Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Nina Zilli - Schema Libero versuri traducere în engleză


Free Style

What use is this time
That never passes
So often you said you won't return
Anger and nostalgia would be easy
Tears and craziness would be useless
My thoughts lethargically chase each other
Around and around and find you
I'm on the ground but there's no danger
I do free style crosswords
But it's safe to say you won't see me
Crying and drowning in my troubles
Nothing is like when I had you
But it's you who has more to lose
I'm on the ground but there's no danger
I do free format crosswords
I'm on the ground but there's no danger
I do free style crosswords

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Nina Zilli

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