Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Sad Legend - 소녀의 환생 (Sonyeoui Hwansaeng) versuri traducere în engleză



On the grave of a little girl who died for absolutely nothing
Snow softly coats her headstone to warm her poor spirit
Every flake of comforting snow melts and seeps beneath the dirt
Her eyes flash open from the cold droplets ending her long sleep
Under this blessed black firmament casting snow so white
The spirit's eternal slumber has been paused indeterminately
Death reaches out from his cloak, grabs her spirit's small hand in the sky
And takes her off to where she used to live when she could still breathe
Her life was cut short bitterly, a resentment only tempered in her reincarnation,
But all these old homes razed and burnt to cinders say,
'Accept now your past is lost and gone'
The snow has ceased to fall and the sun calls in the day
These memories of pain, when the snow melts away,
Will they all be forgotten?

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Sad Legend

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