Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Orbita Dupy - Środowa noc versuri traducere în engleză


Wednesday night

Wednesday night is the time of vodka
It's the time of vodka
Take 100 złotych with you, take less if you don't have so much
If you have more, you're wealthy
I enter the Laser Canteen
I walk up the counter
I stand by the crossroads
Vodka or a shit trail
Wednesday night is the time of vodka
It's the time of vodka
Take 100 złotych with you, take less if you don't have so much
If you have more, you're wealthy
In the Laser Canteen there's a ton of girls
At some point one of them will like me
I could pay, I'm not superstitious
But recently I'm out of cash
Wednesday night is the time of vodka
It's the time of vodka
Take 100 złotych with you, take less if you don't have so much
If you have more, you're wealthy
I've made a poor choice again
Unluckily I started from the trail
I went fucking nuts
I puked after hitting a bong
Wednesday night is the time of vodka
It's the time of vodka
Take 100 złotych with you, take less if you don't have so much
If you have more, you're wealthy

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Orbita Dupy

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