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Roald Dahl's Matilda The Musical (OST) - Başkaldırışın Kokusu [The Smell Of Rebellion] versuri traducere în engleză


The Smell Of Rebellion

To teach, firstly you must break the child
This school started to stink augeanly
Be quiet while I'm speaking!
Disgusting, disturbing, filthy
A good nose picks up this whiff
Certainly, I smell it very well too
This is the odor of revolt, rebellion, dissent!
And the manageress of this school finds
The cracking sound in this situational occasion
Suppresses the pervasive stench
And who are the ringleaders?
I will take out the rebel
No one could go beyond my words
Come on, stinkpots!
There is no need for you, Jenny!

This is the smell of rebellion, mixed-up with sweat
You get sweat in phys-ed (physical education)
It won't take long, it will emerge
Those who cooperated
Before the weed gets randy
You have to crush its head, to get rid of it
Before a worm curls itself up
You have to clean it out from the ground
There's a revolt coming soon
The niff is dominant
This is the puberty-protest
Provocative challenging
A coup plotter.. an ambush
In the air, the reek of anarchy
Let the little demons learn first
Let them stay in the shit, (and) creep around
Let even more discipline
Suppress this putrefact
For the disobedient ones
Stubborn vagrants
They have to learn from history
Don't cackle / prattle
Don't be of those who talk unnecessary
What you need is (definitely)
And we do believe in discipline
That it is indispensable
We do resist persistently
To those anarchy games
Don't waste your time for nothing
I don't have mercy for the naughty one
They just only need
The fake ones, the moaners
Those who cop-out from each exercice
'I need a tissue'
'please' saying crybabies
After all, I'm the master
And my greatest weapon is
Discipline, discipline, discipline
Let it pass-by now
This smell of shit
Full of protests everywhere
Provocative challenging
A rebellion
Filthiness and immorality everywhere
There's the champion. Agatha Truncbull was amazing again!
A great athlete! A real champion!

How beautiful would the world have been without children?
Close your eyes and dream
Dream it, dream it..
A silent peace..
A peaceful place (to be)
Dream it, a hut in the forest
And who was there in the hut?
A parrot, its name is 'zeke'
Actually it's hard to say a bird
A colorful freak, it says

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Roald Dahl's Matilda The Musical (OST)

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