Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Sir Elwoodin hiljaiset värit - Viimeisellä Rannalla versuri traducere în engleză


On The Last Shore

Dad stands at the shore and waits for the storm, holding a gun
Mom holds little sister in her arms as the sky glows a strange red in the evening
The last time I heard from my brother was when his letter from abroad came
He said he's fine but the situation looks damn bad there as well
We're playing hide and seek
We're hiding on the last shore
And there's no-one looking for us anymore, this is an empty, endless game
And only the wind whispers: 'Come out, come out wherever you are'
Uncle has kind of lost his mind, he sits in the shed, crying and laughing
Sometimes blaming Satan, and sometimes God, saying 'us sinners are being punished'
It's strangely quiet next door, they've had their blinds shut for a week now
Dad told us not to visit, he said: 'They've done what they've done, it's their business
It's their business'
We're playing hide and seek
We're hiding on the last shore
And there's no-one looking for us anymore, this is an empty, endless game
And only the wind whispers: 'Come out, come out wherever you are'
I'm only seven years old but I still understand something
When the TV isn't working and I heard the newscaster cry on the radio
They're talking about some kind of cloud that's on its way here
Little sister asked: 'How many days 'til Christmas?'
And I saw dad wiping his eyes, wiping his eyes
We're playing hide and seek
We're hiding on the last shore
And there's no-one looking for us anymore, this is an empty, endless game
And only the wind whispers: 'Come out, come out wherever you are'

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Sir Elwoodin hiljaiset värit

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