Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Nasha Tanie - Чур не я (Chur ne ya) versuri traducere în engleză


The Tag Not Me

I wish I could count,
How many kisses are on your lips
Every time again
To pour everything into an empty glass 1
Long live obsession (Long live obsession)
The tag, not me 2
And now, on the count of three, run
It's my turn to catch us up
And I'm hopping on the tram again
Off to seek (Ha-ha-ha)
And now, on the count of three, run
It's my turn to catch us up
And I'm hopping on the tram again
Off to seek (Mm)
I searched for you every day in my dreams
I can't count how many times I lost myself
My heart aches, but love is a game for me
You're my best thrill, my new obsession
You and I are just cards
Unveil where the truth lies
Your love is the prize for me
I'm sick of playing
Please stay now
And now, on the count of three, run
It's my turn to catch us up
And I'm hopping on the tram again
Off to seek (Ha-ha-ha)
And now, on the count of three, run
It's my turn to catch us up
And I'm hopping on the tram again
Off to seek
  • 1. Not exactly clear, she may want to say that every time this game has been played, it (the love) has been in vain
  • 2. Love is likened to a game of chase, and she doesn't want to be a tag (Chaser) here

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Nasha Tanie

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