Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Smiley - Purtat de vant versuri traducere în engleză


Carried by the wind

I haven't had time for a long time
Just be for myself and do nothing.
I no longer know what I want, I no longer know what I feel.
I have too many thoughts that contradict each other.
Half of me would
Just continue on the path to success.
But the other part tells me
What's the point of not living?
And sometimes I want to pause
Feeling like my first day on earth.
To simply be happy because I exist
And then let the wind take me
carried by the wind
carried by the wind
carried by the wind
carried by the wind
To escape from home to unknown destinations
And the moment to disconnect and forget
Let my work be just inaction.
And when life hits me, I just want to be like water
Half of me would
Just continue on the path to success.
But the other part tells me
What's the point of not living?
And sometimes I want to pause
Feeling like my first day on earth.
To simply be happy because I exist
And then let the wind take me
carried by the wind
carried by the wind
carried by the wind
carried by the wind
carried by the wind
carried by the wind
carried by the wind
And sometimes I want to pause
Feeling like my first day on earth.
To simply be happy because I exist
And then let the wind take me

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Smiley

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