Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Taras Shevchenko - Тече вода з-під явора (Teche voda z-pid yavora) versuri traducere în engleză


Water flows under the Sycamore

Water flows under the sycamore
From the ravine down the valley.
Proudly at the water stands
A red Kalyna
proud is the dear Kalyna,
The sycamore grows young,
All around them are the willows
Their branches turning green.
Water flows behind the meadow
And beneath the hill.
There the ducks splash
Among the sedges.
And a duck swims out
With ducklings behind her,
Catching duckweed, conversing
With her children.
The water flows by the city.
The water's become a pond.
A maiden came to take up water,
Taking it she sang.
Father, mother out of the house came
To go to walk the garden ,
To decided whom they should
Call their son-in-law?

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Taras Shevchenko

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