Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Mongol Shuudan - Махно (Makhno) versuri traducere în engleză



Foot in the stirrup - one! Risen saber - two!
Aim for the face - three! Just shoot!
And then wave the golden saber
Just axe and there, you'll be a hero!
Do not pity the enemy, he is not dear to you,
Just shoot, and you'll be a hero!
And Makhno sells himself to Lenin
And goes to make the bed for him
And Makhno sells himself, and I'm not happy about it
I put four bullets in him!
Dumb-bullet-tactic*, no remorse, a long, long beard,
The wide lampassen**, brother, watch your head,
Yeah, yeah yeah yeah, the black flag!
Before you we, the Redlets, cut up the pirozhki***
Mom, put the gunpowder in the grenades,
At war in the morning shall march the soldier!
And Makhno sells himself to Lenin
And goes to make the bed for him
And Makhno sells himself, and I'm not happy about it
I put four bullets in him!
I told Marusya****:
'I am fierce! You, dude, take it!' Well, now she's mine!
I do not know, who has lit the flame,
Yeah, yeah yeah yeah, the black flag!
And Makhno sells himself to Lenin
And goes to make the bed for him
And Makhno sells himself, and I'm not happy about it
I put four bullets in him!
I put four bullets in him!
I put four bullets in him!

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Mongol Shuudan

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