Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Sezer Sarıgöz - Çok Düşünüyorsun versuri traducere în engleză


You think too much

You think too much sometimes,
I said to myself.
I skipped all your wrongdoings,
But turn and look at yourself,
You think too much sometimes,
I said to myself.
I chose all your wrongdoings,
But turn and look at yourself.
My feelings have dulled over time
I watched them disappear one by one
I never knew where you were or with whom
I just wanted you to hear me
You blamed me for everything
No, you waited for my forgiveness
I guess it was never meant to be,
Yet I didn't lose my hope
Whether you exist or not, it's a different trouble.
While my pessimistic feelings weigh on me from one side,
I no longer believe in you.
Looking into the void in your eyes,
You brought winter into my summer.
Unfortunately, you never kept your word,
Fix it again if it happens.

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Sezer Sarıgöz

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