Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Teddy Reno - Non mi dire chi sai versuri traducere în engleză


Don't Tell Me Who You Are

Don't tell me who you are,
your name doesn't matter to me.
Now that you're here I crave that you
stay beside me beyond life.
Don't tell me who you are
if the name that you have can separate us.
From today, if you want, as long as you want,
it will be just you and me.
I chase fantastic dreams,
losing myself in the clouds
because you, impossible love,
now you are real, you are alive, in reality.
Don't tell me who you are,
your name doesn't matter to me.
Come and forget for me
the past and come back with me to believe in life.
Don't tell me who you are,
your name doesn't matter to me.
Come and forget for me
the past and come back with me to believe in life.
No matter your name,
don't tell me who you are.
You will be

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Teddy Reno

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