Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Un-Go (OST) - Beautiful Dreamer versuri traducere în engleză


Beautiful Dreamer

Beautiful dreamers, awoken from their sleep
those birds that were waiting, unto every of their nod.
'for I may fly no more,' 'I would flight, but could not'
and, the sky is blue there, where there they be.
they betake themselves to long journey's route,
the birds laden with their pain and woe.
'should we thus return?' 'no, there is no way back',
where is the sky now? it is not there, where there they be.
the old streets in my memories, more distant than a dreamy apparition
forget it now, forget it now...
forgot it now...and then they have forgotten, the past in which they were once to be.
returning from their down-going trip to the land of dead,
again go the same birds,
'Wouldn't I like to fly?' 'If only I could, fly away'.
is it because this is their last?
wandering as they go, the birds lost on their way home,
drenched by their own tears, the same birds.
'should we then go home?' 'no, there is no way going back home.'
it is because this is their last.
how would I not like to see the old streets in my memories, even as apparition in a dream?
now, please forget it

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Un-Go (OST)

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