Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Vasile Militaru - Hristos a înviat! versuri traducere în engleză


Christ is Risen!

Christ is Risen! What a word, so holy!
You feel your eyes wet with warm tears,
It's like as in your soul, the seraphim are singing glory, glory,
As many times as this word, a good Christian hears.
Christ is Risen in a blade of grass,
Christ is risen in The Truth,
In the clearing where the deer pass,
In peach and apple blossoms' youth.
In all beehives without fail,
In the wind that blows comfortingly, spiced,
In the cherry blossom branch so frail,
But alas, in your soul has risen Christ?
Dear Christian, did you weigh with your mind
How much good have you done under the skies,
At least are you now good and kind?
Are you now gentle and wise?
Do you feel the old hatred melted in your soul?
Do you still want the destruction of the one full of Grace?
Is 'no gossiping' your new goal?
Is the love for others a living fireplace?
O, if these laws, forever holy
At least today, they dressed you in pure gold,
With the seraphim in your soul, sing Glory,
Christ is Risen, loud, and bold.


Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Vasile Militaru

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