's no
Defect in the chain left
Through lies
The poet's lines
They will speak slowly
They will speak slowly
Only those who don't fear anything are blessed
Not even a screeching voice disturbs the sleep of the holy ones
The holy ones
Without etiquette
They sell the view
Of authority
The paint off the portrait
When you don't find embarrassment
Slowly repeat
Only those who don't fear anything are blessed
Not even a screeching voice disturbs the sleep of the holy ones
How fun that the stars sometimes fall, fall
While the ship is sinking, the rats find the shore
Only those who don't fear anything are blessed
Not even a screeching voice disturbs the sleep of the holy ones
Only those who don't fear anything are blessed
Not even a screeching voice disturbs the sleep of the holy ones

In the Summer

Click to see the original lyrics (Polish)
A storm above Warsaw
They keep dancing
But I prefer to be with you
Here over the water
I found the nearest roof, to shout in your face
Believe me I'll repeat this in every city
In the summer, when I'm not sleeping
I love you though I don't want you
I said, 'I won't'
I lied, that I was (over you, over you)
This was my city
I had it for myself
Now I feel small here
I try to catch you somewhere
You turn your back to me
You smell like the start of summer
I can promise that it was you
In the summer, when I'm not sleeping
I love you though I don't want you
I said, 'I won't'
I lied, that I was (over you, over you)
In this town everyone knows you
You have your own district
In this town everyone knows you
In the crowd I saw your face
I can promise that it was you
In the summer, when I'm not sleeping
I love you though I don't want you
I said, 'I won't' (I said, I said)
I lied, that I was (over you, over you)
In the summer, when I'm not sleeping
I love you though I don't want you
I said, 'I won't' (I said, I said)
I lied, that I was (over you, over you)

Hate You

Versions: #1
You really suck
I have no reason to see you
This world is filled with guys like you
You s-s-suck
Your flaws are countless
To just put up with it and love you is a waste of time
Hate you, eh eh eh eh eh
I’m fine living without you
Hate you, eh eh eh eh eh
I’m fine living without you
My memories with you consist only of memories waiting for you
No matter how much I put up with it, and put up with it, it wouldn’t end
I-I wanted to hear those words, “I love you”
Your unconcerned love, I grew tired of it
It feels terrible
I threw all my pride away
I’m sad
Is this all I’m worth?
I’m worried
Now, of the four-letter word, LOVE, I’m scared
You’re hilarious
You really suck
I have no reason to see you
This world is filled with guys like you
You s-s-suck
Your flaws are countless
To just put up with it and love you is a waste of time
Hate you, eh eh eh eh eh
I’m fine living without you
Hate you, eh eh eh eh eh
I’m fine living without you
Half the words coming out from your mouth are lies
No matter how many times you deceive me and deceive me, it wouldn’t end
Someday you, too, will meet a girl like you
Once you feel the pain, you’ll know how I feel
It feels terrible
There was never such thing as a hero with a happy ending
Was I too naive like a fool?
It turned out for the better
Since now I figured you out
I’m going to leave, you really suck
You really suck
I have no reason to see you
This world is filled with guys like you
You s-s-suck
Your flaws are countless
To just put up with it and love you is a waste of time
Hate you, eh eh eh eh eh
I’m fine living without you
Hate you, eh eh eh eh eh
I’m fine living without you
I feel relieved
I feel so much better
Down to the bone, I’ve erased every last memory of you
I feel relieved
I feel so much better
Down to the bone, I’ve erased every last memory of you
You really suck
I have no reason to see you
This world is filled with guys like you
You s-s-suck
Your flaws are countless
To just put up with it and love you is a waste of time
Hate you, eh eh eh eh eh
I’m fine living without you
Hate you, eh eh eh eh eh
I’m fine living without you


I can lead the way, to a sacred place
Where the inspirations come to me
I don't contemplate
All I wanna do is run, run it down down
Run it down, run it down down
Run it down, run it down down
Run it down
I'm a magician now
Wand in my hand
Set my intentions only
Then magic happens
I came with power to create the world
Open your wings to infinite love
Now shine this galaxy
Eh ala om ah eh
Fill me up, holy breath
Eh ala om ah eh
I remembered who I am
Imma work that magic
Eh ah eh ah
I raised the sun, moon, and stars
My right hand towards the sun
Lightnings glide on my body
Do you want the truth or a mirage?
Or me? Or me?
Take a spin, climb it up
Mountains beneath the heaven
Searching for the wand, cup, pentacle, and sword
I reallise that everything was born
From the tender dust in the air of nothingness
Embodying as the lion, eagle, bull, and angel
Open your wings to infinite love
Now shine this galaxy
Eh ala om ah eh
Fill me up, holy breath
Eh ala om ah eh
I remembered who I am
Eh ala om ah eh
Run it down into the planet
Eh ah eh ah
I raised the sun, moon, and stars
I just stay aligned with the love divine
It's my creation all the time
On the way up
Imma work that magic
Eh ah eh ah
I raised the sun, moon, and stars
The wand, cup, pentacle, and sword
The lion, eagle, bull, and angel
The wand, cup, pentacle, and sword
The lion, eagle, bull, and angel
Eh ala om ah eh
Fill me up, holy breath
Eh ala om ah eh
I remembered who I am
Eh ala om ah eh
Run it down into the planet
Eh ah eh ah
I raised the sun, moon, and stars
I just stay aligned with the love divine
It's my creation all the time
On the way up
Imma work that magic
Eh ah eh ah
I raised the sun, moon, and stars

Summer Lady

Click to see the original lyrics (Japanese)
As just about everything is splashed in bright color
In the light that now saturates the city
Baby Playing with the sparkles
My Girl I found you
Summer Lady hm-
You're My Lady hm-
Summer Lady hm-
It's not a Summer day's dream
My heart, stubbornly shut
You open without a shade of hesitation
Baby That this day would come
My Girl It's like a dream
Summer Lady hm-
You're My Lady hm-
Summer Lady hm-
It's more wonderful than a dream
Lady Magic (oh)
Give Me Magic (summertime fantasy)
Summer Lady hm-
You're My Lady hm-
Summer Lady hm-
It's not a summer day's dream
Summer Lady hm-
You're My Lady hm-
Summer Lady hm-
It's more wonderful than a dream
Summer Lady hm-
You're My Lady hm-
Summer Lady hm-
It's not a summer day's dream
Summer Lady hm-
You're My Lady hm-
Summer Lady hm-
It's more wonderful than a dream

One Day I’d Like To...

Click to see the original lyrics (Polish)
One day, years from now,
I’d like to
Come back here, to these days,
Once again, only once.
Rummaging through the dates,
One day I’d like to
Come across this very day,
That we see passing today.
To hold your hands once more,
To say 'I love you' and nothing else.
One day, just once,
I’d just like to
Turn back time
That was carrying the two of us.
One day I’d like to
Look more boldly
Into your face, hold you tight,
Feel the warmth of your lips.
Today you’re still with me.
Please stay, for it’s dark outside.
The day is flowing away, further and further

Empty Memories

There’s a new smell, and this room
Is a little wide, but I’m already used to it
This town never quiets down
Somehow, I don’t feel lonely
When I wanted to stop in my tracks
I looked at the sky’s appearance and took another deep breath
It’ll carry me somewhere far away
Making the wind my ally, I’ll try to live in the present
But there’s still a hole in my heart
I’m not satisfied, although I don’t want to acknowledge it.
I can never go back again.
Even though I want to toss away these feelings,
Your words still move me even now.
Hundreds of times, I’ve cried that I can’t change
But today, I’m definitely moving forward
With my trembling heart
The things I couldn’t do alone have decreased little by little
And I wonder if I’m closer to being an adult
Even though I’ve been told that I’m hopeless,
I feel like I’m having fun anyway.
This time, with sleepy eyes,
Before making any promises, I’ll delve into my dreams one last time.
When I give up on changing
I feel like I can be more like myself.
That’s why I want to forgive myself
For still being dissatisfied.
I can never go back again.
Even though I want to toss away these feelings,
Your words still move me even now.
I can never go back again.
I wonder if you can accept these feelings
Even though I know they won’t reach you
If we’re both looking forward
I can never go back again.
Even though I want to toss away these feelings,
Your words still move me even now.
Hundreds of times, I’ve cried that I can’t change
But today, I’m definitely moving forward
With my trembling heart

I like that

Versions: #1
They say men are all the same
Now I understand
I can’t seem to read you, now
You come and go, and come back again
The thought that I could change you
Was such a stupid idea, oh
Don’t worry about me, nothing will change without you
I just want you to disappear, that’s all I need
Just be good to those girls
You flirted with behind my back
Saying, “I like you, I love you”
Stop making a fool of yourself
You can’t be satisfied with me
That’s the type of person you are
I resent God for sending you
I like you, ooh ooh
I love you, ooh ooh
Out of all the things I’ve heard this year
This was the best, I like that
Ooh ooh ooh
I like smile
Ooh ooh ooh
I like that
Ooh ooh ooh
I like smile
Ooh ooh ooh
I like that
Go away, go home
Don’t let me get soft-hearted, go away
Please, please, please, please, please
Go and drink your sorrows away or drink some milk
Or use that mouth to flirt with more girls
Playboy, you’re already well-known
I was crazy to have recognized you
Don’t worry about me, don’t kid yourself
I just need you to disappear, that’s not enough
Just be good to those girls
You flirted with all night
Saying, “I like you, I love you”
Stop making a fool of yourself
You can’t be satisfied with me
That’s the type of person you are
I resent God for sending you
I like you, ooh ooh ooh
I love you, ooh ooh ooh
Out of all the things I’ve heard this year
This was the best, I like that
I’m so fine, I’m so fine
If you still care for me, don’t touch me
I’m so fine, I’m so fine
If you still care for me, don’t touch me
Loving someone
Trusting someone
Is not going to be easy anymore, because of you
Saying, “I like you, I love you”
Stop making a fool of yourself
You can’t be satisfied with me
That’s the type of person you are
I resent God for sending you
I like you, ooh ooh ooh
I love you, ooh ooh ooh
Out of all the things I’ve heard this year
This was the best, I like that
Ooh ooh ooh ooh
I like smile
Ooh ooh ooh ooh
I like that
Ooh ooh ooh ooh
I like smile
Ooh ooh ooh ooh
I like that

The Sad City

Which city you remember?
The place where we find a moment of tranquillity
Which city is tired just walking?
The winding road is intertwined with the old pine tree
Afternoon knitting hands listening to the sunshine
The sun's gentle kiss makes your lips pink
Your eyes are sad in the afternoon dew..
I looks better..
One morning, you remember?
Sunday its own day..
Sad city listening to the smoke
The drifter is sunk under the fog
Kneeling together in the corner of the chapel
Prayers weave the dream of love
Dear God, will let us be together forever.
And since then, because of the distance, the love has become more blurred
Then from that place, you became the bride of someone's family
Silently he mourns life,
You was sad, you was crying to break up
I came back to collect memories to have fun.
Sad city, very silk king..
The afternoon wind chills the soul
and the old road with fallen leaves..
Now no, you make stoned and sad..
Now no, you deserted the streets..
The sound of the late afternoon bell is dreary slow
Farewell to those who forgot the mountains,
forget love..(3 times)

Christmas Oratorio II, And there were shepherds in the same area.

And there were shepherds in the same area
in the fields with their flocks,
they watched over their flocks by night.
And see, the angel of the Lord came to them
and the glory of the Lord shone around them
and they were very afraid.
Break out, O beautiful light of morning,
and let the heavens dawn!
You shepherd folk, do not fear
because the angels tell you
that this weak baby boy
shall be our consolation and joy,
subdue Satan
and bring peace at last!
And the angel said to them:
Do not fear,
See, I announce to you great joy
which will befall all the people.
For the saviour is born for you today,
who is Christ,the Lord, in the city of David.
What God promised to Abraham
He now allows to the band of shepherds
To be shown as fulfilled.
A shepherd had all beforehand
to learn from God.
And now also a shepherd must of the deed
that was promised in the past
first know of the fulfilment.
Joyful shepherds, hurry, ah hurry,
in case you linger too long,
Hurry to see the lovely child!
Go, the joy is too beautiful,
seek to gain that loveliness,
go and refresh your heart and mind!
And you shall have this for a sign:
You will find the child
wrapped in swaddling clothes
and lying in a manger.
Look, there lies in the dark stable
one who has dominion over all!
Where once an ox sought food
now rests the Virgin's child.
Then go there, you shepherds, go,
that you may see the wonder:
And if you find the son of the Highest
lying in a hard manger,
then sing to him in his cradle
in a sweet tone
and with the whole choir
this song for his rest!
Sleep, my dearest, enjoy your rest.
wake after this so that all may thrive!
Comfort the breast,
feel the pleasure
with which we make glad our hearts!
And at once there was with the angel
a multitude of the heavenly host
who praised God and said:
Glory to God in the highest
and peace on earth
and goodwill towards men.
It is right, you Angels, that you should rejoice and sing
that it has turned out so well for us today!
Up then! We shall join with you,
It can delight us as well as you.
We sing to you in your host
with all our might: “Praise, honour and glory,”
that you,o guest we have long desired,
have now appeared.