Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Só Pra Contrariar - Tão só versuri traducere în engleză


So lonely

I stayed alone
one more night without you
Sad and unloved
with so much to forget about
So lonely, so lonely
My dreams got lost at the moment
you said goodbye
So lonely, so lonely
I got used to seeing life
through the light of your eyes
If you didn't want me
I don't know why you would win my heart
If it was only fantasy
why would you make me fall in love?
[pre-chorus] So lonely, so lonely
My dreams got lost at the moment
you said goodbye
So lonely, so lonely
I got used to seeing life
through the light of your eyes
[chorus] You talked about love
You deceived me and left
You talked about love
You used me and threw me away
You talked about love
You deceived me and left
You talked about love
You used me and threw me away
If you didn't want me
I don't know why you would win my heart
If it was only fantasy
why would you make me fall in love?

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Só Pra Contrariar

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