Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Omar Rudberg - Wille versuri traducere în engleză


Wille's Song

It has been us two
There is nothing I want to forget
But promise me, please swear
That those who can't understand
Won't make you hide
Who you really are deep inside
Do you remember when you said:
'All people are fake
Just cold metal and pretense
But not you'
Let your grief shine brightly
There is nothing to hide
Let them see you as you are
It was never us who were wrong
And we don't need to follow
Others' path and where they lead
And do you remember when you said:
'I should be allowed to be free'?
I hope someday you reach that point
And can be yourself
Because we were a revolution
If only for each other
It shouldn't be a revolution
To love someone else
But you were my revolution
Before everything fell apart
Fell apart, fell apart

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Omar Rudberg

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