Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Offlaga Disco Pax - Klapper versuri traducere în engleză



I was asleep.
My mother went out to work quickly
I was still in bed at one.
I remember that I got up, got dressed,
Grabbed my bag with yesterday's books
And left from my bedroom window
While mum entered the door.
Mum trusted me.
Once she went to the teachers' meeting
Because it was an intense political phase, assemblies, things like that
The agriculture professor was a big guy dressed in black
over fifty and over-conservative
He would terrify you just looking at him
We had renamed him, looking at his dress and style,
'Your son is an ugly person', he told her,
'he never studies, he never comes to school,
and when he comes he messes around,
disrupts, answers back, makes trouble. Tired.
School does nothing for your son.
Your son should serve in the military,
In a foreign legion.
But don't think I'm being unfair,
I gave the class four tests
And he was absent for every one.
There were three days before the exams, and I told him,
'Maybe a grammar school doesn't suit you,
But a D before graduation
Won't suit you either'.
And then I came to school on Monday,
56 Years old and almost retired,
To give your son a test,
Since he had skipped all four that term.
He got an A.
Then he told me,
'Prof, will you give me an eight on my report?
The average is eight, right?'
Your son, miss,
Has a face like an arse!
My mother turned to me and said:
'My boy, something here is not right'
'Mum, Kappler gave me an eight.'
Kappler retired
Three years after that maturity
He died in a few months.

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Offlaga Disco Pax

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