Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Vladas Braziūnas - Žydi Akmenys ir Medžiai versuri traducere în engleză


Stones and Trees Blossom

It is easy for everything to flourish here
In the homeland even fences blossom
Open pure youth embarks on a sunny journey
Just begin, and the flower of our eternal, pure homeland will bloom
Eyes wide, kind, clear, open and luminous
Stones and trees blossom
Stones and trees blossom
Barefoot and speechless, looking at the high blue sky
Where there is so much joyful fullness of Lithuania, dear homeland
Eyes wide, groves and streets blossoming and endless
Oh on the lips, oh on the lips
Our pool is clear
Lithuania our homeland
Eternal, restless


Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Vladas Braziūnas

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