Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

REDALiCE - キズアト (Kizuato) versuri traducere în engleză



The golden strings that I'm entangled in are now
Digging into my skin, leaving a repulsive mark behind
Dozing off in a pain that won't reach,
That's the result of giving myself to my dreams...
Even my body, even my heart, they're all things that I own
So please, hey, be gentle to me, or I might break inside
Please forgive me, please forgive me, though I may be weak
As I collapse inside the darkness that covers me
Though I tried to match my hair and my eyes' colors,
Reflecting in the mirror was something else, something I'll never unite with
The lukewarm contract that flows by
Is now stealing all the colors from my world...
If my body, if my heart, they are all made from scratch,
I wonder if, hey, it would be okay to not cry as much
Please notice it, please notice it, I'm standing here right now
As I squirm inside the darkness that covers me
Even my body, even my heart, they're all things that I own
So please, hey, be gentle to me, or I might break inside
Please forgive me, please forgive me, though I may be weak
As I collapse inside the darkness that covers me

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: REDALiCE

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