Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Roksana Węgiel - Nowa Ja versuri traducere în engleză


New me

Listen to me today,
It's my voice.
You won't drag me
Into the power of madnees,
I wanna free
My soul after all.
Why can't I live, as I want,
Win a good fate in my game,
Help my heart to find it's place.
At one time the evil fire burned me to the ground,
But today I''ll be strength again, today there's entirely new me.
Let they don't say today,
I'll forget everything bad,
And let what's the most beautiful
I know,
It's not easy, but
You'll know the truth too,
And exactly as I.
I know you,
You'll look at the new day.
I learn anew
To be myself,
I don't lack strength,
I don't have anything,
Weave your hope from stars too.
And let this strength last as long as possible,
I''ll be strength again,
Today there's entirely new me.
Let they don't say today,
I'll forget everything bad,
And let what's the most beautiful
I know,
It's not easy, but
You'll know the truth too,
And exactly as I.
I know you,
You'll look at the new day.
I'll knew more truths, more dreams,
If you and I
Do, that this world
Will protect us today,
Will protect.
I'll knew more truths, more dreams,
If you and I
Do, that this world
Will protect us today,
Will protect.

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Roksana Węgiel

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