Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

STEIN27 - Naděje versuri traducere în engleză



I'm wiping tears with the thought of better tomorrow
All that dirt doesn't wipe out that many memories
But even despite all this nothing's happening
After all hope dies last
You could've hated me, you could've loved me too
But rather hate, you can regret love
But even despite all this nothing's happening
After all hope dies last. I am alone around people, I'm rather with animals
Maybe because animals make war
Maybe because only when I'm under the influence, then all my thoughts dance under the moonlight
And I'm kind of in a war with myself, it's not rain, they're my tears dripping over Odyssey
On stories that I hid inside a trunk full of lies that I hid behind sentences saying I'm not the best even though I tried to be, so sorry I had let you go
I'm just, I had to save one of us two and it was you.
Vaclav Roucek:
Now we're going to bed and don't know if tomorrow even cooomes
We make mistakes and don't ask if we're even allowed toooo
I'm wiping tears with the thought of better tomorrow
All that dirt doesn't wipe out that many memories
But even despite all this nothing's happening
After all hope dies last
You could've hated me, you could've loved me too
But rather hate, you can regret love
But even despite all this nothing's happening
After all hope dies last.
Vaclav Roucek:
My body's here but my souls hasn't been here for weeks
Only thing that's left is to believe in better tomorrows
Me and my shadows, big challenges are awaiting now
Understand finally that we can't be together anymore and I switched everything to dark mode
Because of me you are the one possessed by dark a that light that's shining above my head
That's not sun, it's moon and I'm kind of in a war with myself and understand that it still continues to pull me to you
But even despite all this nothing's happening
Tears wash off all of the black shadows
So we go to bed and don't know if tomorrow even coooomes
We make mistakes and don't know if we're even allowed to
I'm wiping tears with the thought of better tomorrow
All that dirt doesn't wipe out that many memories
But even despite all this nothing's happening
After all hope dies last
You could've hated me, you could've loved me too
But rather hate, you can regret love
But even despite all this nothing's happening
After all hope dies last.

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: STEIN27

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