Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Wiktor Waligóra - Podróż W Czasie versuri traducere în engleză


Journey In The Time

We're starting our trip, seat next to me, fasten your seatbelt
We're starting the cruise,
we're starting journey in the time
Spontaneous trip, cheap ticket in second class.
Plane mode, you're losing the signal
Until you will understand, that in a moment time Will end.
Run away with me, bc
With every day
Nearer and nearer
After every night
Night come back
With every day
Nearer and nearer
Nearer and nearer
To end of the world
View through the window,
didn't allow to shut up
To talking we have
all our future
All mistakes, that
we can avoid, but
our faces turn pale,
then we can see wasted 'tomorrow' and
wasted us
Let's try to slow
With every day
Nearer and nearer
After every night
Night come back
With every day
Nearer and nearer
Nearer and nearer
To end of the world
To end of the world
With every day
Nearer and nearer
After every night
Night come back
With every day
Nearer and nearer
Nearer and nearer
To end of the world
To end of the world
Sometimes I think did i do my best
Though I dream about the end, did I lose the weirdness
The end will come, but I stand, though I want to seat down
The end will come, but I didn't make it in time to tell you

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Wiktor Waligóra

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