Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Wicked (Musical) - Spränga gränserna [Defying Gravity (solo)] versuri traducere în engleză


Blow up every limit

Something has happened within me
My old self feels wrong
I don’t want to play along the rules of someone else’s game anymore
No time to vacillate
Now it’s time to take position
I’m standing on the tip of the branch
I close my eyes and take a run-up
I take a leap and blow up every limit
If the world is heavy, then blow up every limit
I refuse to be pushed down
I’ve had enough of obstacles and the narrow views of other people
I cannot change everything, but I aim high, I can see the skies
I spent so much time chasing after a love I’ve never received
Turns out that love is worthless
I’d rather leave and blow up every limit
Life’s short, so I’ll blow up every limit
I refuse to be pushed down
Boundless, together we’re limitless
Together we’ll be unbeatable, you and I
I know dreams can come true
If we’re together
No one can defeat us
A winning team that blows up every limit
Because you and I can blow up every limit
And never be pushed down
If you want to find me, turn your eyes to the west
And as they told me, everyone should dare flying out
Maybe I’m flying alone
But I’m flying strong and free
If they want to take me down, they’ll taste my magic
And see how I can twist every limit
Break the laws of gravity, I’m blowing up every limit
I’ll fly around, so everyone can see
That no wizard anywhere
And no one anywhere else
Can ever push me down again
Look at the wicked witch
Take her

Never again
No grief for the wicked
So she must be forced down


Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Wicked (Musical)

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