Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Moshe Peretz - את מקום ראשון (At Makom Rishon) versuri traducere în engleză


You're First Place

We swore that together we'll win
my word that i'll bring the moon down for you
that when you're here next to me i start to breathe
oy oy oy....
Stop the world when you laugh
within all the mess you're my peace and quiet
i need your embrace in every place
because you're my blood, you're mine, mami you're my heart
dream the day away with you and sing to you at night
You're first place, there isn't any logic here, like sunshine of morning, a light within a dream
like this for me you're first place, a party of happiness, light up my day
my beauty, we're past all, even if we'll fall together it's ok
need your smile every place
oy oy oy....
Even if the audience is missing me you're the best for me i know
because you're the most beautiful song in every place
because you're my blood, you're mine, mami you're my heart
dream the day away with you and sing to you at night
My life i love you, kisses wait for you

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Moshe Peretz

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