Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Yama - Innocent (Innocent) versuri traducere în engleză



Someday, these casual days will also
Disappear like smoke
With just God’s feelings
Someday, if these bittersweet days could also
Become things of beauty
I’ll turn them into memories
So I don’t mind them
Because I heard
Your voice
I looked up to
The blue sky
Because I heard
Your voice
I start walking
Through these days
Like the wind
In a conceited dream, I feel like even these efforts
Have become for someone else’s sake
Yet I still kept going on pointlessly
Someday, these worthless days will also
Become the light shining down on us
With just the feelings of God
Because I forgot
About you
I hid away
The blue sky
Because I forgot
About you
I grew up
A little more
We who only wait for tomorrow
Are always being left behind
And we of the same tomorrows to come
Are always following in someone else’s footsteps
Because I heard
Your voice
I looked up to
The blue sky
Because I heard
Your voice
I start walking
Through these days
Like the wind

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Yama

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