Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Robi (Bulgaria) - Никъде (Nikude) versuri traducere în engleză



And I breathe through you
And I see through you
I feel the world for two
in one heart
I look into your eyes
I swim in your tears
Your breath is near,
there is nowhere to hide it
I got stuck in your heart
And for so many months now there is no going out
And I breathe through you
And I see through you
And I won't go nowhere without,
I won't go without you
And I won't go nowhere without,
I won't go without you
For the last time give me,
Give me, give me your eyes
I won't go nowhere without you
For the last time give me,
Give me, give me your tears
I won't go nowhere without you
Pregnant with thoughts and a thousand truths
remain suppressed, are we not wonderstruck,
immovable like poles
I want to search deep inside you if we are wanderers
I have no time anymore, do you hear
Do you hear, water tanks are leaking
A last drop dripped through tired hands and merged with the ocean, Again the guilt was now defeated
I am sorry for the great separation
And for heaven and hell and for that in between
Thirsty for you, that's all I have left
That's all I have left
I won't go nowhere without you, I won't go without you
I won't go nowhere without you, I won't go without you
For the last time give me,
Give me, give me your eyes
I won't go nowhere without you
For the last time give me,
Give me, give me your tears
I won't go nowhere without you
Why would you think I have forgotten you?
I stand in front and I shout your two names, carved deep into the palms
My arms got weak,
got bruised from the jostling
at that ice door
But I've made my mind a long time ago
Even if there is something else, I have chosen you and I will stay
And let the whole world point to me
And let me be a fool
And let me be a laughing stock
But I've made my mind a long time ago
Even if there is something else, I have chosen you and I will stay
And let the whole world point to me
And let me be a fool
And let me be a laughing stock
Be a laughing stock…
For the last time give me,
Give me, give me your eyes
I won't go nowhere without you
For the last time give me,
Give me, give me your tears
I won't go nowhere without you
And I breathe through you
And I see through you
I feel the world for two
in one heart

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Robi (Bulgaria)

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