Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Yulia Arkhitektorova - *** (***) versuri traducere în engleză



So beautiful you are but what is best is just
How beautifully you in fate at all times trust
With beauty all year 'round you never lose the nerve
It is your fate you serve, it is your fate you serve
All your tremendous charms are certainly God-given
But love and wisdom are by your deep knowledge driven
And humble as you are your faith is so robust
In fate you always trust, in fate you always trust
And that will make you think - as if it's been forever
That every person should be faithful and endeavor
To love their fate of course to love it and embrace
As Heaven-given grace, as Heaven-given grace


Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Yulia Arkhitektorova

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