Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Shakira - Cómo, dónde y cuándo versuri traducere în engleză


How, where and when

Verse 1:
Between routine and stress
life is a bitch, I know
but after every withered flower
another grows again
my head can't explain
why sometimes one gets complicated
and because of some stupid thing
ruin someone else's day
Grab a towel and a swimsuit
let's go to the beach and forget
for a millimicrosecond
of the bad things in the world
Time flies
when you have a good time
it doesn't matter how, where and when
what matters is with whom
Time flies
when you have a good time
it doesn't matter how, where and when
what matters is with whom
Verse 2:
There are so many lies in the cities
how there is so much garbage in the seas?
There is no one left who is honest
only the drunks in the bars
I have already seen that the past means nothing
it's only the future that's remembered
I took the burden off my back
I feel strong now
Time flies
when you have a good time
it doesn't matter how, where and when
what matters is with whom
Time flies
when you have a good time
it doesn't matter how, where and when
what matters is with whom
Only exists today
tomorrow hasn't come yet
and yesterday is gone
Time flies
when you have a good time
it doesn't matter how, where and when
what matters is with whom
Time flies
when you have a good time
it doesn't matter how, where and when
what matters is with whom

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Shakira

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