Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

SATOH - RAINBOW (Rainbow) versuri traducere în engleză



[Verse 1] Suddenly, a rainbow overhead
I try closing the windows
A screw loose, in my heart
I can feel the arteries, the pulse
Figgy drinks a Cherio*, GAMEBOY
I'm tingling, always, a little bit
Look, a stereo, make it shake more
[Instrumental break]
[Chorus] Suddenly, a rainbow overhead
I try closing the windows
A screw loose, in my heart
I can feel the arteries, the pulse
Figgy drinks a Cherio*, GAMEBOY
I'm tingling, always, a little bit
Look, a stereo, make it shake more
[Verse 2] It doesn't matter,
It doesn't matter,
It doesn't matter to you
It isn't some average shit
And you can't even get, get, get that
I remember you used to pretend
Like you know who we were
Isn't that what it is?
A problem that even an elementary schooler could solve
[Verse 3] Feeling like GTA, ye
I'm feeling it sometimes
Can't understand even if you look at Wikipedia
Life 2.0 is about to start
It's because of me,
It's because of you
We started this all
I have all my important belongings
Pockets packed,
At the back of Rinko Park*
[Bridge] Suddenly, a rainbow overhead
I try closing the windows
A screw loose, in my heart
[Chorus] Suddenly, a rainbow overhead
I try closing the windows
A screw loose, in my heart
I can feel the arteries, the pulse
Figgy drinks a Cherio*, GAMEBOY
I'm tingling, always, a little bit
Look, a stereo, make it shake more
[Instrumental break]

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: SATOH

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