Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Virgil Gheorghiu - Sonet versuri traducere în engleză



The old Master Manole tried in vain
To raise his legendary church to God,
As overnight the wall will fall roughshod
And cause him ev’ry morn to start again.
But soon the old man’s toil received God’s blessing
To sacrifice, and built within the wall
No stranger, neither family at all,
But his own sweetheart, with her smile arresting.
As he could see his happiness undone
He offers, now, his masterpiece to God –
The holy towers shining in the sun…
Now minstrels sing his praise and utter Glory
The good and great will bring his fame abroad:
His monument to Love enshrines his Story.

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Virgil Gheorghiu

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