Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Traduceri de versuri în română și engleză pagină 1277

Număr de rezultate: 105720



Unable to change colors
The flowers that have bloomed
Are always beside me
Softly just like clouds
With only ceaseless notes
A melody no one is listening
That is Erica
Someone in your heart
That is Erica
A place wished by a girl
That is Erica
Perhaps if those that bloomed in my heart
Those memories, were to kindly turn into mist
If the dream that sadly and detestably dissolved
Was to quietly drift away and die
I'd shed different tears
While embracing a song
Of you, of you
I'd forget, as if you were a dream
Morning comes and I'm thinking
Loneliness isn't meant for you
It should be me, it's fine by me
It's fair, as long as you can smile
That is Erica
Someone in your heart
That is Erica
A place where my heart resides
That is Erica
If I were to ever pass away
And sadly, beautifully become nothing
In a place where the shining stars lay
I would long solely for your spirit
Even if Erica's flowers bloom
Loneliness isn't meant for you
It should be me, it's fine by me
It's fair, as long as you can forget
Erica's flowers will wither
You'll forget about me
I'm okay with that, it's fine by me
Since it's fair, as long as you can smile

Stomp stomp

Stomp stomp
Rides to us on a donkey Khoja
He stayed the same Khoja as he was
He laughs at careless greddy people
Hollow-headed, with an upturned nose
Stomp stomp
Mother-in-law screamed at her daughter-in-law
Daughter-in-law grabbed her scoop
Both went to court
And our Khoja met them
Stomp stomp
Mistaking a bottle for a pacifier
Khoja saw a drunken man
Drinking heavily in a puddle
He counted the donkey smarter
Stomp stomp
Khoja looks at the girl he met
With eyes lined up in black
With a head like a magpie's past'
With a tail cut off like a corncrake
Stomp stomp
Khoja's donkey rushes
He himself examines the beauties of the world
Rejoices in those who know how to live
But he laughs at the remaining bad ones

Lone Citizen

Хэд маск (?)
Where are all my friends
Where is all my family
Am I really left all alone
now I am lone citizen
Lone Citizen (4x)
Help me get rid of these ties
Help me relax since I am your friend
You are the only one I have left, my love
Where are all my friends
Where is all my family
Am I really left all alone
now I am lone citizen
Lone Citizen (4x)
Come closer to me, hug already
Take away all the telephones, turn off the display
We have only a minute left, don't hold back your kiss
Yes I'm such an idiot but I ask don't beat (me)
But I ask don't beat me (4x)

Talks to myself

I won't allow you considering it
I won't allow you discussing all these topics anymore
Stop the flow of your thoughts immediately
Don't you see they cause only problems?
And every day I'm trying to fix something
The invincible union of limits and rules
Headily pulls me down
Pulls me down
Me down
My talks to myself
Again won't end till the sun rises
Now and then I think I'd rather give up
My talks to myself
Again won't end till the sun rises
Now and then I think, I think now and then
I'd rather give up
I won't allow you doing as you did before
I won't allow you making the same mistakes
Forget about unsuccessful results immediately
Listen, stop taking these pointless attempts
And everyday I'm trying to fix something
The invincible union of limits and rules
Headily pulls me down
Pulls me down
Me down
My talks to myself
Again won't end till the sun rises
Now and then I think I'd rather give up
My talks to myself
Again won't end till a the sun rises
Now and then I think, I think now and then
I'd rather give up
My talks to myself
My talks to myself
My talks to myself
Again won't end till the sun rises
Now and then I think
I'd rather give up

You're A Dreamy Kisser

You're a dreamy kisser
You touch on sorrows I thought was forgotten
You kiss memories onto my cheeks
You're a dreamy kisser
You connect threats that couldn't reach
You kiss connection I can sense
You're a dreamy kisser
You're a dreamy kisser
What I'm really thinking of is hard to say
You take me places
Places I didn't know before I kissed you
Kiss my hand, my mouth and my food
Kiss me a thousand times
Kiss me strong as scared
Kiss me strength and courage
You're a dreamy kisser
You desire thoughts that are redeemed
You kiss life into everything from my lips
You're a dreamy kisser
You're a dreamy kisser
What I'm really thinking of is hard to say
You take me places
Places I didn't know before I kissed you
Kiss my hand, my mouth and my food
Kiss me a thousand times
Kiss me strong as scared
Kiss me strength and courage
Kiss my hand, my mouth and my food
Kiss my thought and soul
Kiss me half to death
Kiss me strength and courage
You're a dreamy kisser
You're a dreamy kisser

Let be song for freedom for Ukrayina

Versions: #1
We'll be never going to give up
our native language!
We'll be never going to give up
our native land!
Come and fight and You will overcome
all the treacheries!
Come and fight and You will overcome
all that is mad!
Let be song for freedom for Ukrayina
for her saving and truly to feel all her will!
Let be song for freedom for Ukrayina
Now she needs to be supported.
O, my native land, live!
We will raise our flag together,
again and forever.
Glory to you, Ukrayina,
glory to native land!
Come and fight and You will overcome
evil treacheries!
Come and fight and You will overcome
all that is mad!
Chorus. (2)

Million dollar buttocks

That girl Ilona is so beautiful,
They noticed that already at school
She learned to read very well,
She learned to undress, but not dress
When she was buttoning her blue jeans
That was ogled by
The PE teacher and all the kids,
Oh boy, how amazing buttocks!
Ilona, dodging her homework
Grew up, running and doing gymnastics
She waved a wooden phallus
Since she liked to play baseball, you see
Though Finland is a bit aloof
Even abroad they gave attention
To those buttocks of hers
Ilona was invited to a photoshoot
They promised her great rewards,
And photographed Ilona from behind
And she, I guess on purpose
Lay on her stomach in the photos
New York, Paris, Vaalimaa1
Soon around the world
The oldsters and the kids saw
The international buttocks
And when one gets enough money,
They'll become interested in politics too
To the ballot boxes lead
Those resplendent rear ends2
When the campaign required an ad
It was made in a trice
A pear shape, and cusps in that
Democratic buttocks
In the parliament Ilona
Has crap in her mouth everyday
And one seldom can tell
Whether it's her top or bottom speaking
Ilona also learned to play this game
Her governing body
is adored by the oldsters and the kids
The buttocks rule the nation!
  • 1. Vaalimaa is a small town and a border checkpoint on the Finnish-Russian border
  • 2. plural sic

Anti-appeasement Stele

If you don't fight Western invasion, you'll surrender, so if you insist on surrender, you'll sell your country.
I warn all the people of it.
Built in Byeongin-year and set up in Sinmi-year.

What`s up , brothers

What`s up , brother , why you are sad my dears
Why you are keeping your heads in front of TV ?
Or you didn`t know that are enemies in the field
Or you forgot what faith we have ?
Why you , my sisters , are all in tears
Why you don`t eat anything . Why you are getting sad ?
So sit down , eat something and wash up your face
Your beauty is our overwhelming power
Stop surfing the net , don`t read a fricking rubbish
If you got sad , just sing a cheerful song
Let`s go , let`s go , but just don`t be a moron
And don`t contact with that moscovites , and don`t reply to them
Really , why you are typing to the , about what you are begging
Slaves always be slaves , it`s impossible to convince them
Sure , they shall go and change the whole country`s goverment
What a fricking changing power , when you are scared to the bones
But we aren`t so petite , we don`t scare of enemy
And what`s enemy ? They are just fricking fools
In real we have only two enemies,first is a disinformation,and second is a panic
And all is going on there is big venereal disease
That are caused by unprotected political relationships
That`s why they came , is there some fricking pictures
Russia it`s like fat and ugly sister
Putin isn`t a khuilo - he is her`s diseased puss
Dont worry,we will recover soon,there are people that proceed caling it an army
Listen , maybe that was an army in the times of monarchy
They were a such thing , it was quite hard to deal with
And our Bohdan had to negotiate with them
And that they have nowadays - its a soviet machine
That rulled by an old KGB moron
Really what you are scared about , i can`t understand it
But i really can get why Putin that doing
Imagine : you have a lot of money , but you are going to die soon
Of course , he wants begin a some good party
And decided celebrate the party with others
Sure , why not , let he come and dance for last time
But let our music play , so please won`t offense
If our fricking beat break someone`s legs
If our basses rip your faces apart
If someone have to call zinc taxi
If someone don`t like pretty hot coctailes
If our guys don`t let you in an arsenal or in hotel
Indeed , we have pretty hospitable people , and we very are proud of this
So much visitors , many of them remain here
To be short , i don`t understand what about we are talking
It`s obvious, that we will prevail
Only thing we need this is faith and pray to god
And someone that isn`t believer , come on together
In that case curl your fingers :
Slavement , crisis , genocide , and Maidan
Holodomor , coronavirus , how much of bullshit we had
And what so ? We are going to cry?
Nah , russian warship go fuck youself


Te-am cunoscut pentru destul de mult
Vai am nevoie de tine chiar acum
Luați-vă timpul, nu trebuie să te grăbești
Asta poate o să ne durează mult timp, (yeah)
Am lăsat toate ușile deschise și tu mi-ai spus că ești pe drum
Când ajungi aici să nu spui un cuvânt, nu am timp de joacă
Eu știu că tu crezi că mă știi
Dar tu n-ai văzut partea din mine întunecată vreodată
Asta este numai pentru tine
Așa că dragă să faci asta cu dreptate, să faci cu dreptate
Noi putem să mergem, tot timpul
Noi putem să ne mișcăm repede, dupaia o luam la derulare
Când îți pui corpul pe al meu
Și ne ciocnim, ciocnim
Poate fi una din serile alea
Dar să nu stingi luminile
Vreau să-ți văd corpul pe al meu
Și ne ciocnim, ciocnim
Dragă totul este al tău dacă mă vrei, totul al tău dacă mă vrei
Deci îtinde-mă jos diseară (diseară)
Ai zis că totul este al tău dacă mă vrei, totul al tău dacă mă vrei
Deci întinde-mă jos dacă mă vrei (Hai să ne ciocnim)
Mă trezesc, ea e pe mine
Dragostea bună dimineața
Urcă-te pe bilele mele
Îți fac plăcere doar pentru un moment
Asta nu vine cu o garanție
Tu vrei dar nu poți să-ți permiți
Lumea mea este diferită comparată cu a ta
Opinia ta de mine este glorie
Slăvind pe toate chestiile astea străine
Înapoi în viitor, și DeLorean
Nu ești obișnuită simțindu-te atât de importantă
Mașinile sunt aduse din străinătate, fetele sunt aduse din străinătate
Nesupus, fi deportat
Baby verifică, dulapul meu
Am foarte multe chestii pentru tine
Birkin gente, etichete move
Eu pot să spun multe chestii nebune
Vera Wang, Ballinciaga
Iubito niciodată poți să fi aranjată pentru asta
Eu vorbeșc multe căcaturi, pentru că pot să mă lupt
Ea știe că eu-s cel mai bun, așa că baby pune-te pe mine
Eu cunosc viața asta când mă atingi, iubire
Tu mi-ai furat inima
Și nimeni altcineva poate să mă facă să mă simt cum mă faci tu, băiete cum faci tu
Pentru că iubire noi putem să...


Ce face bebelușa
Da, mămico arați bine
Văd ca vrei să te joci cu un jucător din cartier
Vino holbează-te la mine, o ai așa
Mare Snoop Dogg, cu sefa Pussycat
Îți arat cum o să meargă jos, da, vreau să meargă jos
Eu și tu, unu la unu, te tratez ca pe o iubită
Te uiți la mine și eu mă uit la tine
Te prind de bluză tu ce vrei să fac
Îți spun să-mi desfaci butonii iubire
Dar tu continui să te dai mare
Spunând ce o să-mi faci
Dar nu am văzut nimic
Îți spun să-mi desfaci butonii iubire
Dar tu continui să te dai mare
Spunând ce o să-mi faci
Dar nu am văzut nimic
Nu prea e genul pentru care cad
Îmi place când fizicul
Nu mă lasă cerând pentru mai mult
Sunt o mamă sexi(Mama)
Cine știe cum să-mi dea ceea ce vreau (Vreau)
Ceea ce vreau este să arcuiesc asta pe tine (pe tine)
Să retrag toate cuvintele ce ți le-am zis (ți-am zis, ți-am zis, ți-am zis)
Ai spus toate lucrurile corecte toată noaptea
Dar pare că nu te pot aduce aici să ajuți s-o las jos
Iubire, nu poți să vezi?(vezi)
Cum stau hainele pe mine? (mine)
Și căldura aia venind de la ritm (ritm)
Aproape explodez
Nu cred că tu știi
Îți spun să-mi desfaci butonii iubire
Dar tu continui să te dai mare
Spunând ce o să-mi faci
Dar nu am văzut nimic
Îți spun să-mi desfaci butonii iubire
Dar tu continui să te dai mare
Spunând ce o să-mi faci
Dar nu am văzut nimic
Spui că ești un băiat mare
Dar nu pot fi de acord
Pentru că iubirea pe care ai spus c-o ai
Nu ai folosit-o pe mine
Mă întreb (Mă întreb)
Dacă sunt prea mult pentru tine
Mă întreb (Mă întreb)
Dacă sărutul meu nu te face doar să
Te întrebi (Te întrebi)
Ce urmează pentru tine
Ce vrei să fac? (Fac)
Ia-ți șansa să recunoști că asta ar putea fi a ta
Pot să văd, la fel ca alții, jocul tău nu satisface
Iubire, nu vezi? (Vezi)
Cum stau hainele pe mine? (Pe mine)
Și căldura aia venind de la ritm (ritm)
Aproape explodez
Nu cred că tu știi
Îți spun să-mi desfaci butonii iubire
Dar tu continui să te dai mare
Spunând ce o să-mi faci
Dar nu am văzut nimic
Îți spun să-mi desfaci butonii iubire
Dar tu continui să te dai mare
Spunând ce o să-mi faci
Dar nu am văzut nimic
Acum poți să ai ce vrei
Dar eu vreau ce vreau
Și lasă-mă să-ți spun ce lipsește înainte să încep
O să-ți arat unde s-o pui
PCD, mi-a spus, da, cred că am văzut o Pussycat
Acum învârte-te cu marele câine
Toate șase pe mine, acum spune-mi sum se simte, păpușă
Ashley, Nicole, Carmit, Jessica, Kimberly, Melody
Mă înțelegi?
Nu pot s-o fac
Îți spun să-mi desfaci butonii iubire
Dar tu continui să te dai mare
Spunând ce o să-mi faci
Dar nu am văzut nimic
Îți spun să-mi desfaci butonii iubire
Dar tu continui să te dai mare
Spunând ce o să-mi faci
Dar nu am văzut nimic
Îți spun să-mi desfaci butonii iubire
Dar tu continui să te dai mare
Spunând ce o să-mi faci
Dar nu am văzut nimic
Îți spun să-mi desfaci butonii iubire
Dar tu continui să te dai mare
Spunând ce o să-mi faci
Dar nu am văzut nimic

Timpuri grele

Tot ce vreau e să mă trezesc bine
Să spun că sunt bine, că nu o să mor
Tot ce vreau e o gaură în pământ
Poți să-mi spui când e bine pentru mine să ies afară
(Timpuri grele) O să te facă să te întrebi de ce mai încerci
(Timpuri grele) O să te ducă jos și o să râdă când plângi
(Aceste vieți) Și tot nu știu încă cum supraviețuiesc
(Timpuri grele, timpuri grele)
Și trebuie să ajung la fundul greutăților
Merg în jur cu micul meu nor de ploaie
Stând deasupra capului meu și nu mai coboară
Unde mă duc? Dă-mi un fel de semn
Lovește-mă cu un fulger!
Poate o să revin la viață
(Timpuri grele) O să te facă să te întrebi de ce mai încerci
(Timpuri grele) O să te ducă jos și o să râdă când plângi
(Aceste vieți) Și tot nu știu încă cum supraviețuiesc
(Timpuri grele, timpuri grele)
Și trebuie să ajung la fundul greutăților
Spune-le prietenilor mei că o să cobor
O să ne relaxăm când ajung la pământ
(Timpuri grele) O să te facă să te întrebi de ce mai încerci
(Timpuri grele) O să te ducă jos și o să râdă când plângi
(Aceste vieți) Și tot nu știu încă cum supraviețuiesc
(Timpuri grele, timpuri grele)
Și trebuie să ajung la fundul greutăților

Pat de moarte (cafea pentru capul tău)

[Intro: beabadoobee]
Nu sta treaz foarte mult, nu te du la culcare
O să fac o cană de cafea pentru capul tău
O să te trezesc și o să te ridici din pat
[Versul 1: Powfu]
Da, nu vreau să adorm, nu vreau să leșin
M-am gândit la viitorul nostru pentru că nu o să văd zilele alea
Nu știu de ce s-a întâmplat asta, dar probabil o merit
Am făcut tot posibilul, dar știi că nu sunt perfect
M-am rugat pentru oertare, tu te-ai rugat pentru sănătatea mea
Când părăsesc pământul ăsta, sper că o să găsești pe altcineva
Pentru că da, suntem încă tineri, sunt multe lucruri pe care nu le-am făcut
Să te căsătorim, să începi o familie, să-ți vezi soțul cu băiatul său
Aș dori să fiu eu, dar nu o să pot ieși din patul ăsta
Sper că mă duc în rai ca să te pot vedea din nou
Viața mea a fost cam scurtă, dar am atâtea daruri
Mă bucur că ai fost a mea, e nașpa că totul se termină
[Refren: beabadoobee, Powfu]
Nu sta treaz foarte mult, nu te du la culcare
O să fac o cană de cafea pentru capul tău
O să te trezesc și o să te ridici din pat (Da, ayy)
Nu sta treaz foarte mult, nu te du la culcare
O să fac o cană de cafea pentru capul tău
O să te trezesc și o să te ridici din pat (da, ayy)
[Versul 2: Powfu]
Sunt fericit că ai fost aici cu mine, îmi pare rău că lăcrimez
Când eu și tu am fost mai tineri, tu tot timpul mă înveseleai
Făcând videoclipuri toante și mergând prin parc
Săreai în brațele mele de fiecare dată când auzeai un lătrat
Îmbrățișați în cearșafurile tale, îmi cânți să adorm
Și ne furișam în bucătăria ta exact la 1:03
Duminicile, mergeam la biserică, lunile, vedeam filme
Curând o să fi singură, îmi pare rău că trebuie să mă pierzi
[Refren: beabadoobee, Powfu]
Nu sta treaz foarte mult, nu te du la culcare
O să fac o cană de cafea pentru capul tău
O să te trezesc și o să te ridici din pat
Nu sta treaz foarte mult, nu te du la culcare
O să fac o cană de cafea pentru capul tău
O să te trezesc și o să te ridici din pat
Nu sta treaz foarte mult, nu te du la culcare
O să fac o cană de cafea pentru capul tău
O să te trezesc și o să te ridici din pat
Nu sta treaz foarte mult, nu te du la culcare
O să fac o cană de cafea pentru capul tău
O să te trezesc și o să te ridici din pat
[Outro: beabadoobee]
Nu sta treaz foarte mult, nu te du la culcare
O să fac o cană de cafea pentru capul tău
O să te trezesc și o să te ridici din pat


Sunt curva aia (Da)
Am fost curva aia, încă sunt curva aia (Ah)
Voi fi totdeauna curva aia (Todeauna curva aia)
Da (Ay, ah)
Sunt Mona Lisa de cartier, rup negrul în bucăți
A trebuit să X câțiva negri ieftini din cercum meu ca pizza (Da)
Sunt prea exclusivă, nu cumpăr din buticuri de pe Insta'
Toate hainele pentru cur mic, încap doar pe cur fals
Curvă rea, încă vorbind rahat despre bani
Pizda ca apa, sunt nederanjată și relaxată
Nu m-aș împiedica de un negru dacă l-am avut
Curvo, ăla e gunoiul meu, tu ești servitoarea, deci l-ai băgat în pungă, ah
Sunt sălbatică (Da)
Sofisticată, bogată, puternică (Da)
Îndrăzneață, indispusă, perversă (hei, hei, da)
Prefăcându-mă proastă, ce se-ntâmplă? (Woah, woah)
Curvo, ce se-ntâmplă? (Woah, woah)
Sunt sălbatică
Sofisticată, bogată, puternică, da
Îndrăzneață, indispusă, perversă
Prefăcându-mă proastă, ce se-ntâmplă?
Curvo, ce se-ntâmplă? (Ayy, ah)
Mâncă-mă și înregistrează? Dar vârful tău e tot ce arat (Ah)
Îmi păstrez negri privați, deci AP-ul lui e tot ce arar (Baow)
Te plângi cu curvele tale chiar devi cam plictisitor
Dacă nu e despre bani, atunci știi că o să ignor
Sunt rahatul, ooh (Ayy)
Vreau un mop să curăț podeaua, e prea umedă, ooh (prea umedă, ooh)
Păstrez o legătură, păstrez un ceas, păstez un bici, ooh (păstrez un bici, baow)
Hai să jucăm un joc, Simon spune că sunt încă o curvă, ayy
(Încă curva aia)
Încă sunt curva aia, da (Ah)
Sunt sălbatică
Sofisticată, bogată, puternică (Da)
Îndrăzneață, indispusă, perversă (da)
Prefăcându-mă proastă, ce se-ntâmplă? (Ce faci?)
Curvo, ce se-ntâmplă? (Ce faci)
Sunt sălbatică, da
Sofisticată, bogată, puternică (Curvă)
Îndrăzneață, indispusă, perversă, huh
Prefăcându-mă proastă, ce se-ntâmplă? (Ce faci?)
Curvo, ce se-ntâmplă?
Curvo, sunt ca un chibrit aprins, ooh
Și orice negru las să fută încă e atașat, ooh
Corpul ăla e bun, dar știi că pizda asta e grasă, ooh
Postez o poză, acum curvele astea se simt atacate, ayy
Nu lăsa negrul ăla să te pornească și să te epuizeze, ooh
Dau un apel și primesc o pizdă neagră șmecheră, uh
Curvele astea vorbesc de tras în sus, ei bine, unde ești? Ooh
Sunt în Lam', curvo, prinde-mă dacă poți, ooh
Scot curvele din ei, Stalli' Chan, da (Ah, da)
Negrilor am gust de zahăr, dar nu e rahatul dulce (Ah)
Ayy, ayy, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, mwah

The Ballad of Janek Wiśniewski

Boys from Grabówek, boys from Chylonia*
Today the police have used their weapons
We stood there bravely, and threw accurately
Janek Wiśniewski's down
They carried him on a door through Świętojańska**
Against cops, against tanks
Boys from the shipyard, avenge your mate
Janek Wiśniewski's down
One's wounded, another's killed
The bandits from Słupsk*** want blood
The party's firing at the workers
Janek Wiśniewski's down
Bloody Kociołek****, the city's executioner
He's the reason children and women are dying
Just wait, you bastard - we'll get to you
Janek Wiśniewski's down
Shipyard workers of Gdynia, shipyard workers of Gdańsk
Go home, the fight is over
The world found out, they didn't react
Janek Wiśniewski's down
Don't you cry, mothers - it's not in vain
Over the shipyard there's a banner with a black ribbon
For bread and freedom, and for new Poland
Janek Wiśniewski's down
Shipyard workers of Gdynia, shipyard workers of Gdańsk
Go home, the fight is over
The world found out, they didn't react
Janek Wiśniewski's down
Don't you cry, mothers - it's not in vain
Over the shipyard there's a banner with a black ribbon
For bread and freedom, and for new Poland
Janek Wiśniewski's down

Film, Film, Film

Film, film, film!
Film, film, film!
There exist so many professions,
But film-making is best of all.
Whoever got into this world
Became happy forever.
Film, film, film!
Film, film, film!
And, of course, they keep lying to us
That films are hard to make.
Film-making is a sweet, magic dream.
Film, film, film!
Film, film, film!

Love Letter

Your blue world spreads to my pure heart
Purple poems are written on my blush cheeks
Day by day, my heart is filled with you
I'll collect all the picturesque days, novel nights and give them to you
I'm going to write your name first in a letter that no one knows
Tell me what you want, I want to do everything for you
Tell me what you want, you're not a worthless at all
My pure world spreads to your blue heart
I'll write a sky blue poem like your transparent eyes
My whole heart is filled with you, only you're engraved in my heart
I'll collect all the picturesque days, novel nights and give them to you
I'm going to write your name first in a letter that no one knows
Tell me what you want, I want to do everything for you
Tell me what you want, you're not a worthless at all
A letter from my heart that I kept in the deepening time
I'll tell you now
Tell me what you want, I want to do everything for you
Tell me what you want, you're not a worthless at all
I'll collect all the picturesque days, novel nights and give them to you
I'm going to write your name first in a letter that no one knows


Your friend and me, who will be the one you care about?
I don't get it, I don't get it
You have me but your friend is the one you can't live without
I don't get it
I'm next to you and you text that person
My presence is nothing to you and I can’t reason
You’re out together and I’m just an unwanted toy
When I ask, you play coy
We’re out together and you look displeased
You act like our relationship is diseased
It’s all the same, how you play
I remember how you say
Having meals ‘with a friend’
Watching movies ‘with a friend’
Playing games ‘with a friend’ everyday
What about me with no friend
Lonely here on my own no end
Your friend and me, who will be the one you care about?
I don't get it, I don't get it
You have me but your friend is the one you can't live without
You’re with that person
Twenty four seven
Then why do you need me for?
I want to claim you back and say you’re mine
I want to call and tell that someone I’m not fine
Because I never have you and I miss you so
How do I have you back? I still don’t know
Should I show up and knock on the door?
Put out a missing person sign that no one can ignore
Should I tie you up to keep you around?
But then I’ve kept chasing you round and round
You’d go out again, I feel like I’m on the rebound
Having meals ‘with a friend’
Watching movies ‘with a friend’
Playing games ‘with a friend’ everyday
What about me with no friend
Lonely here on my own no end
Your friend and me, who will be the one you care about?
I don't get it, I don't get it
You have me but your friend is the one you can't live without
You’re with that person
Twenty four seven
Then why do you need me for?
How can you not expect me to be hurt?
When my heart is now as dry as a desert
If, with me, you have no time to spend
Then why bother?
Go be with your friend
First come, first served
But why am I never served?
I don’t get it, I don’t get it
What we have is love, isn’t it?
Get a grip, get a grip
Don’t you jump ship
But then never mind, never mind
You’d always have a friend on your mind

Precious Love (소중한 사랑)

Today too
You're smiling brightly at me again
Without even knowing
Shaking my heart
You're already inside of me
I'll call you on the street where the petals fall
And close my eyes under the warm sunlight
Will this heart be delivered to you?
Should I take a step closer and hand it over again?
Precious love that will never pass by
Let's be together forever
When the cold wind blows
I'll hug you warmly
I'll call you on the street where the petals fall
Following the starlight embroided in the night sky
Will this heart be delivered to you?
Should I take a step closer and hand it over again?
Precious love that will never pass by
Let's be together forever
After winter, when cherry blossoms leaves are scattered
I want to walk on the streets with you
This love that will never pass by
In this paintfull moment
I'll hold your hand
Just the two of us forever

Move it

Versions: #1
We've all had our troubles, good and bad
Only you didn't, oh, wow!
While you walked around without worry
We were busy with life, struggling
We kept screwing it up bad
Whenever we deviated a little bit
You got no damage, not to jinx it,
Even when you brought the mountains and trees down
Well, teach us how to too, don't be so selfish
We didn't materialize out of thin air after all
We have parents and all too, but
We never got to master those tricks
Keep moving it, go on, man
Keep moving where the circumstances demand
Come on, let's make it happen by any means
Keep your appearence in front of everyone
You weakling,
You bootlicker

NO, Thank You!

There are no touches on the board yet, but soon we'll
Start to write our dreams on it.
The sun go down, the lesson came to an end.
But school bell won't quite our fantasies anyway.
So, sing louder, louder, louder, show yourself,
I wish we could put our hopes into words,
And then they'll come from our mouths by chance,
And will shine, like stars!
I don’t need memories, you understand!
Since all these feelings in my heart give a lot of strength,
I don't want to grow up so far and dwell on the past,
Although freedom is sweet,
I wish to slow down
Time a bit.
I have to decide,
What I'll write in my notebook,
And the pencil is vibrating with impatience.
I can share joy and sadness with my friends,
Like a miracle, I'll hear the echo of my feelings.
We always want to fly higher, higher and higher,
Don't wait for the word 'Start', when the ambitions call you,
Having entered the right rhythm,
We've spread our wings,
And they're sparkling, like platinum.
Your promises can't help me, your understand!
Since I need to live right now, in this moment.
Why to ask for oaths? They're fragile.
We're not kids anymore, it's time
To stop being too trusting.
Let them hear us all over the earth,
One day we’ll play for everybody,
We don't want eternal glory for us,
But certainly, our hits will live long.
Your voice is quieter, quieter. but don't be afraid to sing!
Only this way we can capture the moment,
We're going for one dream, and it's a strong bond,
Fate brought us to each other,
No, thank you!
I don’t need memories, you understand!
Since all these feelings in my heart give a lot of strength,
I don't want to grow up so far and dwell on the past,
Although freedom is sweet,
I wish to slow down
Time a bit.

Where To?

Versions: #1
[Verse 1]
Where are you
running so fast?
Tell me where are you rushng to?
Those who had a familiar face fade into memory
You're still banging against the rims
Like the water at the bottom in a glass
But don't tell me:
The world is racing and I go along with it
Event though you keep running forward
You're stil stuck in one place chasing your own shadow
You wanna have more than the day gives you
And you don't know where it makes sense
And I'm asking: Where do you wanna be on time?
And you won't be able to tell me
Because while running forward
You keep taking a step back
So where are you rushing to?
[Verse 2]
So before time destroys us,
The fateful run
Let yourself remain
Take your own helm
And make your eyes shine
Because time goes by and will take your
own world like
an executioner
And I ask: Where do you wanna be on time?
And you won't be able to answers me
Because still running forward
You keep taking a step back
And I ask: Where do you wanna be on time?
And you won't be able to answers me
Because still running forward
You keep taking a step back
So where are you rushing to?

The Free Republic of the Murdered

Versions: #1
I ate my oatmeal and read the paper
Took my bag and kissed my wife
The snow was deep and the night shone on my tracks
On the road where I'd walked for thirteen long years
And on this day the wind blew from the north
We welded on the deck some thirty meters above the ground
Then I heard a rumble and someone who yelled: -Sven!
But everything disappeared in blood and fire and then night came again
Then I woke up in a casket made out of fir
And I thought that this, this really is something
And my wife she cried and looked deathly pale
While the priest prayed to god with his nose up in the sky
Then I was lowered to my simple flat
And I started to roll my thumbs in my quiet solitude
Then someone said: -Comrade and best corpse
Welcome to the free republic of the murdered
And there among rocks, among roots, sand and mold
People laid in line, the ground was full
Of women and men who once worked
And they rose so the Earth shook and sang a song:
''We were murdered in the Swedish industry
We're five hundred a year who gets slaughtered like pigs
In the factories where they suck out our marrow
And the biggest of all murderers is Jacob Wallenberg
It was we who kept his factory rolling
It was we who fell and got carried out like corpses
We bowed to the executioner, we fed him fat
While the social democrats and the union ran and polished his shoes
Now we're demanding revenge, hear our bitter scream
You can hear it through the machines in every factory
You can hear it in the wind and in the song of high pines
And you have to do your duty and get revenge for us once
And through the machines we sing to you:
Study Marx and Lenin and unite
The fight must be class against class
And in silence we will rise and be with you then

Cherry Blossom Love Song

It had been so beautiful under the moonlight
I missed him on a deep night
Unfulfilled promises were floating like stars
It was a long nightwind, and it was so hard, that it felt as if you were breathing
Falling to me in the wind passing through
The cherry blossoms resemble the leaves, so it feels lonely
Deeper than a cut of a knife
His heart was sew
Memories to forget that seems uncomfortable with everything
The days we spent with you, when the light shone out so clearly beyond
Falling to me through the wind passing by
The cherry blossoms resemble the leaves, so it feels lonely
Deeper than a cut of a knife
His heart was sew
In the moonlight of the Arsenai
You were flying
I'll change everything and meet you again
A full of goods And I will tell you this
The dream of a hundred days is more than any other day
He loved it

The last song about her

It would be better if I couldn't write songs,
And these ones didn't become something to you
But, maybe, other way, if it wasn't she —
I would be nobody with scars on my hands.
What if all of this was just a dream?
Maybe, I haven't come to mind after all of these pills.
I mixed up everything straying in my own dreams.
Maybe, she doesn't exist and I'm going insane?
But, the jacket of mine that smells like your perfume.
The bought tickets are still in that pocket.
The paid book of that Murakami that was read by you, I know it.
And all these people remind me again.
Forgive me for telling them everything.
Forgive me for starting to fall in love with Reminiscence again...
In the city of hurrying people, I'll write the last song about her.
I'll write the last song about her... I'll write the last song about her...
In the city of hurrying people, I'll write the last song about her.
I'll write the last song about her... I'll write the last song about her...
You'll call me when I'll have just forgotten about you.
We'll be talking about the things we couldn't work out.
Hours will pass and I'll understand — you have to go.
And I'll tell you 'See you again' but you'll say 'Farewell'
Screw it! I'm tired of thinking about the past.
Carrying it everywhere just like stones on soles.
But a new day won't come in old patterns
Until you throw away everything reminding of her.
If the Sun leaves, I'll burn my body for you,
Not acknowledging what I'll do, who you are and what it is for.
Though, your sheets are the same as you, drabbled by someone else.
I'll throw myself down,
Throw myself to them.
It's up only to you: to catch or not to catch.
Hey, but—
In the city of hurrying people, I'll write the last song about her.
I'll write the last song about her... I'll write the last song about her...
In the city of hurrying people, I'll write the last song about her.
I'll write the last song about her... I'll write the last song about her...
In the city of hurrying people, I'll write the last song about her.
I'll write the last song about her... I'll write the last song about her...
In the city of hurrying people, I'll write the last song about her.
I'll write the last song about her... I'll write the last song about her...
In the city of hurrying people, I'll write the last song about her.
I'll write the last song about her... I'll write the last song about her...
In the city of hurrying people, I'll write the last song about her.
I'll write the last song about her... I'll write the last song about her...
In the city of hurrying people, I'll write the last song about her.
I have written the last song about her.

I'd like to tell you

I'd like to tell you once again
our dreams of youth
with no sadness, no return
with a trusting heart, you and me.
I'd like to tell you, after so many years
we’re always young, no matter the age.
Our future, our baths
are not the same, but what can you do?
We’re still at school, in the mountain air
We’re always been here, been here.
I'd like to tell you, my dear partner,
we have heard many wailings.
Life is not a piece of cake,
you can’t only live on pleasures.
We’re still at school, in the mountain air
We’re always been here, been here.
I'd like to tell you, our life
hasn’t been rich, it isn’t rich
but our souls have always been clean
also, we lived it fully.
We’re still at school, in the mountain air
We’re always been here, been here.
I'd like to tell you once again
the dreams of youth.

Sit with me, my mother

Sit with me, my mother, sit with me
Touch me with your soft palm
Prolong my childhood
I do not need other benefits besides this
Sit with me, my mother, sit with me
Let's sit in the shade of the cherry
Prolong my childhood
I do not need other benefits besides this
My troubles disappear
I am healed thanks to you in an unknown way
I remember when I sat on your lap
There will be no time more valuable to me
Chorus (x2)

Dark Night

Yeah looking for your clues in every dark night
Guess you didn't lie to me, wanting to hold back smoking, shit
I intended to be silent, but said something anyway
You want me to understand, but I can't understand yeah
You you you you
You make me feel like Deja Vu
And you know all I need babe that's you
Babe I wanted you to be as much in love
With me as I was with you
I can only write a song for you
I called you, but you're unreachable
Finding your clues in every a dark night
Guess you didn't lie to me, wanting to hold back smoking, shit
I want to be silent too, but I still say something
You want me to understand, but I can't understand yeah
I still want to see you, I walk through the empty street
Love is like a puzzle. Without you, there is always something lacking
After leaving you, I stood next to loneliness
I can't organize my mood, it's like a thread tangled into a ball
Dull colors
Will gradually turn into white or black
Your lies made me cry
I turned around, but you are no longer here
Yeah I will hate you tomorrow
Miss you tomorrow
Hate you tomorrow
Can't see the light, lose hope tomorrow
I won't ask for your understanding
Blame the mistakes
Cut of all thoughts of you
I want to leave this world
You are too selfish that you left me
Where can I go?
I admit that I'm a little sick
Really sad
Where are you? Where you at?
You you you you
You make me feel like Deja Vu
And you know all I need babe that's you
Babe I wanted you to be as much in love
With me as I was with you
I can only write a song for you
I called you, but you're unreachable
Finding your clues in every a dark night
Guess you didn't lie to me, wanting to hold back smoking, shit
I want to be silent too, but I still say something
You want me to understand, but I can't understand yeah
I still want to see you, I walk through the empty street
Love is like a puzzle. Without you, there is always something lacking
After leaving you, I stood next to loneliness
I can't organize my mood, it's like a thread tangled into a ball
Where are you? Where you at?
Where are you? Where you at?
Where you at
Where you at

After Havoc

Versions: #1
At the most micro and the most macro, degenerate things are corrected,
From the macro, micro, and ten directions, looking at the firmament

To Open the Gate of The World

Dafa surprises the World

Black Drama

[verse 1: Edi Rock]
Black drama, between the success and the mud
Money, problems, envy, luxury, fame
Black drama, curly hair and the black skin
The scar, the disease, on the pursuit of cure
Black drama, tries to see and doesn't see anything
Besides a star far away, kind of blurred
[he] Feels the drama, the price, the charge
In love, in hate, the insane revenge
Black drama, I know who plots and who is with me
The trauma that I carry to not be one more fucked-up black [man]
The drama of jail and favela
Tomb, blood, siren, cries and candles
Brazil's passenger - São Paulo, agony
Who survive among disorder[1] and cowardice
Peripheries, alleys, tenentements
You must be thinking what do you have to do with it
Since the beginning [in the search of] gold and silver
Look at[2] who dies, so watch out who you kill
Gets the credit the uniform[3] that practices the evil
Seeing poor [people] locked up or dead is already cultural
Stories, records[4], writings
It's not a tale, either a fable, legend or myth
Wasn't it always said that black [people] have no time?[5] So
Look at the castle and it wasn't you who built it, asshole
I'm brother of my battle homies[6]
I was the flesh now I'm the razor itself
'Clink-clink' cheers to me
I'm an example of victories, trajectories and glories
Money takes a man out of misery
But can't take favela inside of him
There are a few who get into the game[7] to win
The soul stores what the mind tries to forget
[I] look back, [I] see the road I walked, a long time ago[8]
Who was side by side and the ones who only were after me[9]
Between the phrases, phases and various stages
Of who is who, the dudes and the weak chicks
Black drama of style
To be [it], if it is, it has to be, if [one] gets scared it's a blunder[10]
Between the trigger and the storm
Always to prove that I'm a man and not a coward
May God keep me [safe], because I know he's not neutral
[he] looks for the rich [people], but loves the ones who came from ghetto
I wear black inside and outside
Warrior, poet between time and memory
In this story I see dollars and various carats
I tell [the] dude to not die and also don't kill
The 'Tik-Tok' doesn't wait, look at the [clock] pointer
This road is venomous and full of mortars
Nightmare? I'ts a compliment
For someone who lives in war, peace has never existed
On the hot weather, my people sweat cold[11]
[I] saw a black [little boy], his notebook was a rifle
[interlude: Mano Brown]
Crime, soccer, music, fuck...
I couldn't scape that either
I'm another one
Forrest Gump is grass[12]
I prefer to tell a real story
I'm gonna tell mine...
[Verde 2: Mano Brown]
It would be a movie, a black [woman] and a child in [her] arms
Alone in a forest of concrete and steel
See, look one more time to the face in the crowd
The crowd is a faceless and heartless monster
Hey, São Paulo! Skyscrapper land
The drizzle tears the flesh, it's the Babbel's Tower
Brazilian family, two against the world
Single mom of a promising bum
Light, camera, action! The scene goes
A bastard, one more brown[13] fatherless son
Hey, mill owner[14] I know who you are
You can't handle it all alone, you can't handle it all alone, by foot
You said it was good and the favelas heard it
There's also whiskey and Red Bull, Nike sneakers and rifles there
[I] admit, your cars are fine
Yeah, I don't know how to do internet, VHS, pumped-up cars
I'm a bit late, yes, I am, I guess
But see that, your game is dirty and I don't fit in
I'm too much of a problem, from Carnival to Carnival
I'm from the jungle, I'm a lion, I'm too much for your backyard[15]
I have one thousand problems with school, one thousand problems[16]
Unbeliavable, but your son imitates me
Among you all, he's the smartest
Waddles [17] and says slangs 'not slangs, a dialect'[18]
This one isn't yours anymore ... [it] rose
[I] entered by your radio, [I] took it, you didn't even see it
We are 'this', 'that', what? Didn't you say it?
Your son wants to be black, Ha! Ironic
Glue a 2Pac poster there, what about it? What do you say?
Feel the black drama, go ahead, try to be happy
Hey, wealthy dude[19], who did you this good?
What did you give, what do you do, what did you do for me?
I received your tik, I mean your kit
Of open-air sewer and walls made of woods
I didn't die of shame, I'm alright, I'm still here
Not you, you're not going through when the red sea opens
I'm human, tough man, from ghetto, Brown, Obá! [20]
That crazy [man] that can't make a mistake
That one you hate to love in this moment
Brown skin and [I] listen to funk, [I] came from where diamonds came from
From mud, thanks mom, black drama...
[Outro: Mano Brown]
Yo... On that time of the wooden homes on the quarry [21]
Where were you all? What did you give to me? What did you do to me?
Now you keep an eye on the money I earn?
Now you keep an eye on the car I drive?
About time [22], I want more, I want even your soul
Yo, Rap made me be what I am
Ice Blue, Edi Rock and KL Jay, and all the family
And all the generation that made rap, the generation that revolucionized
The generation that's gonna revolutionate
90s or 21st Century, that's how it is
Yo, you get out of ghetto but ghetto never leaves you, got it, bro?
You're driving a car, the whole world has an eye on you, got it?
Do you know why? Because of your origins, got it, bro?
That's the way you live, it's black drama
I didn't read it, I didn't watch it
I live the black drama, I am the black drama
I am black drama's product
Yo Lady Ana, I'm speechless, you (Ms.) are a queen, queen
But hey, if [I] have to back to favela, I'll go back with my head raised up
Because that's how it is, reborned from the ashes
Steady and strong, faith warrior
Born bum!

The best is yet to come

There's always a kiss you haven't had,
some candles that won't light.
If love is too bitter, just add sugar.
If a guitar string is broken, it's okay.
To hug someone.
To kiss somoene.
The best is yet to come.
If you are destined to lose something, you can never keep it.
Even if you have something right now, it doesn't mean it will last.
If happiness may end,
pain may not last forever either.
If you can't take a little bit of loneliness,
your life is destined to be hard.
There is a time for laughter, and a time for tears.
To hug someone.
To kiss somoene.
The best is yet to come.
If you stop listening to love songs
to avoid reliving this whirlwind,
if you keep clenching your fist,
you won't be able to hold hands.
Just for a moment of peace,
you're isolating yourself,
killing the slightest bit of feeling
because you can't take it.
There will always be uncompromising wounds,
some regrets that won't let go.
If you try too hard to forget,
you can never fill the gap.
Why don't you just hug someone?
Just kiss somoene?
The best is yet to come.
The best is yet to come.