Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Vladimir Vysotsky - Два письма II Не пиши мне про любовь - не поверю я ... versuri traducere în engleză


Two Letters 2

Don't remind me about love -
I do not believe you,
Your hankey-pankey in the past
Was for me enough!
Listen, fabric with lavsan
Is at the pick of fashion,
If you want, I'll it for you,
It's good for dressing up.
As for vodka - I didn't drink
Even a drop so far,
I save money on my food,
Even soup I don't eat.
It's because I want to buy
A pretty blouse for you,
I love you, my silly girl,
This will be my gift.
I was in a ballet, where
The men are groping the girls,
All the girls are very lean,
In white slipper shod.
I write this letter and the tears
From my sad eyes flow,
My sweet, do not let men grab you,
I'll soon be back home.
Our bull on the exhibit
Is on of the best,
While he first got in the group
Of defective bulls.
But the chumps who were judging
Quickly changed their minds,
Now, award on his chest, he stands
In stud-bulls group.
Say to the chairman of kolkhoz
To fix my house's roof,
And remind him to command
For hay to cut the grass,
If he won't, I won't make 'dates'
For the kolkhoz cows,
This may spoil my champion bull,
Shouldn't even bother to ask.
Let them fix the leaking roof,
The grain shouldn't rot, should it?
You should treat Pashka as a traitor,
If he bothers you.
If you flirt with the agronomist,
I'll pull out your legs,
You can stroll one time with chairman,
If he invites you.
Now good bye, I go to shop
In the Central Store.
It's like the store in our village,
But more glass, doors and space.
You may bore me if you wear
Your sheep-skin half-coat
And your very modest dress
On which the patterns fade.
There a cultural park located
Along the river shore,
I walk in the park and spit
Only in the urns.
But you'll hardly understand it
Behind your rustic stove,
Because you are an uncultured and unlearned
Village girl.


Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Vladimir Vysotsky

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