Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Sad Legend - 한 (Han) versuri traducere în engleză



All-seeing clouds drifting in the ether
still they know the day han* welled up in us
They remember, to put out the pillagers' flames,
those who battled in the gordian fog of war
Showering their waters down on this sacred land
those clouds bellow and roar, a colloquy with me
All-hearing clouds drifting in the ether
they hearken on the sighs of spirits forlorn
A warm-hearted child in the forest abandoned
the poor child, answers never given, now a corpse
Showering their waters down on this sacred land
those clouds bellow and roar, a colloquy with me
The blood of those palace soldiers
seeps deep into the soil
on which sweet crimson blooms
crimson flowers of sadness
Our han* a web we can't untangle
A stain in those storm clouds drifting in the ether

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Sad Legend

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