Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Emrah Turanlı - Çamdan sakız akıyor versuri traducere în engleză


Pine resin is dripping

Pine resin is dripping,
Pine resin is dripping,
The girl is looking at her betrothed,
Oh cruel, lullaby lullaby.
The breasts on your chest,
The breasts on your chest,
Smells like ripe oranges,
Oh cruel, lullaby lullaby.
Smells like ripe oranges,
Oh cruel, lullaby lullaby.
Turn me to that side and embrace me,
Turn me to this side and embrace me,
My beloved is on my right side,
Turn me to the left side too.
Turn me to that side and embrace me,
Turn me to this side and embrace me,
My beloved is on my right side,
Turn me to the left side too.
They scatter bulgur on the roof,
They scatter bulgur on the roof,
Don't go up, they'll see your neck,
Oh cruel, lullaby lullaby.
Your hair's silk thread,
Your hair's silk thread,
They weave a knot for the dagger's sheath,
Oh cruel, lullaby lullaby,
They weave a knot for the dagger's sheath,
Oh cruel, lullaby lullaby.
Turn me to that side and embrace me,
Turn me to this side and embrace me,
My beloved is on my right side,
Turn me to the left side too.
Turn me to that side and embrace me,
Turn me to this side and embrace me,
My beloved is on my right side,
Turn me to the left side too.
Oy çinçini çinçini,
Oy çinçini çinçini,
Let me kiss the inside of your mouth,
Oh cruel, lullaby lullaby.
While kissing, I bit,
While kissing, I bit,
Forgive my crime,
Oh cruel, lullaby lullaby,
Forgive my crime,
Oh cruel, lullaby lullaby.
Turn me to that side and embrace me,
Turn me to this side and embrace me,
My beloved is on my right side,
Turn me to the left side too.
Turn me to that side and embrace me,
Turn me to this side and embrace me,
My beloved is on my right side,
Turn me to the left side too.
Turn me to that side and embrace me,
Turn me to this side and embrace me,
My beloved is on my right side,
Turn me to the left side too.
Turn me to that side and embrace me,
Turn me to this side and embrace me,
My beloved is on my right side,
Turn me to the left side too.

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Emrah Turanlı

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