Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

çağ - bilemem versuri traducere în engleză


i can't figure out

You were always the one who ran away I drowned in meanings
Make the time stop I got kicked out from grown sentences
Ask me why I say ''go'' before you leave
I can't figure out
I become one with this hollow I fell unintentionally
I was always wrong a weird wind persuades me
I missed you last year but I embraced your departure this year
Mostly your beautiful eyes come to my mind when I drink
I forget, I cannot hold myself against defending myself if you come
Hug me see me forgive me lose me, oppress me once, come back
Stop, ask for once, this curse can't end the black gloom, come back
When I woke up the mortal wasn't near me in my left, come back
My all mornings messed, you are there I'm on tomorrow, come back

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: çağ

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