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qisano - 574 (574) versuri traducere în engleză



I'm living in disquiet after turning down a competent beat.
Glorious trends. Im tired of analyzing them.
Brain, full of NO's
'Nothing' is a bad conversation, just a small exchange of words.
It consumes energy and irritates me.
I don't expect you to do more.
All you do now is talk.
You're just talking and talking, and you're too sceptical.
You're so paranoid...
Shut up.
Shut up and wait for me.
One-way, life is fun. Is that what you want?
I'm just saying, you're scared of live music. It's normal in other places.
Most of the time, I can't do what I'm ordered to do.
Cover for me. Stand right there.
The world you see through and the knowledge that doesn't loosen up
Live in the world, but you're afraid, you're afraid, you're afraid, you're afraid, you're afraid
Most of the time you can't do what you're ordered to do
Take cover, or just stand there
A transparent world with knowledge that does not loose.
I'm taking cover, I'm standing right here
A world rushing by with a view that never shifts
It's already become a taboo to say 'this' and 'that.
What do you really think?
I wish I could stop talking to myself.
'I want to be lectured by my doppelganger' is a lie.
I want to talk to you.
I don't know what I'm doing right now.
I don't know what I'm doing right now, but...
I'll just be quiet. I'll wait here.
It's a one-way street. I'm enjoying life. That's fine.
I'm wearing the wrong size shoes. They're painful.
I can't walk like I imagined.
I'm covering for you, I'm just standing right here
The world is rushing me with a view that won't change
I'm tired of talking about 'this' and 'that'
I wonder who it is that I want to meet...

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: qisano

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