Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Pam Rabbit - Společně sami versuri traducere în engleză


Together alone

You're looking into my eyes, I see fear inside you
You need to say something but you don't know how
Don't forget about promises you like to say
Baby, if you love, don't leave me standing here
Falling, falling
I feel that I can't keep up with you
One move
Is enough to stay alone
Oh my, oh my
Ah, ah, ah together alone
Ah, ah, ah together alone
One day we are ride or die when you say I'll be the murderer
I have no doubts, then why am I turning into dust?
Falling, falling
I feel that I can't keep up with you
One move
Is enough to stay alone
Ah, ah, ah together alone
Ah, ah, ah together alone
Ah, ah, ah together alone
Ah, ah, ah
There's no time left, left, left
There's no time left, left, left
I'm falling through with you babe, falling down
I don't have much, much, much
But I'll give you everything
Will you give me everything too?
Or is it too much?
Ah, ah, ah together alone
Ah, ah, ah together alone
Ah, ah, ah together alone
Ah, ah, ah together alone
Ah, ah, ah

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Pam Rabbit

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