Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Carnaval de Cádiz - Siempre pasa lo mismo versuri traducere în engleză


It's always the same

It's always the same,
I don't know why I get involved,
if this is a lot of work
and it costs me money.
Besides, don't complain,
because she hasn't asked for it.
If her mother can't,
I will make a dress for her...
And so on every night,
it's past midnight,
and I'm stuck here,
thinking “I'm not sleeping,
if I put sleeve
better than suspenders,
wider or narrower,
I don't know if she will like it...'.
I started all over again,
I had never liked the cloth,
and yesterday I saw one with the print that she likes
that made me fall in love.
I had to start again,
that I haven't realized
that I'm out of thread,
when she tries it on I can already imagine her,
and I am just fascinated.
As soon as I feel her walk through the door
suddenly everything is profitable for me
because my granddaughter,
with two kisses and a tight hug,
and screaming on the stairs
with half tongue “Thank you, grandmother”
she has paid me back what I have done for her.

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Carnaval de Cádiz

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