Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Roni Duani - (דמ דמ) דמייני גן עדן ((Dam Dam) Damyeni) versuri traducere în engleză


(Im Im) Imagine Heaven

Time stopped
no words
the fears
again comes up
the demons are locked, i hide in my stomach
in the living room
what can be done
sadness comes in waves and i'm broken
Like a thousand tons of sun
a concrete wall of emotion
how can't you figure this out? You're a super mother
falling apart inside
sad, angry
but in front of life i perform on stage
Im im im im im im imagi imagine heaven
im im im im im im imagi imagine heaven
Like a wall
in front of everything
holding on
not falling
the fear of yesterday, not stopping to rest
How completely
what is this all
the fragments
sanity is in shreds, there isn't a safe place
Like a thousand tons of sun
a concrete wall of emotion
how can't you figure this out? You're a super mother
falling apart inside
sad, angry
but in front of life i perform on stage
Im im im im im im imagi imagine heaven
im im im im im im imagi imagine heaven
Im im im im im im imagi imagine heaven
im im im im im im imagi imagine heaven

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Roni Duani

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