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Wonka (OST) - For a Moment (Czech) versuri traducere în engleză


For a moment

Just for a while
Life doesn't seem that bad
Just for a while
My suffering is smaller
Gives the days' shine to the nights,
But you should hold back
Keep your eyes peeled,
Don't open your heart just for a while
Just for a while
I have it, Noodle!
Noodle, Noodle, piece of strudel,
Some like to give,
Others are always skimping,
In my song lies the core of poodle,
I want it to raise your moodood
You could measure the amusement by buckets.
Thanks Abigail!
Just for a while I have my life upside down!
(Noodle, noodle, a piece of stuff, some like to give and others are always skimping)
Just for a while now
I'll say farewell to gravitation!
(In my song lies the core of poodle, I want it to raise your moodood)
I feel the ease with him
(Noodledeedee, Noodledeedah)
... I'll fly far
(You could measure the amusement by buckets.)
Just for a while
Life doesn't seem so bad.
Just for a whole
My suffering is smaller.

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Wonka (OST)

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