Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Murathan Mungan - versuri traducere în engleză



See that? A storm's a brewing
See that? The waves are growing high again
See that? A storm's a brewing
See that? The waves are growing high again
After dozens of years, and dozens of roads
The children are singing again
After years and years
They're side by side again
Neither yesterday has passed yet, nor tomorrow come
Life rejuvenates us
Even if it flies by, our path lies along the (Anatolian) steppes
The streets lead to the sea...
See that? A storm's a brewing
See that? The waves are growing high again
See that? A storm's a brewing
See that? The waves are growing high again
Neither yesterday has passed yet, nor tomorrow come
Life rejuvenates us
Even if it flies by, our path lies along the (Anatolian) steppes
The streets lead to the sea...
Neither yesterday has passed yet, nor tomorrow come
Life rejuvenates us
Even if it flies by, our path lies along the (Anatolian) steppes
The streets lead to the sea...
Neither yesterday has passed yet, nor tomorrow come
Life rejuvenates us
Even if it flies by, our path lies along the (Anatolian) steppes
The streets lead to the sea...


Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Murathan Mungan

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