Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

K3 - Jij bent mooi versuri traducere în engleză


You are beautiful

I know a song that will make you happy
If you ever lose your way
And your good mood stops working
Eyo, eyo-yo!
When your sweetheart runs away
And you suddenly find yourself alone on the street
With your suitcases and household goods
Eyo, eyo-yo!
Count on me, I'm coming
And then I sing with you
While we stand in front of that mirror
You have someone who loves you!
You are beautiful, you are beautiful!
Beautiful inside and outside
You are beautiful, you are beautiful!
Eyo, eyo-yo!
You are beautiful, you are beautiful!
Keep singing it, keep whistling it
You are beautiful, you are beautiful!
Eyo, eyo-yo! Eyo! Eyo! Eyo, eyo-yo!
If your wallet turns out to be empty
There is no ribbon on your chest
And no one looks after you
Eyo, eyo-yo!
Bridge+chorus: Count on me, I'm coming...
You turn every cold drizzly day
Into a place where love unfolds
Where you throw kisses and compliments
And where you thaw someone's heart
With that warm smile
And that's why I think you are so heavenly, heavenly beautiful
You are beautiful, you are beautiful! Eyo, eyo-yo! (x4)
Chorus: You are beautiful, you are beautiful!...
Eyo! Eyo! Eyo, eyo-yo!

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: K3

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